exactly gurl....
Its a device and as it has moving parts something can go wrong....
The money is most likely to have come from someones account, infact the machine may have been rigged by someone else to keep the money so they coould collect it later and you got in there before they had a chance!!!
There are occasions where the software has thrown a wobbler and machines will dispence extra amounts, but if the bank works out for which accounts the machine paid out the extra I believe (but am not 100% sure) they can debit it from the accounts but they would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt which accounts; ie by finding the cause of the fault and at what time it happened it is possible to prove which accounts.
Banks auditing policies are so tight that they may make mistakes... but the chances are that at some point they will find and correct the mistakes such as phantom transactions because someone else will usually be involved because thier account will be wrong.
I'd have gone to the bank and reported the matter 1st thing Monday morning. It's what an honest citizen would do :angel:
Hmm, anybody smell something strange?? Oh yeah :bs:
I bet it is cleared out of cash by now.
After the experience a friend had when the ATM short changed him and the bank refused to consider it could be their fault, or the fault of the machine, I would have taken the money, and enjoyed it :shock:
Please tell us Judy what you and your friends have done.
ATM machines are deffinately prone to breaking down as tehy are run by Microsoft software and programmed using Microsoft visual C++.
Don't trust anything that microsoft runs. Microsoft only guarentees four things
It'll go wrong
It'll need upgrading
it'll eat half your resources whatever the computer
It'll be expensive(if u buy it!!
I'd have kept it a while then if no one asks i'd keep it because as its the machiines fault and anyone who loses out by it the bank would have to reinstate them.
Many thigns like this have happenend as they are programmed to never receive less than you asked and if anything goes wrong they'll pay you more than you asked.
Lots of these cases have appeared in papers and every time the bank has said they don't have to return it only if you want to be really nice person and get a pat on the back from the bank. While they ask you for £30 for that debt letter they sent you yesterday lol.
Anyway thats my 10 peneth
Being skint at the moment, perhaps I would have kept it. However, I do have a tendency to be very honest, especially where such a large sum of money is involved... So I would probably have handed it in. But would then have kicked myself, but not felt guilty!!!
I would have gone to the bank on Monday morning and said
"I tried to withdraw £320 on saturday and the cash machine threw a wobbly and didnt give me any money or a receipt or anything....What do i do??"
come on judy..page 4 now...time to tell us....which way did you blow....I'm going with a new outfit theory myself !!!!!
oh gossip gossip....judy is watching Corrie...what is she doing !!!
And more to the point does she know !!!