There both a slang word for sex.
so i would say they were the same thing.
no no no!!! shagging is having sex, fucking is harder, something you do TO someone, shagging is done with someone if you see what I mean.
They both mean sex though ;)
I dunno cos I'm pissed ... not the best time to be perusing the Cafe (neilinleeds will testify!!).
Anyway ....
Shag ... ok, so I say "I want a shag" not "I want a fuck" but I suppose its the same thing really.
Shag and fuck .... I'm still pissed btw ... i guess shag is a icer way of saying it ... kore socially accetable .. not quite so blunt as "fuck" like saying "pussy" rather than "cunt" same thing but nicer.
The difference is between shag/fuck and "make love". That is something else entirely.
when you love someone and you make love it xcan still be a fuck but its different,
bugger! while neilinleeds can post fairly coherent rants on here pissed up, i obviously can't! not hat I'm ranting ...
ok, shut up.
It's a personal thing, I guess. Like the names for your genitalia. Ya know, one mans cunt is another mans pussy, as it were.
Right. It depends on my POV at the time, and my needs. I have been known, and still am known, to demand:-
Fuck me, now.
Honey.. come on!
But also, there are more times where words are not required. Get nekkid. Shut up. Get on your back.
I bet this is just another excuse for gratuitous swearing.... :mrgreen:
The word 'fuck' comes from the old english naval charge of 'fuckery',a flogging and hanging offence dating back about 350 means to sodomise the cabin boy whilst return to shore the perpatrater was hanged by the neck untill American term though means to copilate i think.