I had sent off an email earlier to a radio station about polyamourous relationships and they called me back just as my pc took a nose dive.
"do you want to go on air and talk about the things you put in the email?"
"erm.... what kind of things are you going to ask me?"
"well you mentioned about swinging and an open relationship so the presenter will just talk to you about things along those kinds of lines. Nothing too personal and you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
Hmmm <scratches head and thinks slightly before answering>
Sit and wait forever to log back into sh and check on the shinanigans going on, or chit chat away on the phone.
Me being me chose the latter option soooooo........
I have just been on a radio chat show about polyamourous relationships and talking about swinging and my open relationship with my partner........and guess who was listening to the show while I was rambling .........
.... my dad. :shock: :doh:
Gotta laugh. He said there was only one revelation really and that was that I am bi sexual.
That has got to be winner of the "blackhole required immediately" award! :lol:
I'd just like to apologise for the influx of trolls that may follow due to the presenter telling his audience to google search swinging if they want to know more.
Apologies in advance! Oh and if my dad's email address shows up... can we ban him please??? :lol: