I have asked a few close women friends if they do like oysters.
I have found the ones that do are also swallowers, is this true of all women?
I once had them pulled just out of the water in Mexico. Lime and tabasco sauce, right off the shell. They didn't taste too fishy, and they were still breathing. I hate them otherwise.
Hate oysters
but swallow with no problems :twisted:
Likes oysters-no
Your data is flawed ;)
Minx x x
I've been a vegetarian since I was 11. Even in my meat eating formative years I would not go anywhere near slimy things in shells.
Yes, your theory is certainly flawed.
Yes, I'm definately 'a Southern type' but rapidly re-becoming a Northern type and still eating and swallowing large oysters :twisted:
I love all fishy food and especially shell fish .. but don't swallow :spit:
would never go near a oyster so defo not swallow one. but yes i will swallow, if thats what is liked or over tits , or face , lol im from cornwall so south theory is fooked there again
xx fem xx
funny that as all through my teannage years teachers were telling me they dont much like my attitude, oh if they could see me now lol :twisted:
xx fem xxx
lol, best not hi-jack this thread any more, (even though the theory has been shot to fook)
but b4 i go ill say a quick welcome to the forum boards xxxx fem xxxx
There's not much to an oyster for eating. Unless you have a few dozen. They need to be prepared well and fresh. I like them. I don't know why, its just an odd appreciation.