"what satisfes me what gives me pleasure I don't care what anybody else thinks I am going to enjoy myself and so what if I sleep around I sleep around with like minded people as far as we are all consenting so what"
Quote by tigrisIt would seem that according to these statistics there is a 41% chance of marriages ending in divorce with 29% of these divorces being because of adultery. Why single swingers out as a group that do not "forsake all others"? It would seem that many people in the UK do see it as just words. However, since swingers "forsake all others" together their only problem should be with God. (Are you Her special representative tigris?)
As I stated in the chatroom and in my earlier post, I am simply trying trying to understand the swinging morality when it comes to marriage "forsaking all others" seems to be treated as just some words.
Quote by tigrisYou seem particularly uninformed about how swinging actually works. In actual fact there is far more "you, you, you" than "me, me, me" within the scene. Surely partners in a marriage allowing each other to do what they enjoy is totally unselfish? (And also noone else's business.)
it still leaves the purpose that swinging is all about me me me,
Quote by tigrisIt rather depends on the morality of which age you are talking about. You appear to be talking about the morality of the middle classes in the Victorian era - possibly the most sexually repressed group of people in history. The morality of the vast majority of people in the UK today is far more sexually liberated than that. Swingers are a minority group in society, not because they have sex outside marriage vows, but because they do it together and without deceit.
I am not here as a christian, I am simply trying to understand how swingers justify swinging with the morality of the age, they might claim that swingers are much more enlightened than the majority,
Quote by tigrisThe answer to these questions would sem to be:
So the crux of your argument is I have a narrow minded outlook on life for not falling in love with the swinging lifestyle?
Quote by neilinleeds
ok guys i'm in a rambling, story telling kinda mood! skip this ok? ;)
i waaaaannnnnnaaa tell you a stoooooooorrrrryyyyyyyy!
once upon a time, not so very long ago, i was deeply, completely, head over bloody heels, in love with quite possibly the loveliest woman i could ever hope to meet! yes i know, shock! horror! i haven't always been a sad pathetic lonely single male! i've actually had girlfriends in my life, and blow me we actually had sex! but we had a little tricky problem . . . . .
although our sex life was pretty damn bloody good when we got round to it, it didn't happen often enough! we used to talk about it often, and in the course of those convos, she, without any prompting on my part, brought up the subject of 3sums. now whether that was because she had latent bifem tendencies ((( i reckon so! ))) or whether she thought i had latent bi tendencies ((( those convos where she called me a poof were all joshing right! you know, as you do! ;) ))) i do not know, but whatever, the subject came up!
now i couldn't get past the idea of having another bloke in our bed to please her, and she couldn't get past the idea of another woman in the bed to please me, and certainly neither of us could even contemplate the idea that perhaps, we'd quite like to have someone of the same sex in our bed to please ourselves!
now my question, and this is every bit as rhetorical as tigris' question, is did we love each other too much, or not enough, to deny each other the exploration that we both knew were important, despite our reluctance to actually voice those needs, and deny each other an outlet for a repressed sexuality that possibly both of us needed to find some way to express?
i don't know. but i have my own view on it.
neil x x x x ;)
Quote by wewantu2
and fourth was when we both woke one morning after our first swing,it was kinda like starting over :inlove:
cant really put it into words tigris,just two very unselfish people being one
trust without it you have nothing
Quote by neilinleeds
now my question, and this is every bit as rhetorical as tigris' question, is did we love each other too much, or not enough, to deny each other the exploration that we both knew were important, despite our reluctance to actually voice those needs, and deny each other an outlet for a repressed sexuality that possibly both of us needed to find some way to express?
i don't know. but i have my own view on it.
neil x x x x ;)
Quote by dazandlou
As I stated in the chatroom I joined because I found the threads I read to be full of warm friendly individuals, I am finding it difficult to reconcile how such warm friendly individuals would be at ease sleeping with others outside of the sanctity of marriage.
Quote by tigris
I also have a million dollar question regarding my first post, if the other partner suddenly decided they were not happy with you taking part in this activity would you stop? or would this be the end of the marriage?
Quote by dazandlou
Seriously though, all this sanctity of marriage crap is just stupid.... i dont want to marry anybody i swing with... i just want to shag the arse of them!!
...the whole point of swinging is NSA fun, so why does your relationship/marriage need to come into it?? ... swinging is the enjoyment and excitement of friendship and sex between 2,3,4 or MORE people!!!
Quote by tigris
I am wondering seriously how many swinging couples would still be together as a couple if one partner decided enough was enough after reading threads like these:
Quote by tigrissee arguments given above but if two married (to each other) adults consent, then they are most likely to have discussed it very much in detail before hand. This doesn't actually make a mockery of the vows at all!
Yes indeed it is obvious swinging is no strings attached fun, but it clearly contradicts and makes a mockery of marriage vows
Quote by tigris
you may view swinging as an enlightened lifestyle letting your partner indulge in anything they deem suitable for their hedonistic enjoyment, and those that do not agree with it have not been enlightened enough it's a case of anything goes, if it gives me pleasure why shouldn't I do it?
Quote by tigris
those that disagree with the lifestyle may simply see you as being unable to control your sexual desires and want to have the cow and the milk with no strings attached.
Quote by tigris
What happens when negative consequences occur due to the swinging lifestyle? sexually transmitted diseases for example, what precautions are taken by the swinging couple to prevent these freakish scenarios?
Quote by tigris
I am wondering seriously how many swinging couples would still be together as a couple if one partner decided enough was enough after reading threads like these:
Quote by tigris
I am wondering seriously how many swinging couples would still be together as a couple if one partner decided enough was enough after reading threads like these: