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This weeks PM Victim is.....................

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Sex God
Jas yours was sensible :shock: you really need to have words with your butcher and find out what the hell he is putting in your sausage skins cos it can't be right!
Venus claims hers was trivia, well it wasn't bloody trivial for me after spending upwards of four hours trawling all sorts of crap to find the answer which I admit to failing miserably at redface
and as of now I still need to find out answers to questions about shirt buttons, parabola's (what ever the fuck they are although I think they are similar to a pedalo) and a question about fish :shock:
Wow.......I don't think I've even heard the word parabola since I was in a physics class at school.............................and that was donkeys years ago!! :shock:
Quote by steveg_nw
Wow.......I don't think I've even heard the word parabola since I was in a physics class at school.............................and that was donkeys years ago!! :shock:

I didnt realize Hypnotherapists could "regress" you "that far back" steve lol
Quote by Wilki
I didnt realize Hypnotherapists could "regress" you "that far back" steve lol

Wilki, rearrange the following words into a well known phrase or saying:
Fuck off you scrote! biggrin
Quote by Jas-Tim
Even if he did pass on my question lol :lol: :lol:

I am not surprised :shock: :shock: I saw the question and there is no way I could have answered it :lol:
I did get an answer to my question :smile2: Mind you after seeing Jas's question it was a pitiful attempt :lol:
Quote by steveg_nw
I didnt realize Hypnotherapists could "regress" you "that far back" steve lol

Wilki, rearrange the following words into a well known phrase or saying:
Fuck off you scrote! biggrin
Couldnt resist it :lol:
I have sent my reply!!.... still waiting for an answer though .......
Sex God
Come on davej.. some of us have deadlines to meet wink lol
Quote by davej
Jas yours was sensible :shock: you really need to have words with your butcher and find out what the hell he is putting in your sausage skins cos it can't be right!
Venus claims hers was trivia, well it wasn't bloody trivial for me after spending upwards of four hours trawling all sorts of crap to find the answer which I admit to failing miserably at redface
and as of now I still need to find out answers to questions about shirt buttons, parabola's (what ever the fuck they are although I think they are similar to a pedalo) and a question about fish :shock:

now what sort of person would ask you a question about fish!! surprisedops:
oh and i'm still wating for the answer on got till friday to get the reply!!! ...
PM sent, and if he doesn't answer correctly I shall be mortally offended.
In fact I shall duel
So Dave - I am waiting :giggle:
well, that's the last pigging time i do the whole "be nice to the poor bugger" thing! evil told me to fLuck off he did! sad was a serious question too it was. still dunno anything about piggy transplants! dunno
i'm off to pm venus and little gem. they're NICE to me they are! :(
n x x x :P
Sex God
Just an update here. I have had a very busy week workwise and have struggled to research some of the questions asked, however with a bank holiday coming up and little more to do other than take mrs davej to the tatooist to have her 'love' and 'hate' tatoos completed on her ear lobes and have the swastika that's on her forehead highlighted in red, I will be attempting to supply the ansers by the 6 pm deadline.
I admit to a failing with neils question and sending an expletive for a reply and can only say that questions about the transplants and breeding habits of pigs saddened me, as it reminded me of an unfortunate incident concerning these creatures with my cousins Jethro and Billy Bob from Alabama, who are currently incarcerated in the state penitentiary for researching this very subject. I didn't grasp everything they said but apparently they were doing some 'field research' that the local sheriff took exception to.
Sex God
I forgot to send Davej a PM. mad
Dave, what are you like with social construction theory? :twisted:
Or I may go for one Venus mentioned a few weeks ago.... Is modern art really art? Please give arguments to support your answer biggrin
Sorry Dave,
My subject line is a little off as I was going to come up with a good question about snowmen but at the last minute I changed my mind. Hope you understand. I didn't want it to be harder than what it already is. :twisted:
Well i got mine answered :happy: and quickly to biggrin
That was because i was nice to him tho unlike some on here rolleyes
Thanks Dave kiss
Sex God
Quote by easy
I forgot to send Davej a PM. mad
Dave, what are you like with social construction theory? :twisted:
Or I may go for one Venus mentioned a few weeks ago.... Is modern art really art? Please give arguments to support your answer biggrin

firstly I'm pleased that you didn't send me a P.M. I am on overload.
Your first question certainly wouldn't have been answered, it's far too deep for a mind that isn't in the least bit inquisitive about anything.
Your second question would have been a simple yes, modern art is art, however you wouldn't have got any supporting argument because again I'm not in the least bit bothered if someone has a counter belief, I think it is, but am not the slightest bit bothered by it, to want to defend it, or my belief.
..........davej off to finish his sausage and tomato ketchup sclupting entitled ' A Slaughter House in fruit'
Warming the Bed
PM sent...
...Just an EASY one on
Sex God
Quote by Phabes
PM sent...
...Just an EASY one on

