Further to my previous post. This issue has now graduated to the local television news (Look North, BBC1, Tuesday 21st Oct. The proposed Swingers Club to be opened at Stanley, has been named as TLS, (The Love Shack). The property concerned was originally a hotel (plenty of rooms) Its last use was as a Bikers (Hells Angels) Club, with all the noise, mess and drunkeness associated with such premises.
Despite such anti social behavior, no attempt was made to close this Bikers Club down.
Viewers last night were shown film of a female Council Member soliciting signatures from passers-bye to a petition which proposes that the new club be shut down before it even opens. She seemed quite pleased to have obtained some 600 (so she claimed) names already.
A rather unusual practice methinks, I thought members of the public got together petitions to give to the Council, not the Council Members seeking out the public in support of a possible Council Decision.
Shots of the nearly completed renovation were shown, excellent communal room, spa's. showers etc. The owner was also interviewed. He stated that he had a lot of prospective members already including, (Get this) Councillors, Solicitors, Doctors and other professsional people.
He stated emphatically, that it was a Members Only club without a 'bar' so there would be no rowdieness or drunkeness. He went on to say that there were 180 similar clubs in Britain, with two being in the Newcastle area (15 miles away) This seemed to surprise both the reporter and the female studio presenter who nearly fell off her chair.
Finally, the usual members of the public were dragged in for their opinions.
I ask you, how many ancient grannies would come out in public, on TV, and say they were in favour of such a club. Not many I bet. :shock: There was also the usual moan from one old guy who thought it would depress the value of properties in the area. Not half as much as the Bikers Club did, I bet.
I'll keep you 'posted' on what happens next, in this continuing saga.
It's just along the road from me as well, mutter, mutter. :D