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Hi guys
Just recently there seem to be at least two timewasters knocking about on here! mad :x :x (I realise there are lots more - but I only know about these two!!)
Bi-Lousie - After talking to some chaps in the chatroom yesterday I realise I'm not the only one he/she has been contacting
Also another pic collector in the chatroom - Sexyliz
Do you think there should be a system of 'verifying' who's gen and who isn't???
Love and kisses
if u look at my post before i feel the samer as i have contacted many and not come up trumps. with anyone yet
I don't know whether a system verifying genunieness would work - how could anyone possibly verify that they are genuine, and how could a moderator tell if they're not?
Some sites have 'swingers' verifying each other.
Worth a go ?
What you think Mark? Sure you relish the extra coding involved!!!
Love and kisses
Hi Claire!!
Bi Louise and Sexy Liz are definately time wasters!!!! My hubby and I were talking to them soon as you asked if they had a cam...or could phone you now....surprise surprise, THEY STOPPED TALKING TO YOU!!!
I know not everyone wants to talk on the phone...but to suddenly stop speaking..too sus!!!
Well, I don't know the two people you are talking about, and this is just a thought...
...I don't do chat rooms much but occassionally I log on to one and sometimes get inundated by people asking if they can phone me (for phone sex), or asking me if I have a cam, or pics, or failing that what I'm wearing, what do I look like etc etc etc. confused These types of questions get very boring, and sometimes I get so annoyed with them I log off without saying goodbye :shock: . If I'm on a chat room to chat, I find these questions silly and time wasting. Now, I'm not suggesting that, in asking to phone or to see a cam, you are time wasting, I'm just saying the people you are talking about might actually be genuine but just sick of being asked the same old questions sad
That's why I think verification would be a bad idea - what seems like genuine behaviour to one persons seems completely different to another. Such is life :shock:
Me and my hubby do like just chatting, but it does get to the point where you need to know for certain, we dont say by the way we are actually sat here in the nud getting our rocks off..can we see you too please or can you phone us for phone sex....we ask simply if they can just pick up the phone and say hello..thats it...we are nice people and I hate people who go straight in for the kill as well, this is the way we find though does sort out a lot of the time-wasters!!
Take Care
Lis and Gaz!
Have to agree with Blue.
It seems everywhere a girl goes, she gets asked for a photo. Some are probably picture collectors but some might well be genuine. It's not a problem confined to this site - it's everywhere.
Ask them for a phone number and call them. That's the only way to prove it's not a bloke making out he's a girl or vice versa. If they refuse, move on...
Some folks do get kicks out of phone sex, emails and the like but I prefer the real thing. But that doesn't mean those people wanting to pant to me down the phone aren't genuine, just that the candles get lit differently to mine.
I can't see how any system of varification would be fool proof... unless we are prepared to give each other references. Where would that end? 6-10 for a blowjob? Would girls carry a tape measure to meetings and report back on blokes?
No... don't see it happening.
Hi all,
Just a quick few notes (not in my defense, as a feel I have nothing to defend).
Being new to the site and chatroom system, I was not aware that you are only supposed to chat or arrange to meet 1 person at a time.
If someone could run me through the way I should operate then that would be really helpful.
The person I was chatting to, I thought understood the situation I was in, being in work etc. but maybe she did not. my mistake.
So if I have unintentionally upset or angered anyone, I apologise as that was not my intention.
Thanks for reading this and help would be more than gratefully accepted.
Louise xx
p.s. I would be obliged if you could remove my personal e-mail from your message board as I wish to give it out only to person or persons that I want to. Thanks.
Yeah...sorry for putting that on a new topic..pressed wrong one!!!!
I completely hear what you are saying about, if you are not proved to be a 100% member, then you will get people that just wont talk to them, but I think a lot of people will give the benefit of the doubt at first, lets face it being a swinger doesnt mean you have to have a cam and digi cam!!! I was just simply saying that It does put peoples mind at ease!!!!!
Take Care
No you dont just have to talk to one person at once, and you dont have to just arrange to meet one couple/fem at once. Obviously, mistakably you have portrayed yourself as a dud!!! I oppologise if we have upset you in any way, but we have just been too used to people not turning out to who they say they are!!!
Take Care
Hope you liked the pics anyway!!!
Lis and Gaz!!
This genuine thing is difficult. Been chatting to a couple on another site and was going to meet them at a club tonight, should be fun. Friday night I'm meeting a couple from this site (been here 3 days only) already talked on the phone and will have no problem getting there. I'm genuine, I know I wouldn't let them down without a good reason but never swapped numbers.
The up-shot is... we have lives to lead that sometimes get in the way, if all you want to do is chat/cyber then say so, plenty of other people happy to do that as well. Maybe word of mouth is the only real solution, photos and action shots etc will also help.
There does seem to be a lot of Email address gathering on this site and a lot of virtual swinging! For goodness sake If The boys want to be girls and egg us men on then why can't they say that`s wot they're up for. After all it takes all sorts to make a world. It's just a shame such an open minded site should be hijacked by morons!
If bi-louise is gen then I say call me!
My mobile is xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have no problem posting my mobile OR email addys on this site, I don't like playing email tennis and would rather chat on the phone!
IF she rings - then I will write 'swinging heaven' across my arse and you can have that too!
Somehow, however, I think I dont need to sharpen my lipstick just yet!!!
Love and kisses
Yes, call! I'd like to see that pic too...
Hey well guess what??????
She/he hasn't!!
Love and kisses
This year's late summer craze - writing "Swinging Heaven" somewhere on your body

