I've been thinking about this thread a lot tonight after what has been quite a difficult weekend. Further to my last choices:
1. My summer job last year. I worked night shifts in a factory that was just over the way from the M62. At about as production started to slow down and deadlines were met, I could wander out on to the roof. The mornings of what was the hottest summer EVUR were all fuzzy like when I used to do my paper round. All I could hear was the sinister hum of the motorway. At the end of the shift I'd walk to the bus stop and get on a bus to a deserted Bury Interchange and then go home. And to cap the job off, the pay was excellent.
2. My iPod. Obviously.
3. Being able to live my life exactly how I want to without any external interference at the moment.
4. Thomas Pink shirts.
5. Just the medium of DVD. Especially for the commentary track on the DVD for Phoenix Nights series one. It sounds like mates sitting in a pub talking about the series.
6. I Trawl The Megahertz by Paddy McAloon
7. Old "Now" albums. Nostalgia the way I want it, not hijacked and cherry-picked by those "Skool Disco" people. I want to hear the stuff they never select, and these albums let me.
8. Standing at the bar with an empty whisky glass as Frank Sinatra groans his way through One For My Baby. Dressed louche in a suit and open-necked shirt, I'm the king of all I survey in that situation. It's still Frank's world, I just live in it.
9. The Granada TV building in Quay Street, Manchester. In fact, Manchester City Centre as a whole since the bomb. It needed a damn good sort out and the opportuity was firmly grasped with both hands.
10. Word magazine.
Memo to all users: I suppose you'll have found out from this thread that I've been living a lie all along. I'm not actually 23, I'm a 52 year old trapped in a 23 year old's body...