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Too old for this crap...YUP a RANT

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Same old story..younger boss.
Been in the job all of 8 months, with targets and new buzz words, mostly acronyms which really piss me off. I dont need none of this american/japanese bonding shift for furks sake, I just put tins and bottles on shelves. Why dont they ever get that into their heads before they remove the brains they had, and replace it with some crap from the bottom of the ocean...yup a sponge.
What really annoys me the most, is I have been in the post for 9 years, and trained the stupid son of a bitch, and he is now trying to tell me how to do it faster, more productively and help others, which he cannot/could never do when he was on the shop floor.
I basically lost the plot last night and told him what I thought, which is unlike me, quiet, caring and out of the way sorts. I threw him the challenge that IF he could do what he wanted me to do, for one week, without pulling his bosses perk and getting help. I would donate my weeks wages to him, so he got 5 weeks pay instead of 4. The brunt of the matter is I am in the office tonight for a bollocking with the big guns for dissent, but he has no option but to do this because he does not want to loose face and he cant win. However I am taking 5 others in to witness the fact I spoke the truth, never swore once, though god knows I was so F****** tempted to, and was almost ready to punch his lights out too! I am also very aware of all the rules and the big boss used to work with me too, and is a doer not a gunna.... lol
Anyhows if you wanna feel the force of anger, and you are awake first thing tomorrow about 6am, and you feel the floor tremble and someone will be me. I just thought I would dedicate this post to all the totally usless tossers/wanker/dipshit idiotic pratts, who think because they pull on a diferent coloured shirt, they automatically become omnipitant. Like I told him, if HE wants my respect for him as a boss, he is going to have to earn it.
So if you wanna vent it out about the tossers who are supposed to be your boss...join in. lets have a bloody big angry thread on purpose and get it off our chests!
good for u have seen this type throughout my life and have taken great joy in as they say sinking the bastards
when younger and hot headed i used to use me fists
now i have learned and use my head and double win cause i keep my job
if i was u throw the challenge down to him again in the meeting and also ask for a time and motion on urs and his proformance i
f this fails give me work address and will regress to my youth and twat the bastard
Remember Yin and Yang...
You lost your temper with the twat... Keep it with the Big Boss.
come on mr yin yang. tell the truth.
you told some obnoxious bloody twat, who's probably 18, and was headhunted cos of a CV they made up on the spot, possibly with an NVQ in "shelf stacker management" who has been there all of two minutes, to go fuck himself! didn't you! come on admit it. you might not have actually said it out loud but he heard you say "go fuck yourself you complete tosser, i can do your job way better than you cos i've actually done it, on the shop floor, for several years, and you ain't, so stick it right up your a**e!!!!" you did didn't you!
i've never done that, and wasn't fortunately already sacked by said tosser by the time i fired off a furious e-mail to the directorship. i think they loved me for it!
careful mate. sadly it's the tossers of this world who have us by the short and curly ones!
neil x x x ;-)
YY just remind your new found friend of the old saying...
"Beware of pissing people off on the way up, 'cos you'll have to meet the same people on the way back down."
Good for you mate. :cheers:
So is he taking up the challenge? I say you try and sell it to your boss as a "team-building" exercise (they love that phrase) and say it's a way of getting him to engraciate himself into the team and shows what a good sport he is. :giggle:
Don't forget to suggest having whoever wins invite everyone (including your boss out for a drink. It looks like you're really trying (but really you're showing the little shit where his wages are going :twisted: .
Power to your elbow YinYang ...... kiss
Remember to breathe and remain calm.
Had a great moment at work today ..... am newish (5 weeks) to the job and had one of the guys trying to teach granny suck eggs rolleyes asked me to assess a spreadsheet report and extrapalate some information ..... his words "it's quite a complicated thing - are you sure you can do it?" It freed up his whole afternoon apparently ... I had it done within 20 minutes .... assessed, info pulled, averaged and disseminated!!!!! Wish I could have stayed to see the look on his face :shock:
Some people are just plain and simple twats!!!!!!!
Calista x
In my first role as a self employed businessman I had a contract with a major company, it was during yet another economic cycle and restructuring was the word. New area managers would appear and start to renegotiate my contract. They all thought they were the dogs bollocks when actually they were almost all complete prats without a single good idea except, get more, spend less.
Anyway I would agree to the discussions, say I would examine the problem, raise questions, prevaricate, talk, attend meetings, reject contacts, meanwhile business was proceeding as normal and within 6 months they got moved on and there was another one taking over. Back to square one. Went on like that for several years. All the waste of time.
I still can't stand bullshit, I have an instant bullshit recognition meter built in. EU bullshit is the worst. Do you know about ... no I've got to stop or I'll fall into a three page vortex.
Speaking as the owner of a medium sized company, it really annoys me when some people like yy s boss seem to think they are superior.
I am usually first in the office so I make the coffee for everyone as they arrive and have an informal chat. Its amazing how much work you can get done in those circumstancrs. I usually go down to the workshop at tea break and have a cuppa and a chat with the lads. nobody in my company calls anyone Mr its all first name terms. I dont care whether its the sales manager , the workshop foreman or the lads on site, my door really is always open.
The point is and Ive said it before a happy workplace is a productive one and if you nail problems straight away they are small ones not the huge ones they can become.
Quote by warwick
Speaking as the owner of a medium sized company ...... my door really is always open.
... and if you nail problems straight away they are small ones not the huge ones they can become.

