Satisfy my curiosity will you tigris?
Are you trying to:
1. Impose your received standards on other people,
2. Rationalize your repression,
3. Hide your envy behind fake sanctimony, or
4. Save us from the Devil?
I ask merely for information.
Quote by Ice Pie
Satisfy my curiosity will you tigris?
Are you trying to:
1. Impose your received standards on other people,
2. Rationalize your repression,
3. Hide your jealousy behind fake sanctimony, or
4. Save us from the Devil?
Quote by tigris
I am wondering seriously how many swinging couples would still be together as a couple if one partner decided enough was enough after reading threads like these:
Quote by roger743
I get the impression that you are perhaps a frustrated swinger, perhaps she isnt interested? Its about the only conclusion I can draw as I cant see what the hell that statement has to do with the other thread.
Quote by tigris
Yes indeed it is obvious swinging is no strings attached fun,
Quote by tigris
but it clearly contradicts and makes a mockery of marriage vows more akin to the lifestyle of a porn star,
Quote by tigris
you may view swinging as an enlightened lifestyle letting your partner indulge in anything they deem suitable for their hedonistic enjoyment
Quote by tigris
if it gives me pleasure why shouldn't I do it?
Quote by tigris"'
those that disagree with the lifestyle
Quote by tigris
What happens when negative consequences occur due to the swinging lifestyle?
Quote by tigris
sexually transmitted diseases for example, what precautions are taken by the swinging couple to prevent these freakish scenarios?
Quote by tigris
I am wondering seriously
Quote by VenusnMars
For us (and call us soppy) it has a great deal to do with the gesture of emotional trust we have in each other. We want to swing because we are in love, not in spite of it. Our sexual preferences are such that we love each other enough not to expect each other to make sacrifices. It is our gift to each other, and no matter what we share with others physically, it is this trust and gift of sexual freedom that is sacred to us only.
Quote by tallnhairy
Bloody hell remind me never to get on your bad side Lou (And I mean that in a good way)
Tigris you wont even understand love till you meet a true swinging couple and see the power there. So until you have, please go away and follow Mischiefs excellent advice.