The power of a simple smile.......
The ability to show friendship with others...
The pure love of life smile....
The secret smile that comes from thoughts within...
The smile that says i like you...
How we smile and whom we smile at can have powerful and longlasting results...
It takes more effort to frown.... so a bright smile upon your face during the day will have far more effect on those around you than looking miserable...
How much attraction/effect does a persons' smile have upon you???????
And why ?????
equi-princess xxx
(eternally smiling)
I agree with polly that the best smiles in the world are the happy smiles of (our or other) children.
Childhood is a very precious thing and seeing a child happy and smiling makes me beam too.
aww tell u what, i know its not really a smile but i have a 4 year old and whenever she comes over and hugs me and says 'i love u mummy' i could cry, makes all the paddys worth while lol
I read once that..... the eyes are the windows to the soul...... and the smile is the key...
I find many things make me smile.... texts from friends... events happening in my life... stupid crap jokes told by colleagues...anything really....
I'd like people to remember my smile... even when i'm gone.....
equi-princess xxx
I always make a point of smiling at people I pass, but very few ever smile back. (Just call me 'Mr Shrek'.)