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The perfect ad response

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14 replies
1 watcher
Because some of us guys are apparently so bad, here's something that may help; a standard response form us guys can use to create a better-than-awful reply with no effort required whatsoever. So don't spend minutes trying to find the perfect way to express your feelings - just use this form, put an X in the relevent boxes, and you're away!
Hi _________!
(recipient's name here)
saw your advert
saw your website
saw you in the forum
saw you in the chatroom
heard about you from a mate
wanked over your pictures
(choose one answer)
You are
without a doubt
(choose one answer)
the most beautiful woman I have ever seen
one of the most gorgeously sexy creatures on God's green Earth
a mysterious and enticing lady
much sexier than my last girlfriend
a funny and amusing girl
pretty enough to pose in Playboy
really hot
endowed with a fine pair of tits
a sexy slut
a horny bitch in need of a good hammering
pining for my massive dick
desparate for a real man to pleasure you
a likely prospect
a woman
(choose one or more answers)
and I would really like to
get to know you a little better
chat and see if we get on
see some more of your pics
have webcam fun with you
have phone sex with you
see you naked
kiss you until your toes curl
take you to an expensive hotel for a gourmet meal and a night of making explosive love between warm silk sheets
take you out for a friendly, no-pressure drink
travel across the country for an afternoon of passion with you
pay for your rail ticket to bring you across the country for an afternoon of passion with me
take you to our local Travel Lodge for an hour of good hard screwing
take you round the back of the cinema for a quick fumble
have sex with you
let you teach me exactly how to please a woman
make you my dinner
let you suck my dick in the back of my car
slam my dick up your bum really hard, the way I know you bitches like it
(choose one or more answers)
you sound like a fun and interesting person
you make me laugh
your eyes have enchanted me, and only your lips can free me from your spell
we could make beautiful music together
you look so sexy I could faint
I bet you're a demon between the sheets
I can make you cum really hard
I want to suck your tits
I want to eat your pussy
my dick needs sucking
I want to fuck you
I feel sorry for you, because a minger like you couldn't pull under normal circumstances
I'm a virgin and I need a woman like you to teach me about sex
my dick is hard
my wife's a dud
(choose one or more answers)
I think you should choose me over all the other men mailing you because
we get on well in the forum/chatroom
I will love and worship you for ever we are together
I have a good sense of humour
I have lots of money
I'm artistic and talented, and can compose poetry in your honour
I'm gentle and tender and very affectionate
I'm big and hairy... everywhere
I'm tall dark & handsome
I'm really hot
I can give you a really good massage
I'm very clean, and shower regularly
my dick is 9 inches
my dick is hard
my cum tastes really yummy
it'll be the best 5 minutes of your life
I can keep going for hours
I can do it 7 times a night
I work out regularly
I have my own place
I have my own car
I have enough money to book a hotel room
I'm within 100 miles of you
I've attached some nice pictures of my cock
I have a penis
I'm desparate
(choose one or more answers)
and if you refuse me I will
take in on the chin and thank you for your time
slink away quietly
send you the same message in three week's time, just in case you change your mind
write an angry reply calling you a tease and an ugly bitch
(choose one answer)
If you're interested, then just
add me to your MSN
reply by email
phone me on (_____) ___ ___
(choose one answer)
Thanks for reading my message. Goodbye for now, but I hope to hear from you soon!
(your name here)
Sex God
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Top work it.
Brilliant I hope someone uses that one me!!!
wink :wink:
Fantastic ! I was in a pretty shite mood / hungover till I read that.
Sex God
This is so perfect it really deserves a thread of it's own... so I'm giving it one!
Thanks for the best laugh I've had all week, Roger.
I think I've heard almost all of them... but I'm sure now you've created this it's only a matter of time before I get ALL of them in one go.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Laugh - I nearly yakked...superbly funny. Maybe I will employ you to write my next ad...?
Fantastic - you could have hours of fun with that !
{chuckling to self}
And Roger... with a little judicious editing it can be saved as a Word Template... the possibilities for fun are endless.... it is also good for the times you just think of what to say!!!
excellent piece of Work Roger... keep it up
Master of Sex
The odd thing is, from letters that I've seen, most HNG's (Horny Net Geeks) have just the one letter which they copy 'n' paste to whoever takes their fancy!
Quote by Mark
Another bowel shatteringly funny post for me to steal and put up as a permanent page somewhere (if roger743_27m_wmids doesn't mind? - full credit will be yours of course).

No problem; I nicked the basic idea in the first place anyway. :shock:
As someone else once said, it's best to maintain the quality of your output by nicking only the very best material.
Now Roger, you're not being entirely honest here, are you. An analysis of my replies over 3 months indicates that this template is already in popular use. You have merely plagiarised it. Now own up!
Actually jezzay, all those replies were written by me. :shock:
Thats the best laugh I've had this month Roger rotflmao
Have you been reading :small-print: the replies I got from my ad lol wink
Lucy kiss
Warming the Bed
Quote by corrie
Brilliant I hope someone uses that one me!!!
wink :wink:

Damn, soooo tempting... ;)