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Quote by Ben1978
Lou, does that mean you guys swing on your own....or just as a couple?
just wondering wink

we swing as a couple.......................... i think "personally" that swinging seperately is abit erm..........i dont know not for us
by the way im manda now!!!! :wink:
manda xxx
I think that you have to be in an incredibly strong and trusting relationship, whether married or not, to be able to embark on swinging without any elements of jealousy creeping in. Not everyone swings as a couple, and therefore it is extremely important to have the level of honesty, trust and absolute love for your other half so that swinging is fun for both of you.
If and when the green eyed monster does come creeping in, then i think it is very important to deal with the matter straight away. Talk things through, and make decisions that suit both of you.
equi-princess xxx
yeh i guess swinging on your own is more like cheating than meeting up ith another couple, sounds like you two have got it made! good luck to you both, Colin is one lucky bloke!
Quote by Ben1978
yeh i guess swinging on your own is more like cheating than meeting up ith another couple, sounds like you two have got it made! good luck to you both, Colin is one lucky bloke!

cheers hun, good luck to you n all
Many people continue to trust based on the principle of being positive and avoiding negativity. But dissenting and thinking beyond the surface are useful tools in life.
It is also dependant on the situation and what value you place on putting trust in someone. Some situations are not valuable, others are valuable.
Most people come to a head with sexual/relationship mistrust. Only married people can demand a partner to behave in a certain way and this shapes the character of the trust.
So is it trust or is it calculated risk or a gamble?
Given that their are far more men involved in swinging than women it follows by the law of averages that if a couple operated independently than she would probably be getting more than him, thus giving him the hump in a different for conflict?
Potential for conflict?....... No, i dont think so.... these are the issues that have to be resolved before either person embarks upon swinging... so that everyone is playing on a level field and is fully cogniscent of all aspects that may occur............ so that both can fully enjoy whatever they wish to.......with nothing being sub rosa.......
equi-princess xxx