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the olympics

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why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought
As it's quite a lot cheaper for us here in northern England to fly to Paris than to take the train to London, I'm not bothered at all if London loses out. And as you say, Tony, most of us will watch it on TV anyway!
Quote by tonysb09
why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought

Come on now thats a bit to simple for our government lol I would love to know how much this bid has cost us. Why was David Beckham making speeches? We don't even have an Olympic football team mad
fact is the revenue that will be generated now that we have won the tourism, and such like will outbid the cost of the games two fold. also we as a country will be left with excellant sporting facilities for the young people of tomorrow. And not least we have stuck two fingers up to Jacques Chirac !!
For gods sake lets congratulate ourselves.....its not often we win.
Quote by seagull69
why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought

Come on now thats a bit to simple for our government lol I would love to know how much this bid has cost us. Why was David Beckham making speeches? We don't even have an Olympic football team mad
We don't have an Olympic football team because of the FA - they won't allow a British side to form and want to maintain the independent national sides. In the Commonwealth games each national side can field a team but the Olympic rules are different.
I think the games coming to London will benefit the whole country and am so delighted. It will bring high quality sporting facilities to be built in many cities other than London (for training before hand and for foreign training camps just pre-games) which can only enhance our nation's health and wellbeing.
One day Warsmay thought on the sprint track now wouldn't that be a simple solution,in the mean time lets just slag off the Olympics and say "what a big waste of money it is".
Quote by
One day Wars may thought on the sprint track now wouldn't that be a simple solution,in the mean time lets just slag off the Olympics and say "what a big waste of money it is".

Huh? confused

Think about it...given the choice fight with a gun or race in a pair sprinting shoes?
But then again we know what you'd prefer also known as Mr Angry!
don't worry.... i'll take on mr angry regarding this.......
Quote by
why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought

Be careful Tonysb09, you might just be a bit too radical for some SH members...

Sorry to let the facts interfere with a good old whinge but here's the real deal:
"The first billion of the funding package will be met from up to £1.5 billion from the lottery and up to £550 million from London Council Tax (this equates to a £20 a year increase on Band D council tax which would start in 2006/7). Beyond billion provision has been made for a further contribution of £75 million from London Council Tax and then £250 million from the London Development Agency." --Dept of Culture and Sport website.
the you have it..... most of it is coming from the lottery.. if you don't like it don't play it!!!
also is only going to cost an extra 20 pounds a year on a average band D house.. and what is 20 pounds really... a night out??? 2 music CD's????
not really that much...
sean xxxxxxx
well aint that nice ....oooh my daughters children will be able to go running in a fantastic stadium in London....well i'd rather the money be spent on living in a safe enviroment, where my kids get good health, medical treatment and dental treatment, where its safe to walk the streets and 1000's of people are not living below the poverty line...our legacy to the coming generations should be that ..not a fecking track n field stadium....
Quote by tonysb09
well aint that nice ....oooh my daughters children will be able to go running in a fantastic stadium in London....well i'd rather the money be spent on living in a safe enviroment, where my kids get good health, medical treatment and dental treatment, where its safe to walk the streets and 1000's of people are not living below the poverty line...our legacy to the coming generations should be that ..not a fecking track n field stadium....

But Billions already go into that.......are you saying we shouldn't encourage sports then!
as a country we already put millions into sports, arts and other past times and pursuits !! and yes i agree we also put billions into the services such as police, nhs, dentists, medical research etc....
is it enough ?? and would you rather your children be healthy and safe ? or have a nice football field for them to play on ??
i know which i would rather have and plenty of others what legacy do you want for your kids....
Quote by tonysb09
well aint that nice ....oooh my daughters children will be able to go running in a fantastic stadium in London....well i'd rather the money be spent on living in a safe enviroment, where my kids get good health, medical treatment and dental treatment, where its safe to walk the streets and 1000's of people are not living below the poverty line...our legacy to the coming generations should be that ..not a fecking track n field stadium....

