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The Practicality of Anal Sex

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Warming the Bed
Is it just me or the world has become more broadminded of anal sex within the heterosexual community. My only problem about fully accepting anal sex as the norm is that I can’t help thinking what couples do about the one big question – the stinking shit.
Porno with anal sex is fantastic to watch (makes you want to try it too) but these are professional ‘enema job’ that it’s good enough for them to do an ATM (ass to mouth). So if a couple is planning to try out anal sex, do you get the enema done first (how much does it cost?) or is there a home kit (an anal douche) that is equally effective.
A male colleague did tell me anal sex could be better simply because it’s a ‘tighter fuck’…obviously for a man. I also remember reading about a guide to anal sex on the internet and basically the web mistress advised that if you don’t do shit (shit shy), anal sex is not for you. Still I can’t help but wonder about gay sex as in gay man picking up another gay man in a raunchy gay bar where I’m left to assume that these horny studs aren’t necessarily put off by the shit question or are they?
Oh I forgot that they are straight men who like to get their ass fucked with a strap on dildo from their partner. So straight men might need anema job too?
Well its fairly obvious that if you rake around in dirt bag, some spuds might fall out.
Preparation and practise leads to a pleasant experience.
my word how do you possabily reply to such a add without getting totally gross dunno well you can't can you so here goes
Shit does not sit in you anal passange unless you need to go, and then you can feel it, so as a rule so long as you do not feel you need to go you should not get any shit whlle doing anal.
I myself have done anal many many times redface and have never had this problem at all, i have also used toys on guys bums and they have always come out clean.
Dare say some other people have other stories but i have to say it is not a problem i have ever come up against :thumbup:
Warming the Bed
correct about anal canal only being used when passing faeces, however anal canal is only approx 3cm long so your well into the decending colon-even if your less than average build!!
Home douche kits are available and cost around from health stores or complementary therapy centres, where you can also gain information on what liquid mixtures to use for cleansing purposes.
Oh forgot to mention; I had heard on a program once that anal sex was the biggest form of contraception between teenagers and adults in 1950's texas! so obviously it's nothing new amongst the heterosexual population, maybe like a lot of other subjects it's just talked about more now.
There's no reason why this should be a grubby experience. :shock: :shock: :shock:
It's just a matter of personal hygiene and doesn't need much brain power to work out how this can be achieved.
Google, as usual, is your friend if you're after information. Lots of equipment suppliers out there if you take the trouble to look.
Quote by duncanlondon
Well its fairly obvious that if you rake around in dirt bag, some spuds might fall out.
Preparation and practise leads to a pleasant experience.

rotflmao :laughabove: :rotflmao:
.....or if yr really unlucky a Jerusalem artichoke :eeek:
Quote by Silk and Big G
That NEARLY put me off me chips !

..but do you have them with red sauce, brown or gravy?! :giggle:
Quote by alspals
That NEARLY put me off me chips !

..but do you have them with red sauce, brown or gravy?! :giggle:
Anything but the brown I would have thought.
Salt and vinegar of course ! You heathens !!
this thread is shit!!!!!!!
sorry...couldnt resist that....
on a more sensible note...i agree with ES...ive never experienced anything like human waste on my bits after anal sex....i also agree that it isnt as frowned upon in modern times but personal preference is the big issue here me thinks....
of course (please feel free to correct me here) it is illegal still.......and still going by the victorian name of "buggery" as mentioned unless new laws have been enacted recently,,,
Quote by northwest-cpl
That NEARLY put me off me chips !

..but do you have them with red sauce, brown or gravy?! :giggle:
Anything but the brown I would have thought.
whoops, just seen how my post reads back ...yuk :doh:
..was going off thread and referring to those wonderfully swinging related forum topics:
I'll get me coat..sorry redface
I thought Buggery was a character in a Dickens novel ! :shock:
What a load of crap :shock: sorry lol
dargento wrote:
of course (please feel free to correct me here) it is illegal still.......and still going by the victorian name of "buggery" as mentioned unless new laws have been enacted recently,,,

I always though buggery was legal once you hit the age of 21??
Me and my hubby tryed it once but it hurt to bloody much sad sooo not for me i'm afraid :lol:
But just to add, all was clean and no spuds did fall out :lol:
Sex God
Just remember, If you fart and it "touches the cloth" then you need a dump before taking it up yer jacksie ! :grin:
Sex God
wonder if i'll get away with saying H posted the above :smug:
This is such a crappy thread, I really can't be arsed with it any longer. :shock: :shock:
yes ...if you need to lay a turtles head....lay a pound of dogs eggs...touching cloth.....obviously take care of it first and wash thoroughly.......
Warming the Bed
lets face it. as long asy ou are comfortable t then abit of poo shouldn't really worry.......
always get rid of the johnny asap tho you don't want that on your bedside table in the morning. :eeek:
all that said its over rated ok its tight but u need to be so so careful it kinda takes the fun out of it!
One of those great on paper disapointing in practise jobs!
don't pull in curryhouses :thumbup:
anyway, you should be well experienced at getting buttfucked

you're their wife now!
Quote by lusty_modesty
Is it just me or the world has become more broadminded of anal sex within the heterosexual community. My only problem about fully accepting anal sex as the norm is that I can’t help thinking what couples do about the one big question – the stinking shit.

