Hi everyone this is Daz hear i am just letting those that now Lou and me that we have split up !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Daz, i dont know you but im sorry to hear about the split.
will be thinking off you
Tina xxx
Thank you, well althought we have been on hear 4 a while as a couple i am really a newbei as i was the silent partner i now a few people so it will help. love Daz
Hi Bilko yes it would, but like i have said i have,nt a clue how you do it i am like a newbi...... HELP ME PLEASE
Daz - sorry to hear the bad news chat (been there, seen it done it etc) I happens to us all at some time, but time will be a healer.
I just hope that those people who were friends of yours as a couple reman friends with you now that you are on your own.
I noticed that you used the word "dreaded" to describe single guys in your other post. You might be single, but single guys are allowed their dignity too. Be positive about your new status, and you'll do just fine.
Best of luck.
Hi Daz, sorry to hear your news, never easy in these situations, but hang in there and things will work out