Soo There's still a chance for me then Chaotic_Spirit?? :roll: Or am I too old for you, ffs I'm too old for me :wink:
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
Yes sorry i did slightly rush that post and have used the incorrect word here, i find some of you slightly age-ist would have been better.
Thank you for pointing this out to me freakled!
Quote by Kiss
I don't have children so I think that might be why I feel younger than I do?
Quote by winchwench
I have four kids. My eldest is now the same age I was when I fell pregnant
I still walk on walls, skip in the street, and generally play up I'm pretty much the only member of my martial arts club of my age & end up hanging around with guys in their early twenties, I spar with them, get changed with them, and am pretty much just "one of the lads".
I don't want to grow up- it's dull