why dont we do somthing unusual..instead of trying to win the olympic bid and spend millions on this sporting event, let someone else have it, we all watch it on TV like every other year and we spend millions on the NHS, police, schools and poverty within the UK....just a thought
As it's quite a lot cheaper for us here in northern England to fly to Paris than to take the train to London, I'm not bothered at all if London loses out. And as you say, Tony, most of us will watch it on TV anyway!
fact is the revenue that will be generated now that we have won the games....in tourism, and such like will outbid the cost of the games two fold. also we as a country will be left with excellant sporting facilities for the young people of tomorrow. And not least we have stuck two fingers up to Jacques Chirac !!
For gods sake lets congratulate ourselves.....its not often we win.
One day Warsmay thought on the sprint track now wouldn't that be a simple solution,in the mean time lets just slag off the Olympics and say "what a big waste of money it is".
well aint that nice ....oooh my daughters children will be able to go running in a fantastic stadium in London....well i'd rather the money be spent on living in a safe enviroment, where my kids get good health, medical treatment and dental treatment, where its safe to walk the streets and 1000's of people are not living below the poverty line...our legacy to the coming generations should be that ..not a fecking track n field stadium....
as a country we already put millions into sports, arts and other past times and pursuits !! and yes i agree we also put billions into the services such as police, nhs, dentists, medical research etc....
is it enough ?? and would you rather your children be healthy and safe ? or have a nice football field for them to play on ??
i know which i would rather have and plenty of others too..so what legacy do you want for your kids....
I would rather my kids were healthy and safe and a nice football pitch to play on...who says we can't have all that.....too many kids wander the streets because they have nothing to do......look I'm no big fan of London and i live there....but are you sure this isn't sour grapes because London got the Olympics...if this was Manchester ,Birmingham or Liverpool would they get all this stick about it!!
As Fabio has said....Most of the money is coming from the Lottery...if you want to make a stand don't buy a ticket anymore!
as far as im concerned geography has nothing to do with it...if it was in Manchester or Birmingham i would still object.....
And as far as "its lottery money" so fecking wot.....that does not mean that it cant be used to help fund hospitals or research etc..
AND YES i would pay more taxes for better schools, hospitals, dentists, police & fire services etc....
wot i object to is the fact billions are spent on so called sporting events be it the olympics or the commenwealth games and all the countries ills are solved and we leave a fantastic legacy of sporting venues for our grandchildren.....
well im sorry i dont agree with you and its makes no difference where the money comes from....it cud come from outer space for all i care, there is still better things to spend it on..much better things
we'll have to agree to disagree, otherwise this could go on longer than the olympic bid itself.....my final thoughts ... yes i do encourage my daughter to do sports but if there was an accident whilst doing so, i'd like to know there was the facilities available to help with that and recovery.....not as some cases recently highlighted that people have waited days for scanners, x-rays..months for operations and medicines and years in some cases for other treatments....
Lottery funding does not go into health care. I simply cannot see how hosting the Olymipcs will have a negative effect on future health care needs for your children.
Oops Ice, maybe you need to find a new job?
I thought the Red Arrows had disbanded (or whatever air acrobatic teams do)?
What a great result
- stick one to Chirac and his Xenophobic comments
...and Stevie Gerrard's staying at liverpool
what a great day!