I wondered if anybody had any stories of witnessing ladies skirts rising up after a gust of wind. The reason I ask is because I have finally witnessed it after 32 years and it was well worth waiting for. I wa coming out of the train station at Loughborough and the girl in front was wearing a shortish flaired skirt, boots and bare legs, the wind gusted a few times and i caught a view of the bottom of her cheeks. I was willing the wind to blow harder and it didn't dissapoint, the skirt went right up and she had an awesome bum, and her thong was barely visible. I think a few people got an eyefull, I kept walking behind her and the same thing happed 2 more times showing full arse, then she finally put her hand on the skirt to keep it down, shame. I wonder if she got off on showing her big round cheeks to the public?