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The shortest day

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Here we are again, another year come and gone. I was going to the stones this morning, but with work and the snow I will not make it.
Something to put off to next year again, but what have you done this year.
I went to my first real party. Then back again, that started something.
What am I planning for next year. More holidays than I have every had.
Oh and I am looking forward to the green shoots of spring. Yes I know there are many cols snowy day still to come, but soon the days will become longer and we will feast. Just a few days to be sure then eat, drink and f... on the 25th.
Today is the last day of the year or the first day of the new year - don't really care which.
Last year? Hmm, not sure what's new there. Oh yes, the allotment. Not had one before and it's a steep learning curve. Put it this way - I'm buying loads of pidgeon=proof netting this spring as I want to enjoy my cabbages before the flying rats get at them.
Next year? The fight to keep my job. Or the challenge of looking for a new one. At least I'll eat (see comments above) LOLOLOL.
Last year: Organized a munch after 5 years of threatening to do it lol Other than that my world changed forever as people left it forever sad No year will ever be the same again now.
Next year: Looking at organizing a club meet :bounce: and Mrs Tweekys 30th Birthday could also be swinging related as we have a lack of family and friends in Bristol as they all live north of the border. Sometime in the year an outside possibility of more kids :scared: and another 3 years off the swinging circuit blink
Quote by tweeky
Sometime in the year an outside possibility of more kids :scared: and another 3 years off the swinging circuit blink

what are you an elephant lol i thought it was 9 months not 3 years lol
Quote by sara2010
Sometime in the year an outside possibility of more kids :scared: and another 3 years off the swinging circuit blink

what are you an elephant lol i thought it was 9 months not 3 years lol
9 months pregnancy then write off at least a year for Babysitters as firstly many wont do it and second Mrs Tweeky dont like leaving them that young which is fair enough. Then finally if the next one if there is one turns out to be anything like this one :lol: then that last year could be two years little bugger was allergic to sleep.
Last year - started kayaking again after a long break, played nursey for nearly 2 years
Next year, Dek hopefully getting back to work
Spring cannot come fast enough for to be honest. I hate wishing months away but I love spring. To me its about new beginnings and my spirits are lifted. My hair looks better too.
Quote by
Here we are again, another year come and gone. I was going to the stones this morning, but with work and the snow I will not make it.

Just as well, as you would have been a day early. The solstice fell on the 22nd this year.
Quote by Jewlnmart
Here we are again, another year come and gone. I was going to the stones this morning, but with work and the snow I will not make it.

Just as well, as you would have been a day early. The solstice fell on the 22nd this year.
I watched the lunar eclipse too - very clear from here in Leicestershire and the first time this has happened on the solstice for 400 years, dont think I will be around to see the next one some how :eeek:
The shortest day occurs most weeks, it is the day that you have friends or family coming round and you have lot's to do :sad:
Today is the last day of the year or the first day of the new year - don't really care which.
Last year? Hmm, not sure what's new there. Oh yes, the allotment. Not had one before and it's a steep learning curve. Put it this way - I'm buying loads of pidgeon=proof netting this spring as I want to enjoy my cabbages before the flying rats get at them.
With this problem I just cover all the plants with cheap plastic netting. and weigh it down to ground level with lengths of timber. the plants grow and you have to adjust the netting and do some weeding. But don't allow the pigeons to get under the netting.
Quote by Jewlnmart
Here we are again, another year come and gone. I was going to the stones this morning, but with work and the snow I will not make it.

Just as well, as you would have been a day early. The solstice fell on the 22nd this year.
Winter Solstice occurs at 23:38 on 21st December making the 21st the shortest day and the night of 21st/22nd the longest night. However 'Druids' celebrated winter solstice at Stonehenge? on the morning of the 22nd. May I also remind you that those 'Druids' are a Victorian invention and have no links with Celtic Druids.
Quote by flower411
It`s just nice to know that the days will be getting longer from here on in lol
...but the night are getting shorter. Oh well.