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To libertise a wife

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I have had one or two posts on here and have taken onboard your views. However i havent been unfaithful and whilst i love to get K into a more liberal view i was wondering if there are any recounts by men or indeed women on here who have been persuasive enough or indeed persuaded to try "Swinging"
Give me some tips
Ohh BTW K is a stubborn woman and i need all help
I'm not sure anyone could be persuaded into swinging if they really don't want to do it. Perhaps it isn't that she's being stubborn on this point, but that she actually doesn't want to? dunno
If that's the case, you going on at her isn't going to change anything, and being unfaithful to her isn't going to solve anything. You mentioned in another thread about feeling unappreciated (or something like that). IMHO, if the marriage is in trouble then swinging is the last thing you should do. There are more urgent things that need to be attended to.
Good advice Angel :rose:
The difficulty I had was to persuade Maz to go to a club in the first place! Then there was a TV documentary about La Chambre and she thought it looked ok, so she agreed to go. The key was, however, no pressure at all, just let her find her own level! Three years later and 30 or so cocks inside her, show that she soon got involved! You simply can't force someone into it, they have to want to do it. She obvilusly had a latent desire waiting to burst out!
Angel and Sheffieldfunfortwo are right. While you continue with the attitude that you are trying to persuade your partner to do something that you think is right for her, you are in danger of compleatly fucking up everything you have.
You have a destination in mind, and want a route there, but it seems you have absolutley no idea of what the start point is.
It is time you started accepting that your wife has a sexuality all of her own, and if you want to satisfy that sexuality, you need to find out what it is.
The only advice you will get on here is to stop talking about what you want, and start asking what she wants.
Quote by KitKat
The only advice you will get on here is to stop talking about what you want, and start asking what she wants.

Wise words Kat
All I know is the more you go on about it ,the more she'll dig her heels 've planted the seeds in her mind. Maybe if you leave it alone it might germinate in time. Good luck.
Quote by machoman12
All I know is the more you go on about it ,the more she'll dig her heels 've planted the seeds in her mind. Maybe if you leave it alone it might germinate in time. Good luck.

Are you the ex that tried introducing me????? lol
That's exactly what happened with us. It wasn't until we split that I finally realised I was interested for real and not because I felt pushed into it. He planted the seed to begin, but instead of letting it grow he constantly went on about it - to the point where we were barely talking about anything else. It didn't make me feel too good about myself I can assure you.
We don't know your wife MoorHopper, she could be the type to be very broadminded, happy to discuss things and slowly let her curiosity grow. Or she could be right at the other end of the spectrum and be extremely 'traditional', the mere thought of it horrifying her.
Also make sure you think it through yourself. Fantasy is very erotic, but could you handle the reality?