On the homepage, it says "Users who complete all of their profile get a 73% better success rate on average!"
My thought for the day is, (cue Twighlight Zone music) - How do they know?
Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life.
Jean Paul Richter
Why do Clinics always say "Here's 6-12 condoms - see you in 3 months".
As if that would be enough!!!
Thought for today. Absolutely everyone is unique, its the only thing we all have in common.
Why isn't deoderant called
"with his mouth full of toys, Jolly's urinating seemed defiant"
if 'God is a DJ' why is the music so crap sometimes?
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
I'm listening to radio 4's:
Archive on Four; Nations of the Cross.
It's a fantstic programme, the history of the area (King's Cross, London) via achive recordings etc.
I believe it's part of a series and I'm sure would be available on BBC's 'Listen Again' service.
This was your ROLP Public Service Announcement: