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This MEET thing

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We all know that you are hard done by when it comes to getting meets, truth is we all are, but it's not that bad and not that hard really.
So many people simply have too high an expectation of what is going to happen when they join a site like this.
A lot of it is down to the mathematics, sure effort is important but at the end of the day there simply aren't many people looking for what you have to offer.
Take us for example ......
We can travel or accommodate including overnight
We work from home and don't have kids so are pretty much available anytime
We will meet on a "no strings" basis or play on first meet if everyone feels comfortable to do so
We are happy with soft or full play
We both play alone in the right circumstances
We have our own dedicated playrooms and dungeon
We have a full profile with pictures of both of us
So on the face of it we should get lots of meets, no, it takes us an average 3-4 months to get a meet with someone we have not met before, but that is not a bad thing, it is simply the mathematics.
We have nothing to offer many people on here, for some we are
too slim
too old (Jed)
too young (Sasha)
have an age difference
not well enough endowed (average not huge)
boobs too small (34B)
too far away (often the most common reason)
a couple
smokers (yep that's a biggie)
too experienced (yes that puts some people off)
Our profile is too big (each to thier own view)
too ugly (beauty is always in the eye of the beholder)
too outspoken/opinionated (thats my fault because I find it hard to express myself in the forums without sounding that way though I respect everyones opinions on everything)
And probably another 100 reasons, we all have our own criteria in what we are looking for, ok there are a few who believe "any holes a goal" or "a cock is a cock" so find it easier to find meets and there is nothing wrong with that, but the majority want something specific
Sex with a person of a different colour
Mulitple partners at one time
Curvy people
Tall people
Hairy people
Slim people
People of a certain age group
etc etc
There are only 1.2 million members on the site, take away the number that are here just for the free cams (why pay when you can join here for free to watch them) the dreamers who think they want to meet but lose the adrenalin rush once they get to the arranging a meet stage, the timewasters who get a kick out of messing people about, those that just want to chat, those that just want to see pictures.
Big chunk off the possibilities of finding a meet now eh ?
Now take away those that are not in your criteria
Couples, single males, single fems, too curvy, too slim, etc
List is going down now isn't it.
Now remove all those whose criteria you don't fill
and those that are too far away
Anyone left ?
We make it around 34 people out of the 1.2 million that may want to meet us (could you contact us now please)
Ok so 34 people who would want to meet us and fit our own criteria, ahh but hang on Mother in Law is staying this weekend, it's the wrong time of the month for us, it's the wrong time of the month next weekend for them, she can get the time off work but he has to work this weekend, she has been called into work, the kids are staying in this weekend, the babysitter is on holiday, we are on holiday that weekend, they are on holiday that weekend, the dog is ill, the new kitchen is being fitted and all the other things that stop people getting a date when they are all available.
The numbers are not high, then some people make the odds even worse by making no effort to get a meet, no profile information, no pictures, the wrong type of pictures.
Well that's what I think but what do you think ?

P.S. this is one of those "if the cap fits" kinda threads
and then u get a meet,,,,
and the person u meet has not shaved,,, n smells,,,,or u dont get on to well...or clams up n not say a word,,,n when u say we off now ,,says.. arnt we going to shag now,,,,,we r happy to meet but if just for a drink/coffee like to meet at least 2 at once,,,that way one might turn up n u not wasted yr time looking nice,,,,still the dog ges a walk in the forest,,,, n by the way if u want me to add u as a friend,,,,we like to meet first,,,get fed up with peeps 200 miles away that want to be friends just to perv our pics,,,
Well I guess that does happen but we must be lucky because in all the meets we have ever arranged none have been a really bad experience, one couple did have a bit of a domestic and left earlier than we would have hoped because before that everything was going very well and we had started to play (at thier instigation) but it still wasn't a bad meet we had a good social time, a little fun and it was just what we would class as "unfortunate" that one simple comment from one of them seemed to upset the other one so much.
Good post, didn't know whether to laugh or throw in the towel lol. Definitely food for thought though!
Which of the 34 want to be the first to meet us in 2012 ?
First meet I arranged? I got stood up.
Out of first ten meets I had... I was stood up/cancelled on etc at least three or four times.
I persevered. :twisted:
damn forgot about to take into account the no shows which is currently running at around half the number of meets we do get to arrange
Will the 17 couples that are left please get in touch now lol
You are bang-on as ever. When we did actually meet a couple and clicked big time and then went on to play it was time to hang the flags out. So many things to go wrong but only one way to go right!!!!!
Quote by MidsCouple24
Sex with a person of a different colour
Mulitple partners at one time
Curvy people
Tall people
Hairy people
Slim people
People of a certain age group
etc etc

