Welcome back - I run into you in the chatrooms last night! OCD you say... so how did you manage to break out of here the first time round? :shock:
Unknown User
Quote by pebble Welcome back - I run into you in the chatrooms last night! OCD you say... so how did you manage to break out of here the first time round? :shock:
Intrusive thoughts, got it in my head that someone local had recognised my pics and had started gossiping. Almost certainly a load of crap, but I was totally convinced. Things better now, I just cannot drive or operate machinery, lmao!
Ello you!! You may have disappeared for a while - but crikey, nowayyyyy forgotten or not remembered :lol2: As for your OCD, you're not that bad or you would have CDO (it's in alphabetical order then) (sorry FB, nicked yer joke and used it before you could :lol: )