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The pro Neilinleeds clique

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Im going for the record of shortest thread ever (only joshing Neil me old tentpeg) lol
Oh FFs are you trying to clutter up me purse with mambership cards or what?? rolleyes
i will reluctantly post to say that nieliepops is a kind of alright sort of geezer as far as one can tell -
however, i have posted to venus's thread to say that he should be given a break
so there
Ooooh , ooooh, ooooh! Me! This is one I need to join. NiL is my heeeeeeeeeero.
Quote by Clare_Lincs
Oh FFs are you trying to clutter up me purse with mambership cards or what?? rolleyes

No no, mambership cards need to be kept in your cleavage.
Quite right Vix and I shall be personally inspecting all cards
Right so thats Vix so far lol
Ok i cant fecking spell so shall i now start an i cant fecking spell clubexclusively for us dum asses??????
Oi Clare! You can`t belong to both!
Give Neil a break indeed rolleyes
He loves abuse, I`m simply filling a need.
well i will be joining this one... as venus made it clear i was not welcome in the other one!!!!!!!! mad
i might even propose a merging between this and the AIC club! wink
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good show WBB now if I can just fit this membership card down your cleavage
OMG ive fallen in :twisted:
You were quite welcome Busty, but noooooooo, you had to come into our friendly little club and try to spread dissention.
I have a Flame Warrior for you somewhere.
oh well its a helluva way to go lol

Although sometimes a male, Crybaby is usually a female, and often a close ally of Innocence Abused. When teased or attacked Crybaby will pitch a loud public temper tantrum, holding her breath and kicking her feet. If that defense fails she will run to Nanny for comfort.

Quote by VenusnMars
You were quite welcome Busty, but noooooooo, you had to come into our friendly little club and try to spread dissention.
I have a Flame Warrior for you somewhere.

cough cough!
was it not my un-elitist club you joined and then complained about my good friend poor innocent NIL????
some people have selective memories!
as for your flame warrior.. bring it on... my mate NIL will crush it under his foot!
if he cant manage this.. i hear poor warwick has unfortunately passed away due to an accident... he has left me his killer goldfish in his will.. so beware!
No............NO....................NOT THE KILLER GOLDFISH! :shock:
Actually, I didn`t get nominated remember? Your cliche club demanded two nominations before we even got that far. I was trying to be nice. I was going to nominate...*sniff* Neil............and then *sob*.....and then *wail* saw he`d been and gone without me being so much as an afterthought.
I may have to start a support thread you realise?! mad
/flounces out.
whilst running warwick falls out of her cleveage and is miraclously saved redface
Quote by VenusnMars
No............NO....................NOT THE KILLER GOLDFISH! :shock:
Actually, I didn`t get nominated remember? Your cliche club demanded two nominations before we even got that far. I was trying to be nice. I was going to nominate...*sniff* Neil............and then *sob*.....and then *wail* saw he`d been and gone without me being so much as an afterthought.
I may have to start a support thread you realise?! mad
/flounces out.

oooooooohhhhh a support thread??? well i can donate one of my old bras.
a bit threadbare... but still very supportive! lol
now now venus... go and have a choccy bar and cheer up.