Wow, thats a list and a half with a fair few presumptions.
If its OK with you, I'll sling any list you make out the window and go with my own instinct.
I don't care on height, weight, 1 or more persons, fat, slim, 24 or 54 or even if they are bald ffs. I don't look to play alone or with Ian, or at a club or a house
I care if there is a spark of excitment or it feels right at the time.
I'm a no list woman :thumbup:
Quote by Dawnie

Sex with a person of a different colour
Mulitple partners at one time
Curvy people
Tall people
Hairy people
Slim people
People of a certain age group
etc etc

Wow, thats a list and a half with a fair few presumptions.
If its OK with you, I'll sling any list you make out the window and go with my own instinct.
I don't care on height, weight, 1 or more persons, fat, slim, 24 or 54 or even if they are bald ffs. I don't look to play alone or with Ian, or at a club or a house
I care if there is a spark of excitment or it feels right at the time.
I'm a no list woman :thumbup:
And that is a damning comment from a site moderator who I though would know better, did you read the whole post ? I said some people don't have any criteria adding that this was not a bad thing, neither do I think having personal criteria is a bad thing, it is all about personal taste, personal preference, doing what you want not what others want you to do and enjoying the experience, so you enjoy yourself, do what you feel comfortable with and forget about what others have as thier criteria, but please do not swear at me for an inoffensive post. Oh and you don't need my permission to do anything least of all throw a list out of your window or even your toys out of your pram. I was certainly not being presumptious, look at some profiles, how many people including us state what sort of things they are looking for like black males, white people only, slim people, large people, couples only, single fems only males only etc etc smile I did say that this is a "if the cap fits wearit thread"
Quote by MidsCouple24
we all have our own criteria in what we are looking for

But I don't dunno
Quote by MidsCouple24
I respect everyones opinions on everything

Next time, could you repect mine please, thanks :thumbup:
So your criteria is to meet anyone, males, females, couples, at clubs, hotels, homes, yours, on weekdays, weekends, evenings, daytimes, black, white, tall, short, large, slim, hairy, shaven, bald, bearded or anything else, and that is great but it is still your criteria for meeting so I did respect what you said and didn't "throw it out of the window" and certainly did not feel the need to swear at you as you did me.
But if you insist that this is not criteria then my initial post stating "if the cap fits applies" and I respected you then by not including you in the lists/criteria statements.
Quote by MidsCouple24
So your criteria is to meet anyone, males, females, couples, at clubs, hotels, homes, yours, on weekdays, weekends, evenings, daytimes, black, white, tall, short, large, slim, hairy, shaven, bald, bearded or anything else, and that is great but it is still your criteria for meeting so I did respect

That is not what I said so please don't twist my words
Quote by Dawnie
I care if there is a spark of excitment or it feels right at the time

Quote by MidsCouple24
and certainly did not feel the need to swear at you as you did me.

An expression of my anger or frustration and not swearing at you.
Well thought out post and a top profile. I'd always thought that couples getting meets was never much of an issue as opposed to single guys getting meets but dippergt750 told me much the same thing last year. Sorry state of affairs.
wiki can say what they like but when someone says to me "for fucks sake" I take offence at the use of such language, maybe it is because I am old and old school but that is me lol
Quote by Dawnie
I care if there is a spark of excitment or it feels right at the time.
I'm a no list woman :thumbup:

I'm a no list man :thumbup:
So 'listless' then?
Ok, I'm going,
Quote by Steve

I care if there is a spark of excitment or it feels right at the time.
I'm a no list woman :thumbup:

I'm a no list man :thumbup:
It's as difficult to meet people as you want to make it - or as easy.
Well yes, we don't want to make it difficult to meet people but we do this for fun so want to meet people we believe we will find it fun meeting us and vice versa, we are not complaining at the number of meets, but thought it worth "enlightening" some of those who think it is as simple as joining then wading through all the invites they are going to get, some will, many will not lol
Quote by Steve

I care if there is a spark of excitment or it feels right at the time.
I'm a no list woman :thumbup:

