Always lots of articles about the little gems that children come out with, so I thought as a twist I'd mention some things that parents (well, mine at least) can come out with at times. I've
already mentioned my mother and her vibrator in the 'Daft instructions' thread, but I've got a couple of others....
Picture the scene if you will: sunday lunch, with both of us, my parents and my (then) small brother. We're all happily tucking in, and I'd just taken a mouthful of food and my mother turned to me and completely out of the blue said 'What's a blow job?' I almost choked, J concentrated on looking at the pattern on her plate and my small brother slid under the table. I recovered my composure as best I could, swallowed without choking, smiled and played my ace in the hole. 'Oh' says I, 'thats easy.... ask J after lunch!'. Apart from an aching ankle where she kicked me I thought it was a superb answer. And yes, my mother did ask, and she was told exactly what it was.
The other mind boggler was when we were at home watching some tv drama, can't remember which, but a bloke goes into a shop and buys a rubber doll. My mum looks at this and says 'What's that?'
'Ummm, it's a rubber doll, mum'.
'Oh.' <pause> 'What's a rubber doll then? What does he do with it?'
<longer pause from me while I try to work out what to say - my mother is very innocent indeed, and she really didn't know!.> 'Well, I expect he's going to blow it up and use it mum'.
'Oh' <frown> 'What's he going to use it for?'
Well, what do you say at this point? I didn't think 'fuck his brains out' would be a suitable reply so I decided on the subtle approach. 'Umm.. well.... it has er... holes in it'.
'Oh. If it's got holes in it, how can he blow it up?'
'They're anatomically correctly positioned holes mum'
'Oh. Oh. OH!'
She's never asked any questions since.