I don`t know if it`s even spelt correctly, but does anybody else turn into a turretts sufferer whenever they come face to face with a gorgeous person? And is there a remedy? Will happily wash your car in return...
BTW, do I get me car washed happily?? :bounce:
I get nervous, can't string a sentance together and get the shakes, which I get embarressed about which then makes it worse.
Yes sometimes I go into a spin.
I'm prone to either clam up, or yabber totally incoherent bollocks. Seem to just say the most ridiculously pointless things sometimes!
:doh: .. a good slap usually sorts me out ;)
I need to ask this.... does anyone think that this thread has been influenced in any way by Pete in Big Brother? The reason I ask is because Tourettes now seems to be the discussion of choice and it all seems to be down to him. That's not in any way a critisism.... I think he's done a brilliant job of popularising an otherwise akward (if not ) affliction.
As with every person with or without tourettes, its best to take them for who they are. It doesn't matter whether they have a disability. It is best never to take offence.
You seem to have quotitis.
Never fear. There is a cure!