Perhaps a willy tatoo. Could say "Sven" when relaxed. Then "Swinging Heaven" in full glory. Course, some of us would end up with "winging Heave" and there are the show offs with the full website address and a welcome message from our sponsors.
Be like a scratch card game. "Sven" then in small print "rub here to reveal your prize"
Now I would LOVE to see a penis with Swinging Heaven written on it.. come on you guys!! Get writing and get excited about it.
Sausages and mash for tea m'thinks!!
redface lol
x xx
I'm still willing to give Bi-Louise the benefit of the doubt, but I really do hope she calls! However, if someone called "Bi-Louise" calls, how will you know it's the real Bi-Louise, or just a faker pretending to be her? This verification lark becomes more and more frought with problems the more I think about it! confused
I'll work on the Swinging Heaven penis idea and get back to you all soon wink
I have the swinging heaven penis!!!! However you can't see it til I work out how to post a pic with my reply!!!
Here it is:-
I could get s i g n h a e, which is what you see between the wrinkles.....!
Sorry Blue!
Think you've lucked out on this one! Def not gen.
Nasty emails to work put the tin lid on it.
Like I said, I've NO problem putting my addy or mobile number on this forum. If some idiot wants to waste their money and time texting and mailing me then fine! they both have delete buttons!!
Love and kisses
Lying in bed earlier, and I suddenly thought I had come up with a brilliant idea about verification.
then realised it had been covered earlier.
I think trying to weed out the non-genuine stuff would be an impractical task. Once identified, they would be able to return under another name.
My brilliant thought was, the peer monitoring thing. Once a member has been identified as genuine, by whatever method, notify Mark and a tag is put on the profile saying, "Full Member" perhaps.
And only full members would be able to "vouch" for someone else.
Then, if you get an offer from someone, check the profile first. At least there is some re-assurance if there is a marker.
You would still go through whatever process you used to check before you meet.
Thought it was good before I read through the string again.
1) Would it make the site less attractive to new members.
2) Only those who knew what "full member" meant would think to check.
3) Same nightmare to administer
4) How do you measure genuine??? Would I be considered genuine? I still have 'no meetings please' on my profile. I suppose I was thinking of an interpretation of genuine as being - honest in intentions and deeds.
I think Jags said something earlier about cliques. This would not be a bad option if it was what you wanted. If you wanted to err on safety side, you stick with the clique, and accept that you may miss out on some truly wonderful experiences.
If you want to take the additonal risk of meeting with someone with no prior history. Then you can choose to do so.
at least you are making a slightly more informed choice.
As I said, thought I had a good idea until I went through everyones messages again.
Just read Mark and Lindas farewell message. Never met them, never really spoke to them until tonight. Why am I REALLY pissed off?
The more I think about verification, in the form of peer review or something of that nature, the more unasy I feel about it. Pete's criticisms of such a system are all good points - particularly the "what is genuine" one. Someone could be perceived as not genuine if they don't meet or don't reply to emails from "undesirable" members, and it would be a nightmare to administrate.
If such a ssystem were in operation when I found this site I certainly would not have stayed, I wouldn't like the thought of being "assessed" by strangers who knew nothing about me :shock:
Thanks Mark for attaching the Swinging Heaven penis for all to see. The writing looks a bit shaky, but at least it's obvious that there is one BIG fan out there 8)
Ouch! Those exclamation marks must have hurt. rolleyes Biro or felt tip?
(yes, I can see that it was drawn on the photo, not the...errrr....subject, but it's the thought that counts!)
I refuse to look at that penis until I have added a bit about verification.
This is the only site I have ever spent any time on.
Many people here have experience on other sites.
We do have time wasters - and non genuine people - and the occaisional pain in the arse.
However, I see a more comments saying things like "this site is better than many others" than I do "beware timewasters".
And it is up for an award.
Perhaps non-genuine people are largely unavoidable in this environment - and while not ignoring the issue, accept that we are less affected than other sites of a similar nature??
That seems to be the picture I get??
The writing looks a bit shaky,

Back to Blues Penis lol :lol: :lol:
If it was my penis - The shakier your hand was the better! :twisted:
Biro or felt tip?

Definitely prefer to have my tip felt.
Geoff, yes it was drawn on afterwards - imagine trying to scrub "I love swinging heaven" written in permanent marker off your willy. Having said that, some people might like it :shock: