Denise I've asked my brother (he has a tattoo & piercing studio) and he said it's like anything else and varies with the individual, but the average is about 4 to 6 weeks before it will be fully operational.
Hope you haven't too much longer to wait!
Tracy-Jayne xx
I love to see a tongue stud , it's a non verbal way for a girl to say , I love giviing blow jobs. ( remember in Pulp Fiction )
Had my tongue pierced twice. You should have a firm tunnel of skin formed after a week and fully healed in two weeks. To speed healing take Vitamin C and Zinc supplements. It makes a world of difference.
Other things which will help is to avoid any irritation to the tongue while healing. No spicy food or food requiring alot of chewy. Soups and yogurt are your new friends. If you can do it; don't use toothpaste when you brush your teeth. Just use water when brushing and then rinse your mouth with something like Tech2000 Oral Rinse. If you have to use regular mouthwash dilute by 50%. Also remember to always rinse your mouth after you have anything in your mouth. Use bottled water if you do not have Tech2000. You can buy Tech 2000 online from Coldsteel at , although I have found that many pharmacies stock it as well. There are similar products to Tech 2000 (and I do not own stock in the company) but it is the one I have experience of.
Everyone's mileage varies. Listen to what your body is telling you and enjoy it.
Its interesting to hear how people think!
We're a couple.
F would never have tounge pierced, but has recently had both nips and belly, and vertical hood! - and loves them all (none too painful) - and M has one nipple and PA...
All recent...! We're both pleased in all ways....
But toungue, maybe a bit toooooooooooooo public!
(Though M going topless in the sun and geting "interesting" looks from people!)
Enjoy the toungue, and advise the difference! PA & Hood make difference tooooo! ;) - as do nips!
OK, i had in the past 4 genital piercings, now down to 2 piercings and 4 holes (2 entrance and 2 exit, lol)
all through the glans of the penis...
My ex had her tongue, ears, and hood, and a brief spell with the labia.
I do piercings for friends, but wont do tongue as its more iffy than doing an ampalang or apadavra which are both cocidered "high skill/dificult/dangerous/et. al."
Healing is very subjective, any piercing will be "ok" anywhere from a week onwards... this means that there may be no pain, the swelling has gone down, and there is no "post operative infection"
A fully healed piercing takes a minimum of 6-10 (plus) weeks, this means that the hole made has created a skin tube where the cells along the "hole" are now no different from the skin on the surface of what ever has been pierced.
If you imagine cutting yourself, alowing the wound to heal and scab, then after 4-6 weeks the scab will naturally drop off and you will be left with pinkish, but healed, skin.
With a piercing the material (the best is PTFE) will have some friction during the healing, also the body will create "crusties" which is basically a scabing... but as the piercing material moves and pulls this away from the healing tisue you end up with the bar/ring ending up being stuck, when you move it... you tear newly healed tissue away, resulting in the body trying to heal quicker... so you end up with a substance similar to the gunk you get in the eyes when you wake up in the morning sometimes, almost like conjuncuvitus (aka sleep dust, lol)<<< I know thats spelt wrong!
When I pierce someone I always say... If its yourfull time partner and he/she is clean, then if you dont get any pain then you're ok after about 2 weeks... playing with anyone else, even with condoms, should be put off for at least 4 weeks.
Always lubricate/wash the piercing before moving the bar/ring... otherwise the stickyness will pull healing tissues away, and you are back to square one.
Salt washes are good, even tho they may sting like a b***h... dont use anything more strigent as it can kill the healing tissue/cells. Mouth washes work on killing bacteria, cells that are trying to heal a wound also get killed.
If the piercing becomes infected, dont remove the jewelry... it acts as a drain! try and change it for something that is hypo-alergenic such as PTFE instead of
worse case, go and see the doctor for anti-biotics. If the doctor says "take it out" and you've gone to PTFE point out that any infection will end up being held withing the surface skin when it heals.... ending up with a bigger problem than before.
The problem is that people get pierced, and just dont realise that its no different than a wound, but on a smaller scale... its not 100% safe, its not gaurenteed to work or heal properly... and some people just dont take to piercings... the body ends up doing nothing but trying to remove the forigen body to heal the wound... some people are alergic to steel, gold, titanium, if PTFE doesnt work, nothing will!!!!!
hi denise.
i got my tounge pierced about 3 years ago now.
i found it took about 3 weeks untill i could fully extend my tounge, without it hurting , i took this as a sign i was fully healed.
To all those considereing it make sure you really check out the piercer, as pierced jon says its a area where skill is needed to get it right.
also check where its being pierced, for men to please women its better closer to the tip and further back for womens tounges.
I wouldnt be without mine, as for chipping the teeth you can buy plastic balls to screw onto the metal bar after its healed, i love the ones that glow under UV lighting for clubbing.
welll just had mine done(mr norheast) was ok last night .woke up today and me toungue is like a base ball bat ,any way hope the swelling goes down cause ive just give up trying to eat that corn beef slice for me din din 25 mins lol any body else had this problem
I have mine pierced and had to wait about 4 to 6 weeks before any oral, but as said think it differs from each person,best to check with the piercer who done it.
I had mine done about 4 years ago and it took about 2 weeks for it to heal fully - I went through loads of disinfectant spray.... I have to say it was excruciatingly painful during this time.
Oh and also I have been told that it does enhance oral sex! However I am sure not everyone likes the feel of it!
As a trained & registered Body Piercer I would like to add the following
There is a EU Nickel Directive 76/769/EEC & 94/27EC with regard to suitable jewellery for Initial Piercings and any reputable Body Piercer will follow these guidelines.
Before having any piercing done you should research that piercing possible complications likelihood or scaring etc. You should also research the body piercer/ Studio where you intend on having it done.
This should include a tour of treatment areas the area where the sterilisation of jewellery is carried out and a discussion on procedure and aftercare. Ask to see there local Environmental Health Dept Registration/ license, check that the name corresponds to the person who will be carrying out the piercing.
If they can not spare the time prior to the piercing just consider the aftercare they will offer
There is a very informative book available written by Mark Eames titled BODY PIERCING ‘does it hurt’ Published by NilteN Publications. ISBN 0-9541138-0-2
If you have trouble obtaining it please pm me and i will check availability or obtain a copy for you the RRP is
This is a complete illustrated guide to body piercing and covers methods, positioning, aftercare, healing & complications armed with the knowledge contained in this book you will be able to make informed decisions about piercing and weed out the untrained or just badly trained piercer.
Arnica Tablets are very good for use after tongue piercing as they are natural and help reduce swelling and bruising
SALT only natural SEA SALT should be used in the aftercare of piercing’s some table salts contain additives that can promote infection such as salt!!