It was interesting reading some of the from the UK tend to spend a lot of their time bitching; that's why we left!!! Our website has references from all of our guests and people should read that and see through TV for what it is - fantasy land. As you pointed out we have rules because of what we do here and it strikes me as highly entertaining that people back in the UK moan about places abroad when in the UK hardly a single swinging establishment possesses even a drinks licence!! There isn't even a "swinging magazine" publically on sale in the UK. Most international guides about the UK hardly list more than 2 establishments - in France alone there are over 300. We have sensible rules about drug taking, smoking, drinking and general behaviour just like any other hotel, and some people simply do not understand the responsibilty of running an establishment - and have problems accepting rules and guidelines from anyone. As it is, most European's snigger at the mention of any sexual activity in England; we appeared on TV trying to change that view and make it more acceptable to guests get involved in activities which have to have rules -only an idiot would allow unbridled use of jacuzzis and saunas without saftey rules. I expect the same authors of some of the comments on this website also complain about safe sex rules too. People who comment about that show how little and limited their travel experience is. We are now been in existance longer than any other swinging hotel in europe - all the others have changed owners or gone to the wall. We are accepted by even the French tourist industry and included in tourist guides. Last year we had guests from 15 different countries and 20 couples from 2003 revisited in 2004, four of these for the 5th time. You don't successfully manage that by being "up yourself" or a "control freak".
Well Peters points about UK swinging establishments have alot of truth in them so wont contradict him there . As for being 'up himself' well I dunno what you think Mark but it took me one line of the post to see it was unlikely my opinion would change on that score . Hey Ho , good luck to em anyway it takes all sorts .
I am one whose holding their hands up....guilty as charged!
I didn't understand why you stopped the couple engaging in oral sex by the pool, but having read some of the replies I can only say I'm sorry. I only saw half the picture.
with all best wishes for your futrue....
Hiyas All!
We read this post with particular interest, we were one of the 3 couples who went out to Peyraille on the documentary. One of the biggest things that annoyed us, was the "typical Brits lounging by the pool drinking beer" comment. Yes, we are British, all 6 of us, but to us, as swingers, socialising over an alcoholic beverage is an important part of swinging. Ok, some of you don't want to know names, even speak to each other before you get your kits off and down to it, which is fair enough, but we felt more at ease and more inclined to swing after we had gotten to know each other.
We have always lived by the "live and let live" rule. Yes, we understand that certain rules have to be in place to run an establishment such as the swinging hotel we visited, but, personally, and i dont know about the rest of you, but we thought the "No Sex by the pool" lark was a bit over the top. Now, if the reason was as Peter stated, that it was because of tractors pulling up and down the fields close by, then surely the answer would have been to plant a few trees around to obstruct the view......???? Then everyone could shag around the pool as much as they wanted..... its not rocket science!
Another reason for the "no sex in public" , despite this being a swinging hotel, is that Peter and Manuela have a 10 year old son, who, while we were lounging around the pool and drinking beer was riding his bike around the courtyard.... I wouldnt say a swinging hotel is the perfect environment for a young impressionable boy to be growing up in. None of us felt comfortable about this, and when it was raised with Peter and Manuela, all they could say was "so you're saying that we are bad parents?" ... I just think these people should have perhaps waited until their son was a bit older (like 18+) until they ventured into something like this....
We are regular members of La Chambre in Sheffield, and we felt that if this swinging hotel had been run by Barry & Marie (the owners of L.C) then the whole experience would have been totally different for all of us. Just to add, Barry and Marie run a very successful swinging club, the list of rules is easily read in 2 minutes, not half an hour like it took us to read Peter's book of rules......
Just a message to Peter...... You are likely to win more friends with honey, not vinegar..... Stop attacking the British, you did it when we were in France and you're doing it again in this post. There's no bloody wonder people formed the opinion of you that they did on TV. Fantasy land..... I think not..... What the viewers saw was pretty much as it was..... Personally, we havent had any sniggering about what we have done. Ok, some people have stopped us in the street, said it wasnt for them, but admired us for getting up there and standing by something we believe in.
Rich and Donna
Nobody can argue with that Rich and Donna. I also find it disturbing that they see fit to bring up a child in that environment, sex clubs are closed to children for very good reason and so should hotels. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable even planning a swinging encounter if there was a child present.
I fully agree too - no doubt Peter would say we're being awfully awfully English about it.
I can see your points Jon but can't say I completely agree. While it is a fact of life that people have sex and that we should be open and honest with our kids about it, I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing swinging and other more 'kinky' (sorry not the right word) types of sex eg bdsm and the like. My 13 year old knows about sex and I am open with him to a point, talking about the risks and responsibilities that come with sexual relationships and about how respect and protection is important.
He knows I go to parties, but doesn't know what sort of parties. He will probably find it out for himself in the end but I don't feel right just yet talking to him about it. I think the more intricate parts of sex are best discovered yourself anyway, I wouldn't feel right talking to him about what turns me on and off, he is only a child and I am his mother, that would feel inappropriate to me.
As I keep saying, my Arial has fallen of the roof
I agree with Blue on this one. Our children are usually in the house if people come over for a social visit and have been in bed sometimes when we've played (doors closed, moved furniture etc). They know we have friends but to them they are people I know from school, people Chris works with, college mates or whatever. Up to now they don't know that we've played with any of them.
We've had parties but have made sure the kids were elsewhere and we wouldn't want to see them at other swinging parties or in any swinging environment.