It can be quite posible to assist some with the chores at hand.
It can be posible to guide, offer advice, and point that person in the right direction.
However, some people will never ever do the right fucking thing at the right time if they have to apply thier own blasted minds and take a little responcablity.
Be aware of this.
(the lp manual of employment dynamics)
Buses seem to be heated in the summer and cold in the winter. Is this because the heating bill is cheaper in the summer so therefore saving passing expence onto the fare paying passenger? It would be nice to think so.
Take a scarf in the winter, and a towel in the summer.
(Surviving Public Transport: RO, a work in progress)
For a short lived, though interesting sensory and visual experience, these cold mornings can have a little light hearted and uplifting effect. It need not be all chill & shiver!
the air in the bathroom is frigid as you strip for your bath, you muscles tense and a shiver runs across your goose-pimply flesh.
But lower yourself slowly into the deep and hot water, supporting yourself on the sides of the bath; feet, calves and as far up your thighs as you can without actually 'sitting'in the hot steamie water. Support yourself for a minute in that position before standing again, and then:
Admire the new pair of bright pink and wet stockings you are wearing!!!
Im about to try some on now.
heres a thought for the day:
I do myself on a regular basis too!
I live in fear of an advertisement just seen on tele.
a dating site is offering a free personality test.
would always be good to know what/who I am... though I fear the power of 'section'
is that posible online?