The Sarge started this thread, thats clear
the first ryming one of the year
but its a limerick he wrote
that mliitarised scrote
hope he doesnt read this, oh dear!!
This thread has yet to go the wrong way,
so surely it's time for someone to say,
that a number of folk have missed the point,
Your rhymes are supposed to be linked with this joint.
your supposed to post, in line with the thread,
not any old shit that comes into your head,
I'm pissed off with reading off topic crap,
thats simply a copy of internet pap.
So if your coming into this thread,
make it relevant, to something, someone has said.
I'm off to read the dynamics thread,
I want to look inside the head
of members, that have examined navels,
some as deep as shiny soup ladels,
but I will be back to police your words
so make it relevant, dont be turds.
I placed a few posts in the dynamic thread,
So before I drop meself innit,
Enough said...
With upmost respect to you,
Im just gonna take me time,
it wasnt a proposition,
I just couldnt think of fuck all else to rhyme!!!!
In a mood where I feel I could sob
Cruel abuse has come out of my gob
This mood just isn't me
Oh can't anyone see
What I need is a juicy hard knob!
Polo Lady that is so sweet
Maybee you d fancy a meet
warwick is my name
Im definately game
but sadly my nob is not measured in feet :cry:
Warwick came on with some style
An offer that did make me smile
Maybe I was too rude
the 'green' comment was crude
Coz now Warwick is running a mile!
This morning I wake up, I`m shattered you know
Soon to be drugged up, this non-sleep must go
`There`ll be peace at long last`, I hear you all cry
There`d soon fucking better be
Else Venus will DIE :huh:
Pop the pill, it'll make you fly,
not a drug, but a natural high,
the drug of love, don't be she,
Pop the pill, it'll make you fly,
OOO Polo Lady it's not very wise
To pick on a mod in any guise
Although saying that
It's only Sarge
bugger it, pass ME the bat