I had not realised the world was not broadminded earlier on biggrin As for the stinking bits, well these are retained behind the internal sphincter so no worries there as two members have already pointed out.
Quote by lusty_modesty
Porno with anal sex is fantastic to watch (makes you want to try it too) but these are professional ‘enema job’ that it’s good enough for them to do an ATM (ass to mouth). So if a couple is planning to try out anal sex, do you get the enema done first (how much does it cost?) or is there a home kit (an anal douche) that is equally effective.

Not sure what they do in porn films but ATM is not something that any doctor would recommend for the simple reason that washing does not remove bacteria. However, if you wanted to make a home enema kit, you need to get a hot water bottle, a length of semi flexible plastic tubing, an enema nozzle and some good glue.
You use a tiny drill to make a hole on water bottle stopper. Thread tube through hole and seal with glue. Let dry completely, inspect and if necessary add more glue. Run hot water and soap to clean inside of bottle and tube, rinse and let dry. When ready to use stick cleaned enema nozzle at edge of tube, fill hot water bottle with warm water, put lid back on. Hang device from shower rail or other high point using a metal hanger that you have unthreaded and reshaped into an S shape (you get these with your dry cleaning). Insert nozzle down there and enjoy the filling... sorry, feeling! When finished, wash everything carefully in warm soapy water and immerse nozzle in sterilising formula for half an hour, dry and store safe for next time.
Difference between an enema bag and an anal douche has to do with the flow of water - first is slow, second is a bit faster and needs refilling often.
In any case, if one is regular, one need not worry about getting dirty through penetration. Hope all that we have said alleviates your fears and entices you to try the forbidden fruit. smile
The 1st Rule of Anal sex,..........Is you don't talk about Anal sex!
And the second, and ermmmm third :P
4th is take tania's advice above ................and 5th, for god's sake have a wash or clean, before going back for second's, or change the johnny before heading back into more comfy orifices!........tend's to lead to bad nasty things if you don't :P
just enjoy :twisted:
Bugger all that!!!........ I just go for it and if Mr Pinky comes out with a tan then so be it... had some unfortunate 'accidents' in hotel rooms in the past though ... hehehe
Warming the Bed
Quote by Wishmaster
Bugger all that!!!........ I just go for it and if Mr Pinky comes out with a tan then so be it... had some unfortunate 'accidents' in hotel rooms in the past though ... hehehe

LOL! I appreciate your brash honesty.
Warming the Bed
Quote by eddythefish
all that said its over rated ok its tight but u need to be so so careful it kinda takes the fun out of it! One of those great on paper disapointing in practise jobs!

Interesting point.
Presuming you're a man, wouldn't it be easier to ass fuck an anal pro/loving woman? I guess swinging gives an anal loving man to do it on anal loving woman if his partner doesn't do back door.
Anal is definitely not every woman's preference. For me if the lady likes it, then yes I'm more than happy to wade in the abyss cool
Quote by Tania
Not sure what they do in porn films but ATM is not something that any doctor would recommend for the simple reason that washing does not remove bacteria. However, if you wanted to make a home enema kit, you need to get a hot water bottle, a length of semi flexible plastic tubing, an enema nozzle and some good glue.

What like this?

I've always wondered about this issue too wish is the main reason I have put off trying this properly for ages. I can't think of anything more turn-offable than this, especially as I have have the cleanest man in Britain...
Quote by JudyTV
of course (please feel free to correct me here) it is illegal still.......and still going by the victorian name of "buggery" as mentioned unless new laws have been enacted recently,,,

Anal sex is not illegal unless the recipient is a) under 16 b) says ouch (well, 'no' actually) and then it most definitely is - it then becomes (man per anus or vagina, woman when aiding and abetting man to do so)
So, in the pricay of your bed, pucker up and penetrate!
Sex God
Quote by drury2005
of course (please feel free to correct me here) it is illegal still.......and still going by the victorian name of "buggery" as mentioned unless new laws have been enacted recently,,,

Anal sex is not illegal unless the recipient is a) under 16 b) says ouch (well, 'no' actually) and then it most definitely is - it then becomes (man per anus or vagina, woman when aiding and abetting man to do so)
So, in the pricay of your bed, pucker up and penetrate!
Blue's Quick Guide to Anal Sex in UK Law
Consenting anal sex between men was decriminalised for males 21 and over in the Sexual Offences Act 1967. However, they forgot that heteros do it too, and thus it remained illegal until a re-vamp of the laws pertaining to sex in 1994. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 decriminalised anal sex between men and women provided parties were 18 or over. This Act also reduced the gay male age of consent to 18. This Act, though a breakthrough, was somewhat confusing as buggery remained an offence , despite the fact that the definition of was broadened to also include anal . The Sexual Offences Act 2000 reduced the age of consent for gay men and heterosexuals wishing to engage in anal sex to 16, in line with other forms of sexual activity in the UK. However, the old buggery law (now meaningless) was only repealed with the introduction of the Sexual Offences Act 2003. This Act re-defined a number of sexual offences, including to include non consenting oral as well as anal and vaginal penetration, and introduced some new ones, e.g. S2 - assault by penetration ..... read the whole thing here......