I seem to remember hearing on the news last year, some poor soul who's bank accidently deposited a few thousand quid into his account. It stayed there for a few months, then he took it out and spent it.
A few months later, they wanted it back. With interest!
ID have spent it on a bloody good night IN :twisted:
I had saturation about a year ago where I owed about a 1000 pound on my credit card, I had no intention of paying it off for a while. Then the next thing I know 700 pound had been paid off leaving only 300 pound on my statement. I said nothing to the bank about this, and some 4 months later just when I thought I’d got away with it, the bank sent me a letter saying there had been an admin mistake and 700 pound had accidentally been debited to my account and my bill was now back at 1000, far enough they never asked for the interest as it was there mistake.
So to answer your question I’d keep the money for about 6-7 months, to see if there’s any comeback, then after that time I’d spend it. And maybe to balance the karma a litttle give 70 quid to a charity.
This is what I would have done. Kept the money till the branch was open again. Speak to the person who balances the ATMs and tell them what happened.
They would probably suggest that you wait whilst the ATM is balanced, but it was probably done on Monday morning, after the weekend. Then if there is a discrepancy, they'd possibly ask you for the cash. In all honesty, you would be entitled to keep it and not tell. You have committed no fraud and you have not intentionally taken funds from someone elses account. However, the funds will be from someone elses account, and the Hx has to prove that someone legitamately took the cash out.
As they will NOT be able to prove that, they will eventually give the account holder the money back. But it will be a long fight for the account holder and a rather nasty one, too.
Therefore, I would deffo hand the money in, as this maybe more than the account holder can afford to lose. I know it would be if it were me.
My job is not well paid. That would be more than half my monthly pay packet.
I work for the Halifax.
The correct thing to do is to take the money to the Police Station and hand it in as lost property (get a reciept!). If it is unclaimed after 6 months, they will let you keep it.
The problem is that the police will go straight to the bank and ask if they want the money back, if you tell them where the money came from.
However, if you were far too drunk to remember how you obtained the money, or (and you might have an advantage here!) you don't match the description of the 3 ladies concerned, the police might not be able to put 2 and 2 together, especially if the bank follows their usual policy of 'our cash machines are infallible' and keeps quiet about it.
If you wished to muddy the trail somewhat, you might consider the person who operated the machine splitting the cash into 2 sums, giving them to the other two, who will take them on different days to different police stations, and explaning that they were asked by someone hopelessly drunk to do the right thing and hand in some money that person had found, which would be factually accurate.
I realise the question is 'what would YOU have done', but I think the above only really works well with 3 trannies and not 1 bloke!.
Personally, I'd have written to the Halifax's marketing department at head office and asked them to provide a written admission that their machine was handing out free cash which you could use to verify your story when you went to the press, and stating that you didn't get this you would assume the money was an unsolicited gift. It's well worth them losing £320 to spike your story!
My first reaction was to take the money and run but after reading the rest of the thread, I think I would have to take it into the bank the next day. Shame!
I think Judy handed it into the bank or the police because her friends persuaded her to!!
I've found money in the street and pocketed it but if I found a purse/wallet with cards or some other ID, I'd hand it in. Soemhow it's different when you 'know' who it belongs to.
My friend found a purse with no ID but 800 squid! She was at work so rang the police. Later, an old couple came to collect it and gave her a pound coin for her troubles. Generous, eh?
Pleased to inform customers that the YorkshireBank are now installing the Next Generation of new "Drive-thru" cash point machines: Customers will in future be able to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. To enable users to use this new facility the following procedures have been drawn up. Please read the procedure that applies to you (Male Or Female).
Please remember and follow these instructions when you use the machine for the first time.
1 Drive up to the cash machine.
2 Wind down your car window.
3 Insert card into machine and enter PIN.
4 Enter amount of cash required and withdraw.
5 Retrieve card, cash and receipt
6 Wind up window
7 Drive off
1 Drive up to cash machine
2 Reverse back the required amount to align car
3 Re-start the stalled engine
4 Wind down the window
5 Find handbag, remove all contents on to passenger seat to locate card.
6 Turn the radio down 7 Attempt to insert card into machine
8 Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive distance from the car
9 Insert card
10 Re-insert card the right way up
11 Re-enter handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back page.
12 Enter PIN.
13 Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN.
14 Enter amount of cash required
15 Check make-up in rear view mirror
16 Retrieve cash and receipt
17 Empty handbag again to locate purse and place cash inside
18 Place receipt in back of cheque book
19 Re-check make-up again
20 Drive forwards 2 meters
21 Reverse back to cash machine
22 Retrieve card
23 Re-empty hand bag, locate card holder, and place card into the slot provided
24 Restart stalled engine and pull off
25 Drive for 2 to 3 miles
26 Release handbrake
well the banks tell you this couldn't happen.....I try not to think of myself as dishonest but under the circumstances that I was given more monet than i should at a ATm...i would simply pocket it. The bank gets enough off me....and not as if they are struggling to make profits. If the bank did ever come back and ask for it back i would just say it only gave me say£20 and how can they prove otherwise.
Spend it..have fun
you only live once.....so live for today.