they dont necessarily read em hun
they look at pics and send a wink cos they cant be arsed to read the profile and send a proper pm
i cant help it i am a nosey cow i always check profiles whether its a wink or not, if it has nothing on i send back, why ask me to look at your profile when there is nothing on it.
i hate winks
Earthy xx
Time someone defended the winkers!
I often wink when i dont have time to send a full message, i state this in the wink message, i may send a wink if im interested and a full message will follow. I do read profules though so dont wink people who say they dont want them.
I personally only wink people when I feel it would be funny - for example, if I am chatting with someone who has stated they never reply to winks... I wouldn't send one out of the blue, though.
i so have to send you a wink now you have posted that...
Thats a bit harsh when winks are just a quick way of saying *i'm interested in you* for some people, others i admit are just lazy, but not everyone!
Wink are a lazy, impersonal and, from my experience, ignorant way of showing a vague interest in your pics. Rarely anything to do with your profile, interests, posts, you as a person ..
I just think that if you genuinely have an interest in someone then show them the common courtesy of a proper message expressing that interest and why.
Maybe some people think it is harsh but maybe I'm just more fussy than some? It has served me very well so far.
i dont accept winks, i dont even see that ive ben winked.
i think the wink system is there mainly in a round about way for the site to make money..... ok a free member can send a win, but cant send a message,you reply to the wink even if its to say arrgghh feck off. they then see they have a message, think great its worked but ahhhh... they cant read your message until they pay to join the site.
i find the messages with the crappy attempts to hide emails addys funny.
for one im not about to add randoms to my msn or give out my private email address to reply.
no winkers for me, people accuse my profile nof being harsh, its only harsh if you break the rules.
if you cant take the time to write me a thought out email im hardly going to want to meet you if your lazy with yor fingers now am i lol
xxx fem xxx
Fem - i don't see your profile as harsh at all. in fact, i know exactly where you coming from.
Must be a single fem thing?
Slightly offtopic, but just following on from what you said about winks and paying members etc ...
Where and how is this site advertised?
I wonder because I have never in my life come across so many rude, ignorant inst-shag blokes in my life.
It make me wonder if somewhere this site is being advertised along the lines of
"SH - you pays yer money, yer gets yer shag"
Just sooooo many of them get irate and rude and even quite nasty when you reject their pathetic one liners with cock pic, for example.
I used to have quite an essay of a profile - satrting and ending with "no wink" - and going into detail about the type of person I'd choose to spend my time with.
I got a LOT of abusive comments about basically being a snotty, hard nosed bitch who was probably as ugly as sin anyway .. blah blah.
When the site was free, we had our fair share of numpties, course we did. But now, it's not just a numbers game - 1 good guy to evry 5 nutters - there's something more to it.
Anyway .. just my ponderings .. sorry. As you were.
I used to have the opinion of the majority re winks- ie they can't be bothered, what a cop out, until there was a mix up with our payment and we ended up free members, and realised we couldn't send a proper message.
Some people, like us when we were new, may be testing the water of the site, they haven't paid up- perhaps they are paid members of another site, so they can only send winks as contact.
I used to put the auto responder on, but took it off recently.
We had a couple wink us, so I checked out their profile, which was great, sent them a quick one liner with our msn address, and we were able to chat, get to know them, and have a great meet.
Yes, a lot of the winks tell you to go out n check out a non existent profile- DELETE DELETE DELETE, but you could be missing out on some, and these are also the people that can't come and defend themselves in the forums, cos they can't post, only read them!
I reckon everyone should respond to all their winks this week n see what happens- go on, I dare ya!!
maz xx
When I joined a few weeks ago I searched for some interesting ladies, read their profiles and wrote each of them a short but personalized PM. I had a reply from one, and a wink from another ... but I didn't recognize the wink for what is was, and thought it was a brief reply which suggested I look at her profile. Since my PM had been entirely related to her profile this seemed very silly, but I still did not twig, and I wrote back a rather flippant and perhaps sarcastic reply ... and that was the end of that !
What's this about people not being able to read messages if they are not paid up members? How do I know who is paid up and who isn't? Or is it pot-luck?