I will check this one out later with some research, just to make sure because I don't like giving out answers on medical problems as the answer should always be consult your doctor however I'm pretty confident on this one so..............
Always insist on useing a condom and some sort of barrier cream to prevent this infection in the first place, but if it's too late than please go straight to your nearest STD clinic and avoid any sexual contact. I would also hope that you inform any persons you have had sexual contact with in the last few weeks so they can get checked out immediately, it's likely that they will know as their extremities start to turn green, but you will score some 'good buddy' points if you 'fess up' first.
Sex God
I'm just wondering if I can sneak in a late one :giggle:
Warming the Bed
Apart from the fact your are totally wrong, i do like the answer you have given. However, it only occurs in plants, does that make it easier?
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I'm just wondering if I can sneak in a late one :giggle:

Are you on about a question??? lol
Sex God
I'll tell you the answer to mine when you've finished Dave biggrin
Sex God
Quote by Phabes
Apart from the fact your are totally wrong, i do like the answer you have given. However, it only occurs in plants, does that make it easier?

plants can get STD's... :shock:
Sex God
Quote by Jas-Tim
I'll tell you the answer to mine when you've finished Dave biggrin

Rowntree's have stopped putting the blue smarties in the tube and as I suspect that it was the consumption of too many of these that inspired your question, I feel that you will be unable to answer it without a simlar consumption of said smarties.............basically your fucked!
Sex God
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I'm just wondering if I can sneak in a late one :giggle:

depends what you want to sneak in Dawn.
If it's a question then fire away via P.M........if it's in anyway connected to the subject matter in Ians thread then stick it in a jiffy bag and post it to the next victim, I've enough guff to deal with.
Sex God
Quote by davej
I'll tell you the answer to mine when you've finished Dave biggrin

Rowntree's have stopped putting the blue smarties in the tube and as I suspect that it was the consumption of too many of these that inspired your question, I feel that you will be unable to answer it without a simlar consumption of said smarties.............basically your fucked!
I would never have asked you a question that I didn't know the answer to.
You were so close as well lol
Phabes are you a catholic by any chance?
Sex God
Quote by davej
.......Your second question would have been a simple yes, modern art is art, however you wouldn't have got any supporting argument because again I'm not in the least bit bothered if someone has a counter belief, I think it is, but am not the slightest bit bothered by it, to want to defend it, or my belief.
..........davej off to finish his sausage and tomato ketchup sclupting entitled ' A Slaughter House in fruit'

ROTFPMSL rotflmao ROTFPMSL :rotflmao: ROTFPMSL :rotflmao: ROTFPMSL :rotflmao: ROTFPMSL :rotflmao: ROTFPMSL :rotflmao: ROTFPMSL :rotflmao: ROTFPMSL :rotflmao:
Quote by davej
PM sent...
...Just an EASY one on

I will check this one out later with some research, just to make sure because I don't like giving out answers on medical problems as the answer should always be consult your doctor however I'm pretty confident on this one so..............
Always insist on useing a condom and some sort of barrier cream to prevent this infection in the first place, but if it's too late than please go straight to your nearest STD clinic and avoid any sexual contact. I would also hope that you inform any persons you have had sexual contact with in the last few weeks so they can get checked out immediately, it's likely that they will know as their extremities start to turn green, but you will score some 'good buddy' points if you 'fess up' first.
Oh I see. Like that is it mate. The newbie gets the whole "go see a doctor/clinic" thing, but when I asked you, in complete confidence you said....
Quote by davej
Oh just stick a wet cabbage leaf on it for a few days. That should sort you out. :grin:

evil :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
easy. (off to remove a wet cabbage leaf from his Calvins and find the number for the local STD clinic :evil: ).
Sex God
Quote by davej
I'm just wondering if I can sneak in a late one :giggle:

depends what you want to sneak in Dawn.
If it's a question then fire away via P.M........if it's in anyway connected to the subject matter in Ians thread then stick it in a jiffy bag and post it to the next victim, I've enough guff to deal with.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh I'm going to have to now :giggle:
Bloody hell havent pmed him yet :shock:
Right a last minute quickie is on the way bolt

Pm sent with about 30 2 parter questions to answer,should keep him amused for a while :giggle:
Sex God
and now a question about Psychokinesis........enough is enough.
davej off to find his atlas although he is pretty sure it's one of the Greek islands.