okay... so if we hadn't had the bid, let me ask you this.. are you prepared to pay more tax to see good health service, dental treatment (which is more to do with dentists going private) and more police???
the bid had nothing to do with 1,000 living below the poverty line... since when did that come out of lottery finances or council tax???
if you want to pay more tax to help benefit the 1000's below the poverty line then i would agree with you...
this is going to help the entire country... how many hundreds of thousands of people are going to come into many venues outside of london for the sailing.... cardiff, manchester, liverpool, birmingham, belfast and glasgow for the football, how many thousands of fans are going to go in for the day...within 2 hrs of london you have york, bristol, birmingham, southampton, ect...
how many 1000's of jobs are going to be created... and not of all of them are going to be able to be filled by people in the south east alone
i hope you used exactly the same arguement when manchester hosted the commonwealth games... or were you against that as well????? because i seem to remember that went well and left a sporting legacy in the north west....
sean xxxxxxxxx
I would rather my kids were healthy and safe and a nice football pitch to play on...who says we can't have all that.....too many kids wander the streets because they have nothing to do......look I'm no big fan of London and i live there....but are you sure this isn't sour grapes because London got the Olympics...if this was Manchester ,Birmingham or Liverpool would they get all this stick about it!!
As Fabio has said....Most of the money is coming from the Lottery...if you want to make a stand don't buy a ticket anymore!
as far as im concerned geography has nothing to do with it...if it was in Manchester or Birmingham i would still object.....
And as far as "its lottery money" so fecking wot.....that does not mean that it cant be used to help fund hospitals or research etc..
AND YES i would pay more taxes for better schools, hospitals, dentists, police & fire services etc....
wot i object to is the fact billions are spent on so called sporting events be it the olympics or the commenwealth games and all the countries ills are solved and we leave a fantastic legacy of sporting venues for our grandchildren.....
well im sorry i dont agree with you and its makes no difference where the money comes cud come from outer space for all i care, there is still better things to spend it on..much better things
The quality of life is not only based on welfare provision. If it were then why spend anything on anything else ever.
Sport (and arts for that matter) are an essential part of our being. There is nothing wrong with creating a legacy of fulfilling aspirations and dreams.
My understanding of the financial aspects are that the cost of the bid will now be covered by income generated as a result of the event so I can' t see the problem. The increase in council tax (which will still never bring it anywhere close to my £1400 band D in Scotland lol ) will be paid by those who stand to benefit most interms of improved facilities.
On a personal level the entrapuer in me just immediately started thinking "Now how am I going to make money out of this and have great time doing it." And I beleive that other entrapeneurs will all be thinking the same thing - as a result we get more economic growth, scientific development, social awareness. The knock on effects are huge and far reaching.
Okay I'm not saying that hosting the Olympics is going to improve your dental care - but I really do think there will be more +'s than -'s.
Quote by tonysb09
as far as im concerned geography has nothing to do with it...if it was in Manchester or Birmingham i would still object.....
And as far as "its lottery money" so fecking wot.....that does not mean that it cant be used to help fund hospitals or research etc..
AND YES i would pay more taxes for better schools, hospitals, dentists, police & fire services etc....
wot i object to is the fact billions are spent on so called sporting events be it the olympics or the commenwealth games and all the countries ills are solved and we leave a fantastic legacy of sporting venues for our grandchildren.....
well im sorry i dont agree with you and its makes no difference where the money comes cud come from outer space for all i care, there is still better things to spend it on..much better things

What could be better than encouraging children to get involved in recreational activities like sports then!....
we'll have to agree to disagree, otherwise this could go on longer than the olympic bid final thoughts ... yes i do encourage my daughter to do sports but if there was an accident whilst doing so, i'd like to know there was the facilities available to help with that and recovery.....not as some cases recently highlighted that people have waited days for scanners, x-rays..months for operations and medicines and years in some cases for other treatments....
Quote by tonysb09
we'll have to agree to disagree, otherwise this could go on longer than the olympic bid final thoughts ... yes i do encourage my daughter to do sports but if there was an accident whilst doing so, i'd like to know there was the facilities available to help with that and recovery.....not as some cases recently highlighted that people have waited days for scanners, x-rays..months for operations and medicines and years in some cases for other treatments....

All I have to say to you is:
banghead :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Oh... and that's a personal comment by the way. What a narrow tunnel vision you have. Go read about healthy living, sport being the gateway for increased physical health..
actually I don't want to say any more cos you've just annoyed me so much.
mad :x
If you don't understand the way that money is raised and spent in the UK then please don't comment on the spending of it. Use you vote next time instead!
see... told you I'd rant.
rolleyes :roll:
Quote by Jags
we'll have to agree to disagree, otherwise this could go on longer than the olympic bid final thoughts ... yes i do encourage my daughter to do sports but if there was an accident whilst doing so, i'd like to know there was the facilities available to help with that and recovery.....not as some cases recently highlighted that people have waited days for scanners, x-rays..months for operations and medicines and years in some cases for other treatments....

All I have to say to you is:
banghead :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Oh... and that's a personal comment by the way. What a narrow tunnel vision you have. Go read about healthy living, sport being the gateway for increased physical health..
actually I don't want to say any more cos you've just annoyed me so much.
mad :x
If you don't understand the way that money is raised and spent in the UK then please don't comment on the spending of it. Use you vote next time instead!
see... told you I'd rant.
rolleyes :roll:
Lottery funding does not go into health care. I simply cannot see how hosting the Olymipcs will have a negative effect on future health care needs for your children.
Quote by tonysb09
i know which i would rather have and plenty of others what legacy do you want for your kids....

