Quote by foxylady2209
Take care with your English? It isn't a criterion for a good sexual experience, but it might get you more responses if people are clear about what you mean. Lack of punctuation can make posts difficult to interpret sometimes.
Oh and some of us are fussier as we get older too:D:D:D:D:D
Quote by Chrisglasgow123
being youngish is hard to find people on here and being a single male obv makes it even harder, so do you have any advice to help me find some fun lol
Quote by Anoushhello chris! Im in a similar position to you, being a young single guy on this site. Now Im definately in no position to be giving any valuable advice, having not yet met up with anyone.
What I can do for you is to relay some of the feedback that I have recieved :)
I've had a look at you profile, and suggest that you could add more about yourself in your profile text. Also add some more pictures of yourself.
Try your best to use correct grammar and punctuation. Obviously the odd spelling error is going to slip through and you shouldnt feel the need to change how you talk, but correct SPAG wont hurt anything. :)
Quote by Anoushhello chris! Im in a similar position to you, being a young single guy on this site. Now Im definately in no position to be giving any valuable advice, having not yet met up with anyone.
What I can do for you is to relay some of the feedback that I have recieved :)
I've had a look at you profile, and suggest that you could add more about yourself in your profile text. Also add some more pictures of yourself.
Try your best to use correct grammar and punctuation. Obviously the odd spelling error is going to slip through and you shouldnt feel the need to change how you talk, but correct SPAG wont hurt anything. :)
Quote by BIokehello chris! Im in a similar position to you, being a young single guy on this site. Now Im definately in no position to be giving any valuable advice, having not yet met up with anyone.
What I can do for you is to relay some of the feedback that I have recieved :)
I've had a look at you profile, and suggest that you could add more about yourself in your profile text. Also add some more pictures of yourself.
Try your best to use correct grammar and punctuation. Obviously the odd spelling error is going to slip through and you shouldnt feel the need to change how you talk, but correct SPAG wont hurt anything. :)
Quote by fluff_n_stuffhello chris! Im in a similar position to you, being a young single guy on this site. Now Im definately in no position to be giving any valuable advice, having not yet met up with anyone.
What I can do for you is to relay some of the feedback that I have recieved :)
I've had a look at you profile, and suggest that you could add more about yourself in your profile text. Also add some more pictures of yourself.
Try your best to use correct grammar and punctuation. Obviously the odd spelling error is going to slip through and you shouldnt feel the need to change how you talk, but correct SPAG wont hurt anything. :)