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thought i'd do some cock photos to send to my gf...

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... as naughty surprise at work (she has her own office). Started off being fun, naughty etc etc... 45 minutes later of struggling with a camera in one hand, balancing, , trying to hold still and look at the screen on the camera to check i was in shot, getting in front of the camera when the times went and it started to feel like a chore!! I took 38 pictures on our digi cam of which only 8 made the cut (so to speak)... so guys, is there a 'technique' to doing solo pics that comes with time or is it a true labour of love? confused:
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every man with a digital camera will eventually photograph his own genitals...
Quote by Heather
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every man with a digital camera will eventually photograph his own genitals...

ofcourse... its like setting up a dvd without reading the instructions. It would be rude not to, especially whilst everything is still pointing in the right direction. wink
Have you got a tripod? Or even a pillow to prop in on? Does it have a timer?
When all else fails, stand in front of the mirror and photograph the reflection...
no tripod but it has got a timer... which i did use when i placed it on a shelf and the arm of the sofa. The camera is excellent, all singing and dancing, pic and video taking digi cam - i thinks its more a case of the ineptitude of the handler! When i put the timer on it wasn't too difficult getting in shot at normal zoom but when you zoom in for a close up shot it was seriously hard (pardon the pun) getting in shot - i ended up putting markers on the floor so that i would get back in the right position after each shot!!! Eventually i just took to standing and holding the camera out to the side and trying to keep veeeerrryyy still.
got there in the end though! rolleyes lol
Quote by Heather
Have you got a tripod? Or even a pillow to prop it on?

Fucking Hell, Heather!! How big do you think his dick is? :shock:
Quote by Robbie
got there in the end though! rolleyes lol

Gizza look, then!
Is it possible to attach an image or would i need to host the pic first... failing that pm me and i'll email ya - see if you think I'm a future David Bailey.
Quote by Robbie
Is it possible to attach an image or would i need to host the pic first... failing that pm me and i'll email ya - see if you think I'm a future David Bailey.

Email it to me. We'll host the pic for ya, if ya like.
Quote by Heather
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every man with a digital camera will eventually photograph his own genitals...

Quote by Silk and Big G
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every man with a digital camera will eventually photograph his own genitals...

That worked well, then. rolleyes
All this talk about cock pics reminds me of the time I came in from a girlie night out, flicked on the pc and when it eventually booted Ian had lovingly taken a picture of his cock and made it into the wallpaper :eek:
Now why did he find it funny when I found it childish???
Dawn :silly:
Dawn sweetheart
blokes are childish.
boy to mother "mummy when i grow up i want to be a man"
mother to boy "dont be silly son you cant do both"
So youre not interested in my cock shots then confused:
Quote by warwick
So youre not interested in my cock shots then confused:

I am, I am!!
Quote by warwick
Dawn sweetheart
blokes are childish.
boy to mother "mummy when i grow up i want to be a man"
mother to boy "dont be silly son you cant do both"
So youre not interested in my cock shots then confused:

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I never said that lol but as it happens I like to see a face pic...........first :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
It is a matter of cosmic inevitability that men photograph their genitals.
The problem I encountered wasn't technical... it's just that I don't find photography a particularly erotic experience. So by the time I have worked out the shots and set the timer, my hard-on has disappeared. Oh well.
Quote by Heather
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every man with a digital camera will eventually photograph his own genitals...

Unfortunately its also one of those inevitabilities of life that he will then get drunk and post the self same photos to everyone in his address book including his mum, luckily it was only my ass
She liked... biggrin
vix - she liked the background too, although i'm a 'bad boy' for watchign it without her. rolleyes :twisted:
from my own limited experience :shock: ive taken one or two of myself over the years rolleyes
its all down to trial and error after doing afew it doesnt take long to get the angles right.
just persivere im sure it will be worth it :twisted:
It's easy, just point and click rolleyes :roll: :roll:
I believe the resultant pic should be entered in the cock comp. Whaddya reckon?
Or emailed to me direct!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Heather
stand in front of the mirror and photograph the reflection...

Only problem with that is that you see the flash go off in the refection.
Quote by Heather
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every man with a digital camera will eventually photograph his own genitals...

Only if ya can't get ya gal to do it!!
It is one of those inevitabilities of life that every woman with a digital camera will take a picture of the back of someone's head or their own knee by mistake!!
I have found the following works quite well when it comes to self portraits:

* If you have a fancy new camera that goes up to something crazy like 6 million pixels, set it to max resolution and high detail... and zoom right out... then you have no problems fitting everything in... when your done, load the picture in your fave photo editing software and crop the picture down to just what you want to show.... because you took such a massively detailed picture in the first place it doesn't matter if you zoom in on only a small part of it ;) no pun intended. As the finished picture will still be detailed and relatively large.
* Use aditional lighting so that you don't need a flash... prevents alll mirror related problems... plus nobody looks good under bright flashlight (all white and blue and yellow... with pink bits) Flash also gives redeye... and makes blue veins stand out.
* When using additional lighting... red bulbs or dimmed ordinary ones add colour and take away the aniemic look.
* Don't use the ceiling light... always find a desk lamp... or something else you can move around... something with a shade helps... light from the side or from below... if you have lots of people hanging around... get someone to run round with a light trying different positions out (don't trip over the cable)
* Use shadows... its the best way of showing off your curves... otherwise if lit from the front you will just look all flat (goes for ladies and gents)... another good reason not to use the flash!
* Photoshop is always useful... not for adding an extra 5 inches to your penis... but for making pictures darker or lighter... covering up skin blemishes you don't like... also if you have been trying to get that perfect half shadow look... you can correct the shadow so you realy are in shade rather than the light.

Just some thoughts from me... anybody want a demonstration, just PM me smile