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Top Cop...

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4 watchers
While posting on another thread I got to thinking about 'Cop Programmes'. Love them? Hate them? Which are your favourites?They have filled a huge slice of TV listing time and have spawned some classics.
I love CSI-the original, and NYPD Blue. I remember, fondly, 'Dixon of Dock Green' and never missed 'The Sweeney' (even wanted a 'Granada'). 'The Cops' was a gem, as was ' Juliet Bravo'. A friend of mine acted in 'Z-Cars' and I aspire to be as grumpy as Stratford Johns in 'Softly Softly'. And...Jane Tennyson (Helen Mirren)...she could bang me to rights any time...
My top 3-which might change tomorrow-would be:
1/Hill Street Blues
2/Inspector Morse
3/Between the Lines
does anyone else love Cop Shows, or am I in the minority?
Got to admit that I am firmly in the cracker camp on this one,especially the earlier one other thing.....I love Columbo and I hear Mrs Columbo is a big fan of yours.
I'm not one for the vicar/writer/chef/bus driver turned detective shows as I type this I'm humming the tune of murder she wrote da da da dah da dah da da dah
The Sweeney ('ave it', 'your nicked my son')
Hill Sreet Blues (Be careful out there)
Prime suspect
Inspector Morse ( Ah! Lewis)
I used to watch The Bill - about 8-10 years ago - but after a while it just got dull & repetative. Same for Inspector Frost, actually; the early ones were good but after a while it just seemed like the same old stuff time after time. And then there was the Midsommer Murders which again was fun to start with, then one evening I was watching one of the episodes, and when John Nettles explained how the dreadful crime had been committed I just thought "there's no way he could ever have known that", and I haven't watched another one since.
Taggart was one I really used to enjoy, until they killed off Jardine and I just couldn't live with the new guy. (Blythe Duff is rather desirable though, yumm!) Morse was good, but I also remember really enjoying Wycliffe. Now is that ever a show that needs repeating...
At the risk of showing my age, I have to agree with artificer about Softly Softly and Juliet Bravo, they were never missed in our house. Between The Sheets - oops! Lines - was also never missed, but that was because of my lust for Neil Pearson as much as the drama. Morse and Frost are my choice of the more recent ones.
I'm also in the 'Cracker' camp.....I used to have such a crush on Robbie Coltrane....yes I know I'm crazy (that's aimed at Kinky Lizard and Fred Flinstone and possibly tds...LoL).
I also love CSI....and have just a teeny-weeny crush on Grissom (before he got the beard).
Also, I'm a little young to remember this very well, but I think I used to like 'Chips', is that the name of it?
Yes it was chips allways enjoyed that I also like C S I miami always keeps me on the edge of my seat I like the way they analise everything and the use of modern technology.
As a mad keen chef and Richard Griffiths body double, I think our home grown "Pie in the Sky" took some beating ...... cooking and crime in one programme ... what better ... cracking waitress too !smile
Fom a nostalgic point of view then it has to be Dixon of Dock Green, closely followed by Z cars and Softly Softly.
It must be the Sweeney guv
Oh for a suede jacket or a sheepskin coat
Guys it's got to be CSI. Who hasnt got a thing about the cute blonde with the gun fixation in Miami????????
biggrin Speedo :D
Or maybe, to throw in a complete curve-ball - Police Squad? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Not a curve ball - Police Squad - only 6 TV episodes, gets my vote anyday lol
Quote by artificer
1/Hill Street Blues
2/Inspector Morse
3/Between the Lines
does anyone else love Cop Shows, or am I in the minority?

Love them, Arti - and the same 3 for me - but in the order 2 3 1

Well, not a cop show, but I always admired officer Dibble. What a hardworking cop he was. Who could forget the episode where he broke Ironman Muldoon's longstanding record of 3,486 days in a row.
"I'll get you TC! If it's the last thing i do!"
By the way, anyone remember banana splits?
"tra la lar, la la lar la"
those Arabian nights were fab. Always wanted to be the one who said: "Size of an elephant" .......boy, looking down at my trouser department I could sure do with those powers today! biggrin
Kinky Lzard
In the left of centre camp: Barney Miller
Cheesy classic: Hawaii 5-0 v Starsky & Hutch
All time great: Hill St Blues