I'm a no list man :thumbup:
Quote by Toots
So 'listless' then?
Ok, I'm going,

Could it be down to size that puts many people off meeting us
Sasha rates size in the following way
1 inch - Are you taking the mickey?
2 inch - I can't even hold it in my hands.
3 inch - Never been so unsatisfied in my life.
4 inch - I've had bigger.
5 inch - Good, but not enough!
6 inch - About right.
8 inch - Excellent and perfect.
10 inch - My insides are hurting.
12 inch - I'm absolutely fucking destroyed.
So now we are thinking that it's down to this and in future will stop supplying pizzas for the people we meet and let them bring thier own snacks which might help us find more meets.
Quote by MidsCouple24
Could it be down to size that puts many people off meeting us
Sasha rates size in the following way
1 inch - Are you taking the mickey?
2 inch - I can't even hold it in my hands.
3 inch - Never been so unsatisfied in my life.
4 inch - I've had bigger.
5 inch - Good, but not enough!
6 inch - About right.
8 inch - Excellent and perfect.
10 inch - My insides are hurting.
12 inch - I'm absolutely fucking destroyed.
So now we are thinking that it's down to this and in future will stop supplying pizzas for the people we meet and let them bring thier own snacks which might help us find more meets.

swear i was sent this on facebook few years back smile ?1 inch - Are you taking the f**king piss?
2 inch - I can't even hold it properly.
3 inch - Never been so unsatisfied in my life.
4 inch - I've had bigger.
5 inch - Good, but not enough!
6 inch - About right.
8 inch - F**king perfect.
10 inch - It's hurting my insides.
12 inch - I'm absolutely f**king destroyed.
And this is how I rate Domino pizzas... you think a like :)
I think Jed is spot on to be honest. Many people join his site and others like it thinking it will be one long and easy sex session, but the reality is vastly different. The constant moaning of single men that they aren't taken seriously or couples and single fems that they get messed around are from different ends of the spectrum. However the reality is simple...
Walk into any bar, shop, train station or other public place you can think of. What percentage of the people in there would take your fancy? Now subtract from that number the people you might be interested in but they aren't interested in you. I reckon it's probably a low percentage? Then add the further complications of actually having a time and place that's mutually convenient and the odds are stacking against you no doubt.
As a little experiment I have just used the basic seach facility to see who meets our profile. We are looking for single white males under 25 with a pic and within 100 miles. Here are the results.
1,366,577 Members who are registered on site.
5,229 Members who are single males under 25 and within 100 miles.
272 Members who have also been active on the site within 30 days.
74 Members who actually have a pic available, whether public or private.
Those aren't great odds!
Now although we are looking for guys within 100 miles, maybe they don't have the ability to travel, so if we used the advanced search and tick the 'can travel' box we are down to a whopping 29 members out of nearly 1.4 million!
I can then narrow our search even more by taking away those guys that do not want to meet a couple or are smokers. Now I'm down to 17!
Then I removed the two guys that aren't white and we are down to a massive number of 15 possible meets. However most of them don't have any public pics, so it's fair to say that some of them may not be our cup of tea.
It is also fair to assume that some of those guys will not be attracted to us due to our age, looks, distance or whatever.
All in all it's certainly food for thought. :giveup:
On the upside you could have a helluva gangbang with the 7-10 that are left bolt
Any other doubters of the mathematics care to do a similar search ?
But this does show that we are not knocking the site or it's members we are just looking at the reality of all sites and expectations, they are simply too high for many people resulting in dissapointment, downright moaning and some giving up for the wrong reasons.
The figures also prove that there are people who are compatible on here, they are out there you just have to have patience and be willing to make the effort.
It is not wrong to have "lists" or criteria as I see it, it is not right either it is simply down to personal choice, we are all here for our own reasons and being a swinger and judgemental are not things that should go together, it should be honesty and respect.
Quote by Trevaunance
Lot's of numbers and stuff.....

And spare a thought for us poor sods who live on a coast. Our potential numbers are halved before we even start looking! :cry:
I guess the only people due south of us are GnV, and I can't swim! lol
Quote by MidsCouple24
So your criteria is to meet anyone, males, females, couples, at clubs, hotels, homes, yours, on weekdays, weekends, evenings, daytimes, black, white, tall, short, large, slim, hairy, shaven, bald, bearded or anything else, and that is great but it is still your criteria for meeting so I did respect what you said and didn't "throw it out of the window" and certainly did not feel the need to swear at you as you did me.
But if you insist that this is not criteria then my initial post stating "if the cap fits applies" and I respected you then by not including you in the lists/criteria statements.

have to say, we dont have many criteria, but i would find you very intimidating to meet as i would be so scared that i, or j may do something wrong. ( like, not sit with correct posture, or not have the same view ) we have had our share of wasted time but, we meet and see how it goes. if it seems wrong then we just say so and walk away, but we will meet most anyone for a drink (a must)so we can make up our minds with no pre-concieved idea's. i genuinely don't mean that in a rude way, but?