lol old
haha pink
Star-- They dont leak oil but I reckon owning any vehicle is made much easier of you are technically minded and a competent mechanic.
Tee hee they make you have a horn, I would quite like a ding-a-ling and mebbe some handlebar tassels.
Ooh u aint seen the wedding pic, I have sent an invite.
If anybody fancies rebuildin the bottom end of my carbs I am open to offers.
I also did my back in, riding the bugger home, so it will be quiet for a week or two in any event.
When is your next holiday sinsi?
simple carb ben try doing a simple google search (easy to follow pics) order an overall kit and do it yourself
i was rebuilding this type of carb as a kid it really is childs play the tricky bit is tuning them after (or balancing them as i think its called )
Got any advice on lower back pain that makes ya walk like an egyptian?
Id much rather watch the Bangles.
lol, it was the DIY buggered the back and I am all in favour of givin that up.
State my back is in I will have to get a man in to keep minx in good temper H.
1st remove the engine from said triumph and refit into a hardtail frame.
2nd take it for a blast on some of those lovely bumpy Welsh roads.
1 your back is cured
2 you will never want to get on a bike again
Back problem solved
how is the bike going ben?
You need to ask Pink, I am on a bike chat ban.
The curly haired brunette playing the rickenbacker.
Haven't got a Triumph but have got a village bike . .. . . does that count?
Minx will dob ya in yaknow!