Warwick, you've hit the nail squarely on the head. Unfortunately there's always some wanting to "play politics" or "empire build" in the PLCs.
Trust you are back online with a shiny new computer shortly.
Give him hell yin yang!!! I hate it when people come on the floor and tell you what to do when they have never done it in their lifetime or if they did it was for about five minutes and they think that makes them an authority in the matter!!!! mad :x :x
I'll be fast asleep at 6am but I'll be thinking about you before I go to bed.......
Hmmmmm, does that sound a bit wrong? LoL....
Quote by warwick
Speaking as the owner of a medium sized company, it really annoys me when some people like yy s boss seem to think they are superior.
I am usually first in the office so I make the coffee for everyone as they arrive and have an informal chat. Its amazing how much work you can get done in those circumstancrs. I usually go down to the workshop at tea break and have a cuppa and a chat with the lads. nobody in my company calls anyone Mr its all first name terms. I dont care whether its the sales manager , the workshop foreman or the lads on site, my door really is always open.
The point is and Ive said it before a happy workplace is a productive one and if you nail problems straight away they are small ones not the huge ones they can become.

:beer: for Warwick.
It's good to see common sense in a buisness for once. I work for a small company (about 5 staff) and the boss is so bad with people sometimes it's akmost unbelievable (staff and customers). This makes him unapproachable and so people who have a little problem don't want to talk to him about it, so for them it becomes a major problem and affects all the other people in the shop. Coupled with the fact the boss dislikes confrontations and will do anything to back out of one (I'm sorry, but when someone is taking the piss a confrontation is justified) and then undermines the decision another member of staff has validly made it just adds up to a poor atmosphere to work in.
Getting back to YY point I think the corporate world of the 80's is to blame for all this. A time when people with lots of mouth, a degree in accounting and bugger-all idea were seen as the way forward. Hopefully the cycle will come about again and we'll see age and ability rewarded instead of big mouths and 0 idea of the buisness.
I'm old enough to remember apprentices and serving your time before you progressed up the company ladder. When the boss might have been a bit of a tyrant, but youknew that he could do your job standing on his head, because he'd done your job at some point. Gone are those days, but definately not forgotten. sad
Result as expected.......
Despite the ploy of posing I had abused his authority, and I offered to bring in 7 witnesses to the fact I never swore, made a fuss or objected to his request. That I raised a serious flaw in his expectations and his objectives were unattainable and without a chance of being achieved, and no one had ever managed to do the said job with the same enthusiasm as me, NOT my words I hasten to add but senior bosses on days who played holy hell when they moved me off the department for two weeks and the stock held went from about £1000 average to over £4000 in said time.
Neil mate..I did actually really use bad swearing words, BUT in one to one contact, where it is not witnessed and heresay, I told him what I really thought...just so you know I did not in any way attempt to kiss butt, and did the other just for spite in front of the other staff, who also know he cant do it/never did it, and realise seeing him being out smarted. The immediate boss too, who I worked with was all smiles in the meeting. He knows me well enough that we have mutual respect. As a boss i regularly saw him walk about with clean shirt with senior bosses, and when they had gone home for the night, he would change into a t shirt and muck in with usually the heaviest and baddest job, usually where he stuck me by coincidence because he knows I like to be busy, and we would go at the task like nutters because it was fun sharing laughs and having a side kick who appeciated the work and did not pull the I AM BOSS crap. He basically told him if he was to expect something from me, it needed to be feasible and he SHOULD be able to show this himself. After we had finished, he came to me on the job and we had a good chat, where he said I had done everything properly, and tactfully and that he did not rate him at all, and that he liked to see his managers tested. he is a true BOSS, and not some tosser. I honestly respect anyone higher who can do and show, but not the ones who cant. His last comments were that anytime he had EVER had to tell me off, he had to make sure he was correct ALL the time with all the right information, because he knew I was very dificult to prove wrong being an old hand to operational practices and proceedures. So tonight, when it all gets quiet, and I am alone with the new boss, I will whisper so sweetly and clearly in his ear the immortal words... I furkin told you so...
If he wants to catch me out, he will have to get up bloody early...
Thanks for the input and all noted...friends wink
Warwick wrote:
I dont care whether its the sales manager , the workshop foreman or the lads on site, my door really is always open. The point is and Ive said it before a happy workplace is a productive one and if you nail problems straight away they are small ones not the huge ones they can become.

That's good to hear, Warwick, I'm sure we all wish there were more bosses like you. Perhaps you could give YY a job? smile
Yin have a wonderful weekend my friend
Love corriexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
There's a really good way to deal with "new manager with no peole skills" type people. It's quite simple really....
Do exactly as they say. To the letter. As dilligently as you can.
Then enjoy the look of discomfort/embarrasment on thier face when their hair-brained scheme to "improve" performance fails miserably.
I've met and/or worked with so many people like this (history: worked in a fast food establishment in my late teens, and more recently spent 6 years in various positions in a call centre), and the first thing I realised is that if anyone kicks up a fuss about a new "initiative", it ususally makes the manager responsible dig their proverbial heels in and push the issue harder. However.... if you bite your tounge, no matter how ridiculous the idea being presented is, you can go away and think about the best way to make it completely unworkable, and make sure you spread this amongst all of the co-workers you can. If you can do this whilst still appartenly following the manager's instructions, then you might get a bollocking from the spotty twat, but it's nothing compared to the bollocking he's going to get from the managers above him. You've done nothing wrong, he looks like a tit, everyone's a winner smile (I've ended several "carreers" at my company doing this lol )
Hope this helps