.no genuine ppl
stupid sarcasm
fake emails
wtf is going on?
Help they breeding :scared:
no im serious, i went to a munch and it was great but since sending around a million emails to ads, all i sem to get is stupid replies telling me to join another site wtf????
i report them but they jus come back again and again.
ive found more luck swinging by finding a random partner and convincing her. managed to get a 3some out of that, which was my 4th and was a great experience
.........this site???? done jack for me? am i doing it wrong?
Bye the door is on the left close it behind you and odn't come here moaning about somewhere I like
And Yes I am still genuine
Give the Mods a break and go away
sarah, you got that reply on a cut and paste? Or were u born a broken record? coz thats the 2nd time i seen the same reply. im not moaning and i KNOW where the door is. if that was the case i would just leave but i feel i need to vent my frustration, weird shit going on on this site
yeh i have, and made a few friends, but swinging is not what it used to be. toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many weirdos out there.
:shock: :shock:
Wait for it, there has to be a punchline ................. 3 2 1 :scared:
yeh jiggle i did, but errrm i dunno
fuckit let the alchoholl wear off
I for one would like to thank Rabbit and dudcarl as it really does give people who care about this site a chance to vent their own frustrations.
When do the 'regulars' (used loosly) bitch about not getting things? Shout and run off with their mouth/keyboard. I honestly believe it is only with time and experience do you realise what this site is about. Only then can you truely accept how good a site it is.
The only time you get a whinge from a more experienced SH poster is about real life not being as good as this site!!!!! (Thats how I read it anyway).
Thankyou to Rabbit and dedcarl for letting us just (well we didn't because we like Rabbit) rip into you. Take it on the chin and think about what is happening and not about yourself and you will realise Mark is a big, so very black darlek.