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They're coming to take me away.. HAHA!

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I've had my mother staying with me for the last few weeks while my grandmother's been in hospital, (She was flown down along with my old dear from the highlands) and damn it's been tough resisting the urge to not smother her in her sleep..
But here's the thing, I also think she's a f*cking jinx. "Why" I hear you ask? Well, since she came down it's been open season outside my home, and she's witnessed the whole lot.
Let me explain..
Normally things are very quiet around here, and I very rarely see any bother or trouble near my home. The street I live in has a relatively bad name for itself admiitedly, but I've not seen much to warrant it's reputation in the past.
Now, my mother for the last few years has been trying to get me to move back home to Thurso, to come back to the family and leave 'that terrible place' I'm staying in. Her reason for disliking it? She saw a news report a few years back about a murder in my street, and now thinks I'm living in the middle of war torn Beirut.
So she came down to stay while my grandmother received treatment at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, and I think the minks in the area must have placed a call over the bongo drums that now was the best time to call open season on daft behaviour.
Within the three weeks she's been here, she's been witness to fights out in the street, me getting jumped, drunks harassing her at the local shop trying to sell her bread they've just nicked, people singing at the top of their voices at 3am.. I could go on.
So if anything this has strengthened her resolve to get me the hell out of here! I tried to explain that this kind of thing never usually happens, and that for some peculiar reason it was all kicking off only while she was here.. I was convincing her that this was the case, then one of my neighbours decided to have a 'loony toon' episode
Now, this neighbour was recently released from Cornhill Hospital, (For all those non-Aberdonians here, it's the local wacky bin) and moved back into her flat proclaiming she was cured, and was ready to re-enter society.. Well, if by 're-entering society' she meant 'launch every single possession I have out the window into the garden below', then she did a damned impressive job at it.
For three days and three nights things were randomly thrown out of her windows into the garden below. Photo albums, cutlery, jewellry, clothing, bedding, ornaments.. Nothing was safe from getting the proverbial fling. Even three phone calls to the police did nothing to stop her. They simply came round, told her to behave and drove away again. And as soon as they were out of sight, you'd hear a smash as one more ceramic pot crashed into the concrete path below.
Because of this, there was a permanent swarm of local minks hovering below her window waiting to see what they could salvage from her launched possessions, ducking flying cups and cutlery as they dug through her goods, looking for anything that might be worth a few quid in the pub later. Again we called the police, but nothing was done.
So I did what anyone else of us would have done. I shot her with a super soaker every time she opened her window to launch something out. Call it my civic duty.. wink
So, I'm at work on Saturday night past and I get a call from my mother, who told me that the nutter had gained access to our block and was presently sitting on the staircase tearing up unclaimed copies of the Yellow Pages, and throwing the pages in the air around her. She then went outside and proceeded to empty out the contents of our flats communal bin, digging through week old cat litter and nappies for god knows what reason.
My mother called back and said that the police had been, and she had finally been taken away.
So I get home about 4am and park up the car. I'm walking toward my flat and I see the front door of the nutters block open, and out she strides launching random items of clothing around her as she walked. She sees me, and makes a beeline toward me. Stopping just in front of me she says,
"Have you got a fag? Have you got any food? What about drink, you got any drink?"
"Sorry lass, no to all of the above" says I, taking a step back in case the nutter tried to snog me or something..
"Oh, ok" and with a despondent look she stormed off toward her own front door and dissapeared inside.
So, I get into the flat and I'm getting changed out of my work clothes, when I hear a smashing sound from outside. I look, and there she was out in the street flinging pots and papers about while dragging a towel behind her. Being the quick thinking star that I am, I grabbed my digital camera and grabbed a wee bit of footage.. (See Link Below.. About 6 meg in size)

So what now? Well, as far as I know she's been taken away again, and some poor council workers in hi-vis vests had to come round and clean up all her crap at 6am on Sunday morning past..
Anyway, my mother has been up to ninety with all this drama, and I think she's planning to chloroform me and bundle me into a van. I'll probably wake up tied to a chair in my grandmothers house in Thurso!
OMG Chunky, you tell a story brilliantly !!!
I almost felt I was right there watching it all !!
But please don't let them take you back to's SOOOOOO far North :shock:
Hope your grandmother is better soon.
Dinna worry lass. Even if it means blasting her with a tazer, I'm going nowhere! lol
I'm in Aberdeen on Wednesday :shock: :shock:
Quote by Happy Cats
I'm in Aberdeen on Wednesday :shock: :shock:

If that's the case, stay clear of the Tillydrone area, seemingly it's hunting season.. lol
Raises a very serious issue of how mental health is treated in this country (or yours too I guess with you being in Scotland.... :shock: )
Should people be basically chucked out into the community, if a couple of doctors say they are well.... is it to free up beds? I know the opposite side of the coin is should people with mental health issues be locked up at all?
I don't know... but from what you said and looking at the film, she seems not at all well and maybe treatment in hospital would be a better option.... the police shouldn't have to come round sorting out the problems the NHS can't cope with....
Anyhows, thats my 2p's worth.... excellent story though.... especially the super soaker bit!!!! lol
Authorities fight to keep people out of PICU because there is a lack of continuity with staff, lack of beds, and when they do come in there is a lack of beds on other less severe wards for when they are stabalised. So they end up being kept in the units for far too long. Eventually this causes them to slide backward. If depression and psychosis doesn't set back in first, then there's the added bonus of being assualted by other patients to look forward to.
Fit like Chunky min fellow nutter fae the north east here ( Brocher and thats far worse than Tillydrone ... at least your nae staying in Torry ........ I only had to work there for 9 years and that was bad enough lol ).
As for Thurso well it is waaay further north than me up here and its bad enough trying to have a decent social life with the distances to decent places from me let alone any further north lol. Saying that I used to work with a very very nice lass from Thurso ( winnae put her name on here tho , she used to work for the Torry Lab till she got married and started her family about 10 years ago , she'd be 36-37 now i think ).
If your mither thinks Tillydrone is bad she'd think the Broch is hell itself lol. We've got junkies living in every street ( practically every street !! ) , I caught a 16 y/o kid shooting up heroin into his arm in the pub on friday night , There's no longer a lot of jobs since the fishing industry's been decimated by cuts , what jobs in the fish that there are have been taken by eastern european immigrant workers ( altho to give them their dues if the youth of this town got off their lazy arses and were made to work for a living there wouldnae be any need for immigrant workers ). All in all i've seen this town go from being a very prosperous fishing town go down hill into a drug infested , run down dump in only a matter of 10 years.
The thing is that when I was growing up murder was unheard of , suicide practically unheard of ( altho i'm sure it did happen ) , unheard of , people dying from drug overdoses unheard of , etc and now we've got to the point that 60-90 people a year in this town either die from an overdose or drug induced suicide and it never makes the papers not news anymore. There's been murders , stabbings , couple of shootings quite a few rapes all in the last 2 years. All to do with drugs. Cornhill is the only drug rehab unit for the entire Grampian area ( around 1/2 a million people !!! and there's only 8 or 10 rehab places !! ).
And to think that I used to live 8 miles east of Edinburgh and should have turned south onto the A1 instead of going back home to here !!!! what the hell was I thinking lol.
The only thing that keeps me up here is my family , without them i'd be outta here like a fighter jet on full reheat lol.