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Things which please you...

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I've been thinking about this thread a lot tonight after what has been quite a difficult weekend. Further to my last choices:
1. My summer job last year. I worked night shifts in a factory that was just over the way from the M62. At about as production started to slow down and deadlines were met, I could wander out on to the roof. The mornings of what was the hottest summer EVUR were all fuzzy like when I used to do my paper round. All I could hear was the sinister hum of the motorway. At the end of the shift I'd walk to the bus stop and get on a bus to a deserted Bury Interchange and then go home. And to cap the job off, the pay was excellent.
2. My iPod. Obviously.
3. Being able to live my life exactly how I want to without any external interference at the moment.
4. Thomas Pink shirts.
5. Just the medium of DVD. Especially for the commentary track on the DVD for Phoenix Nights series one. It sounds like mates sitting in a pub talking about the series.
6. I Trawl The Megahertz by Paddy McAloon
7. Old "Now" albums. Nostalgia the way I want it, not hijacked and cherry-picked by those "Skool Disco" people. I want to hear the stuff they never select, and these albums let me.
8. Standing at the bar with an empty whisky glass as Frank Sinatra groans his way through One For My Baby. Dressed louche in a suit and open-necked shirt, I'm the king of all I survey in that situation. It's still Frank's world, I just live in it.
9. The Granada TV building in Quay Street, Manchester. In fact, Manchester City Centre as a whole since the bomb. It needed a damn good sort out and the opportuity was firmly grasped with both hands.
10. Word magazine.
Memo to all users: I suppose you'll have found out from this thread that I've been living a lie all along. I'm not actually 23, I'm a 52 year old trapped in a 23 year old's body...
1. A long soak in a hot bath, then getting into a bed freshly made up with newly ironed
white cotton sheets
2. Walking along the promenade in Blackpool in November, when the tide is high and a
howling wind ...... blows the cobwebs away
3. Hugs and cuddles
4. Fresh flowers in the house, especially freesia
5. The smell of night-scented stock and honeysuckle on a warm summers evening
6. My sons
7. Sunsets
I'm a happy person and could go on n on ..... but I won't rolleyes
Lucy xx
Things that make me happy
1. Being independent & coping on my own
2. Doing a worthwhile job
3. My dogs runnning thru fields wagging & woofing like puppies even though they are 10yrs old
4. A hot bath lit only by candles listening to This Mortal Coil
5. My car
6. Memories of my Mum who died a short while ago
7. A pint of cold milk with a bag of maltesers in it ---- yum yum
8. Being pulled by the police who then apologise when they realise you are a woman...
( and no I do not wave my warrant card around)
Jaine :twisted:
Waking up all crumpled and grumpy and reading all the overnight posts - IT'S FAB!!
:happy: :happy: :happy:
Opening a fresh bottle of wine and having the first slurp.... like right now!
Quote by Jags
Opening a fresh bottle of wine and having the first slurp.... like right now!

Well you could have offered to share. smile
You are MORE than welcome to share my bottle of wine...
~And so are the rest of you...
1. A hug
2. Smoking in bed because I shouldnt wink
3. Good wine shared with a friend
4. Looking in the mirror and liking the person I see
5. Knowing my children are safe and loved
6. Going to live event and coming out on a high
7. Knowing my car starts in morning
8. Knowing going to have hol in May!
9. Being able to enjoy new experiences and come away with smile on my face of contentment
brave enough to put posts in here!
Far too many things to list but a few are
1. My 3 sons - my absolute pride and joy in their achievements and the people they have become from the little horrors they once were as kids! lol
2. Their father, my husband Jon, just because he is special.
3. Laying on my bed playing with my pussy - a large hairy creature with four legs and a tail :lol: he is sweetness itself and loves me unconditionally.
4. Music of vaious kinds dependant on my mood.
5. Daisies on a lawn.
6. Watching the spring arrive in all it's glory.
7. My car and the independance it gives me.
8. Liking the person I am.
9. A strong cup of tea - must be Yorkshire Gold and brewed strong enough to stand the spoon up in it!
10. The thrill of reading and handling old documents written by hand several hundred years ago.
11. Finding that elusive ancestor to add to my family history (the genealogists here will understand!)
Quote by RedHot
11. Finding that elusive ancestor to add to my family history (the genealogists here will understand!)

definately an OH MY GOD moment
Terry Jane.... me and thee both...
Quote by gmanxxx
definately an OH MY GOD moment
Terry Jane.... me and thee both...

Sad to say it, but it's even better than the most mind blowing sex I'm sure you'll agree lol
Some of my most memorable moments have been in dusty archives wink
The following make me feel wonderful (and very, VERY humble):
1. When my son smiles at me.
2. Reaching out for Sappho in the morning and finding that she is there.
3. A public performance of one of my compositions and realising that people have enjoyed it.
4. Good food and good wine shared with good friends.
5. Music. The type depends on the mood I am in.
6. Leaving the house shortly after dawn with a clear blue sky, a freshness in the air and just the pheasants and me to appreciate it.
7. This Forum and the friends I have met through it.
8. Sitting outside on a perfect summer's day with just my thoughts and a glass of something special for company.
9. The night sky - when away from light pollution.
10. Realising that the person I love, loves me too. Even though I know I don't deserve her!
Coming home after two long days away to find my house intact, my wine chillled and my answermachine full.
x xx
Aren't sexual metaphors wonderful?
Answering machine... hmmmm never heard it called THAT before, but gis a beep and I'll be happy to leave a message! rotflmao
Now, doing THAT pleases me too...
lol :lol:
OK, but if you draw blood, I'm not coming back. :P
Quote by Ice Pie
Aren't sexual metaphors wonderful?

:grin: rotflmao :grin:
Quote by Ice Pie
OK, but if you draw blood, I'm not coming back. :P

NEVER draw blood - drink it, perhaps!!
Quote by Jags
OK, but if you draw blood, I'm not coming back. :P

NEVER draw blood - drink it, perhaps!!
Some flava beans and a nice Type A positive? <slurp slurp>
Hmmm .. always so difficult
1. Picking up my 14 yr old son on a Friday. We chat about his week at school, life in general, history (he now loves the topic) and science. Stopping at the fish and chip shop - it's a Friday ritual. Of course I get bugger all out of him for the rest of the weekend as his mates invade the house lol
2. Sitting on Front Street in Hamilton, Bermuda. Just watching the world go by and drinking a large coffee.
3. Taking my son to Highbury (the home of Arsenal) for his first game. The atmosphere and noise was incredible - and when Bergkamp comes out for the warm up - the whole crowd bows to him.
There are so many more