Let me know what you think of this theory.
Men peak sexually around, 18 - 22
Women peak sexually between 35 - 40
(numbers according to answers, so take with a pinch of salt)
Now obviously, there are going to be people who dont fit in the average, like lots of very horny people (us on SH), and some people who arent interested in sex at all. Also other variances like socially implanted attitude.
but assuming that people live to an arbitary 70 years old,
then its simply a numbers game that there are men between 20 and 70 (50 years) and women between 40 and 70 (30 years) who are sexually peaked.
A younger man is really just playing a lottery that one of these very horny younger women is going to come along. and in fact, the odds are stacked against him to meet anyone at all!
It really does feel like a lottery being on SH. You can put yourself out there a million times, but you never get a win. Maybe 2 cherries and bell, but its still not the jackpot. lol.
(^ some very tenuous innuendo there :P)
Is it all just lopsided, or is it just me feeling jaded?
Men peak sexually around 18-22
Have you met my partner BMW??? I dont think he`s read these statistics coz he definitely doesnt fit into that categorie, I can honestly say i have never met anyone like him and i hope we are making love every day til we`re atleast 90 (hip replacement surgery already booked)
To be honest i`ve never had a preference for younger guys.
I peaked once, let me tell you, the ascent had been treacherous in the extreme.
Storms had lashed the North-East Face for days but we low on reserves and felt it better to press on than abandon all attempts and let those dasterdaly French beat on the final assault.
Three tents had been lost in the night, and the last of the yak had been eaten days before.
On the third week after leaving base-camp it became a do-or-die affair...
... oh, sorry.
wrong forum.
The idea of men 'peaking' is surely about how often they get it. 18-22 is the youngest any self-respecting woman will have sex with a boy - yes BOY.
What we should be looking at is the peak of skill, experience and added value to the partner. That is more like 35-50. This peak should then continue until something gives out: Heart, joints, bed. Whichever comes first.
Boys 18-22 aren't at any kind of 'peak'. They are just very very keen. LOL
The peak being of experience and skill is more accurately reflected in the woman's peak of 35-40.
I'm not saying men and women can't be great lovers under 35, but sex is a skill, a physical and mental and emotional skill at that. And such skills need lots and lots of practice.
None of those stats make sense really.
Girls mature early; boys apparently never do.
I can't believe I posted this. What a whiney little girl!
Just been a bad weekend.
How do I delete this thread...?
EDIT: *can* I delete this thread?
Biggest problem with sex is the distinct chuffin lack of it :lol2:
I'd be interested in the definition of peak.
I'm well past the 18-22 bracket but I'm still looking forward to some real peaks.
I am very nearly 35. At 18-22 I was no way in any kind of peak thats for certain. I do more now than I did then and I do it better than I did then. Its all about experience.
you can always be at your peak.
You just have to switch partners, making sure the next one is more ugly and a bit more thick.
I was an overweight spotty computer geek in my 20's - i saved my peak for my slender horny forties :silly:
The problem with sex is keeping the dogs off the bed (or other) for long enough....I'll be glad when the foster one goes to a home...anyone want a 4 year old weimeraner ??? please...she's a lovely little bitch really... honest
Sod the stats
To shag or not to shag, that is the question.