They had triplets,unfortunately one died....but even bringing up twins is hard work for a couple!
I'm all for tollerence and understanding but I wonder just how any of you promoting that line would feel if a member of your own family needed a treatment that there was suddenly no money left for as a result of the flood gates opening for people in this situation.. I mean come on lets face facts, now one has had the rules have been altered in such a way others will surely follow.. Someone somewhere more deserving, more needy and better suited will without shadow of a doubt go without as a direct result.
Sorry.. you really need a reality check. If they came to you and asked you for some money out of your pocket today can you honestly say you would have coughed up for it for them? No fluckin chance would you but you already have so have I and millions of others who would say stuff em.. Get clean stay clean then come back. As for the argument about who is better suited a meth user or a heroin user, get a grip.. None of them should be funded, not one! If it were to have happened naturally so be it but to fund it is nuts..
the main purpose of methadone treatment, these days, is not to get the addict clean. there are other drugs available, like Subutex, if the addict decides they can cope with a rapid detox.
the main purpose of methadone is to stabilise. it helps them stop using street heroin. it gets them off the needle. it helps them stop spending all their money on gear, so that they can spend what money they have on the roof over their head, the bills they run up, the food in their cupboards. it might even help them go out to work and live their lives as productive members of society.
course the article linked to mentions none of those things, so we know bugger all about these people, what they have been through, how far they have come, what their ultimate intentions are.
just how many hoops do you want them to jump through FGS, before you will allow them the possibility of the kind of family life you take for granted?
these people will have worked a damned sight harder to get their kid than most will have had to work for theirs, and all i see is condemnation. they will be watched like hawks, and the minute they fuck up, any number of agencies will be all over them like a rash. few bring a child into this world under those circumstances.
neil x x x ;)
i have read every single reply on this thread, and every one of them is thought provoking , but what i find inconcievable is the fact that people are arguing over medical facts and newspaper reports. at the end of the day it doesnt matter if the newspapers have quoted wrong or what medical counsell gave permission for this to go ahead on whatever reason they based their decisions, the point is two babies have been born to heroin addicts, not naturally but artificially, causing these poor little innocent human beings so much distress and uncomprehensible pain as they go through the dettox process, and no matter what has been quoted from doctors in hospital these poor babies will be suffering, because wether its heroine or methadone , they will be suffering side effects at whatever level. i have my nephew placed in my care because his mother, my sister is an alcoholic and is deemed, quite rightly , to be an unfit mother, even though she is on a dettox programme, i have a friend who is a heroine addict getting help from a centre at the corner of my street who has had her children taken off her because of her addiction, even though she is going through a dettox programme, so how the fook these people were deemed fit to become parents and bring two children into this world to suffer the minute they were born is just madness. stuff the protocol surrounding the case, stuff the ignomanious parents and physicians , think about the babies, the pain , and the real life, because thats what counts in reality.
oh and to add after reading neils ad, who cares what hoops they jumped through or what they are doing with their lives, it makes my blood boil that these people are given the choice of what they want to do. they chose heroin in the first place for whatever reason, they stuck the needles in their veins, they got the high, dettox or no dettox they should not have privellages given to them cos they want to be clean, they fookin should have been clean before they were even considered to be parents. some people dont deserve the human rights that hard working, clean living people have. call me small minded, blinkered, whatever, i dont really care , but wake up and give yer head a shake, they relinquished their rights when they decided to inject crap into their viens to get away from reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i feel passionately about this because i live next to a centre for heroine addicts, a street thats full of them. some of my good mates were heroin addicts and are now dead, but their children arent , the children that will never be able to understand that mummy isnt here because she injected crap into her system, or that daddy cant play in the park cos hes now 6ft under because he chose to put shit in his veins. the excuses we make to these children to help them handle their loss so that they dont become addicts when they get older. so yeh, eome of us do have first hand experience of real life, too much bloody first hand experience. i have no illusions about my life, i have seen and experienced things i hope to god my children or anybody else has too. so when i make statements its not based on rainbows, clouds and bunny rabbits, its based on cold facts of a very real life!!!!!!!!!!!
probably one post too many, if not several. bedtime. night.
neil x x x ;)
Its all rather convenient to say 'we can't appreciate this without the facts', well maybe we could if we all had several years experience in science, medicine, psychiatry and social work.
Its a redundant statement. The facts would run to a document which makes War and Peace look like a comic.
The people who work in these professions don't pass judgements, they make clinical decisions, and execute directives, which have to comply within a strict discipline.
If you found yourself in the hands of these people, and you really wanted to benefit from their expertise, you would do what they said. Would you not? Of course you would.