Quote by bicoupleleics
ah ok sorry. i seem to have annoying newbieitus
S'ok, newbies aren't expected to know everything, at least not for the first few days
Quote by JudyTV
Bugger !!!!!!
Note to all : The SH pins dont do well in the washing machine
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by JudyTV
Its all rusty now....................... off to pinch Steve's !!!!
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by JudyTV
Helen you better PM me because my street cred is pretty low at the moment due to certain late night activity, does a hotel lift count as a private room when its on the move. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase " Door closing, going down"
Quote by westerross
I want a swinging heaven pin
how does one get on?e
Quote by smokerjim
I want a swinging heaven pin
how does one get on?e
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I want a swinging heaven pin
how does one get on?e