i wrote this earlier... but may be worth repeating...
I have just spoken to my mum, sister and a lot of my old friends who live 2 miles away from stratford and they are are absolutly chuffed to bits..... i had to have a little cry myself, because i know what it will mean and do to that part of the city.. i was brought up there when i left america for here,
the 30 kids they took over to singapore with them were from langdon school which is 2 minutes from where i use to live... i will mean so much for the regeneration of that part of london.. it will leave lots of housing after the olympic village has gone... a lot of the facilities would have been built anyway.. the veladrome,the aquatics centre and the hockey centre.... the olympic stadium afterward will become a 30,000 track and field facility, which london desperatly needs (crystal palace was actually due to be torn down 2 years ago!)
you are right... we are never going to agree on this one, but like we have said since it is coming out of the olympic can make your protest by not buying a ticket
here is to a good old proper east end knees up in 2012...... smile :) :) :)
I was at a race last night where one of our big wig athletics people was telling me how he needed much higher standard events to really get himself going.
When I pointed out that here were a good few hundred people keeping themselves in great nick pounding the streets. whilst the majority, i.e any number above 50% of people in this country are struggling with health problems, he agreed that what we really need in this country is a drive towards healthy fit living.
The Olympics will at least provide role models for our youth to aspire to, in the best case scenario we will save more money in the next 50 years on health problems than we spend on the olympics, and if they are healthier, people are happier. smile
I'm a half full glass man and a dreamer, but I really believe that from 12:47 today there are a lot of kids (and adults who should know better) up and down this land thinking about doing more sport.
The dream of an olympic appearance in your own country is a big spur.
What I thought really swung those last few African votes, away from the french who should have expected them, was Sir Bob's amazing efforts last weekend.
Interesting that the videos of what was actually happening first thing this morning in Scotland didn't really hit the wires until after 1:00
Can't imagine Blair having anything to do with either of those coincidences biggrin
London 2012
I'll be there every single day
Most of the on the ground work is done by volunteers who then get free tickets for lots of events, tho probably not stadium tickets for the evening of the mens 100m final! :cry:
offer your services
your country needs you lol
Quote by seagull69
why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought

Come on now thats a bit to simple for our government lol I would love to know how much this bid has cost us. Why was David Beckham making speeches? We don't even have an Olympic football team mad
The FA will be looking into getting a GB Team up for both the men's and women's football now that the Olympics are coming here!
How's this for irony:
My main reason for not wanting the Olympics here is the increased risk of terrorism, but I have been assured that I am particularly well protected in the building where I work.
Imagine then my sense of resignation when a few minutes after toady's announcement, a window in the supposedly bomb-proof building was cracked by the shock wave of the celebratory fly-past by the Red Arrows. confused
Oops Ice, maybe you need to find a new job?
I thought the Red Arrows had disbanded (or whatever air acrobatic teams do)?
Quote by Ice Pie
How's this for irony:
My main reason for not wanting the Olympics here is the increased risk of terrorism, but I have been assured that I am particularly well protected in the building where I work.
Imagine then my sense of resignation when a few minutes after toady's announcement, a window in the supposedly bomb-proof building was cracked by the shock wave of the celebratory fly-past by the Red Arrows. confused

You saw the Red Arrows!! :sad:
Quote by da69ve
How's this for irony:
My main reason for not wanting the Olympics here is the increased risk of terrorism, but I have been assured that I am particularly well protected in the building where I work.
Imagine then my sense of resignation when a few minutes after toady's announcement, a window in the supposedly bomb-proof building was cracked by the shock wave of the celebratory fly-past by the Red Arrows. confused

You saw the Red Arrows!! :sad:
I don't know if they were actual Red Arrows, but they were fast and loud and right outside my window with red, white and blue smoke trails. Bastards! I wasn't expecting it and jumped out of my chair wondering wtf was going on. I was just in the middle of texting Jags to whinge about London winning the bid. They knew, the bastards. They did it to annoy me. mad
Quote by Ice Pie
How's this for irony:
My main reason for not wanting the Olympics here is the increased risk of terrorism, but I have been assured that I am particularly well protected in the building where I work.
Imagine then my sense of resignation when a few minutes after toady's announcement, a window in the supposedly bomb-proof building was cracked by the shock wave of the celebratory fly-past by the Red Arrows. confused

You saw the Red Arrows!! :sad:
I don't know if they were actual Red Arrows, but they were fast and loud and right outside my window with red, white and blue smoke trails. Bastards! I wasn't expecting it and jumped out of my chair wondering wtf was going on. I was just in the middle of texting Jags to whinge about London winning the bid. They knew, the bastards. They did it to annoy me. mad
They were under orders by Jags to do it!
Quote by Ice Pie
How's this for irony:
My main reason for not wanting the Olympics here is the increased risk of terrorism, but I have been assured that I am particularly well protected in the building where I work.
Imagine then my sense of resignation when a few minutes after toady's announcement, a window in the supposedly bomb-proof building was cracked by the shock wave of the celebratory fly-past by the Red Arrows. confused

You saw the Red Arrows!! :sad:
I don't know if they were actual Red Arrows, but they were fast and loud and right outside my window with red, white and blue smoke trails. Bastards! I wasn't expecting it and jumped out of my chair wondering wtf was going on. I was just in the middle of texting Jags to whinge about London winning the bid. They knew, the bastards. They did it to annoy me. mad
It was my laugh-out-loud moment of the month so far! Ice's text to me was so indignant and FULL of words my mother told me NEVER to use. :shock:
rotflmao :rotflmao:
What a great result
- stick one to Chirac and his Xenophobic comments
...and Stevie Gerrard's staying at liverpool
what a great day!