Mids,, I don't know you personally however sympathise with the situ you are going through.. and hell at least you are staying friends at teh end of the day,,, time will fill your bed again...
Soz to hear the news though it ain't something I would like to experience.. :thumbup:
Well said Midlandsmale39. Explains your posts a bit. Being 40 is not bad at all, your still a young un with miles to go and who knows what will turn up for the better, eh.
You know we are here to turn to...Good luck mate. :cheers:
:rose: Well Midsmale, though not sure if we have chatted in the chatroom ive read some of your posts on Luck for whatever the future holds....love...luck....and happiness hopefullyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :thumbup: :giggle:
P.S you only get one life and as you said you have done the right thing by your children it is time for you now........GO FOR YOUR LIFE! love peppsxxxxxxxx
one door closes and another one opens ....big hugz
Good Luck mate!
You are right in a lot of what you say.
I hope you find happiness.
Good for you mate.
:cheers: Bloody hard decision to make. Just glad you made one rather than just languishing in 's plenty of people out there who would just sit and accept the situation for an easy life.
Good for you and I wish you all the luck in the world.
stood there for years thinking that easy, cheers mate
cheers babe thanks for the pm by the way
My thoughts echo those already posted.
If you are unhappy in a relationship, which you obviously were, I think you have made the right decision.
It now gives you BOTH a chance to move on and be happy!
Big big Hugs!
Alex x x
Hugs to you Misschief
I can very much relate to what you have posted, breaking out of a particularly abusive relationship from a man who had far too much control over me. i was only 21 and had been with him for 6 years.
The pain in letting go initially was too much and then a friend flew me to Spain, and showed me how to be alone and enjoy life, at the end of the holiday I suddenly realised how sunny life was and that I'd not missed him once and also had enjoyed the company of other people for the first time without worrying about "his" reaction.
The first few smiles, thoughts and actions are very scary, but wounds and scars do heal and ease with time.
Calista x
ive had a fair few loveley pms
Hugs Mids ....
It would never be the right time ... if you and your ex can show your children that despite splitting up you can still be "friends" (however hard it is) you will be teaching them a fine lesson.
The hurt will be there initially, but they will come to understand and appreciate you needed to take this action ...
It gets easier hon ..... it does get easier.