Anyone get off on watching Derek (here me roar) Akora on T.V! What a load of boll*x sort of ruins everything about the 'other side' for me.
I would like to see him on that paragon of T.V the 'Jeremy (lets give the others involved a chance to speak - then don't) Kyle show doing a lie detector test. what 3 questions should he be asked ?
Q1) Have you ever kissed a spirit whilst doing your silly visitation or whatever it is?
Q2) Have you ever had sexual relations with someone elses relations from the 1600's?
Q3) Do you believe that Lost is jealous coz your rich and he isn't?
Q4) ooops there isnt a Q4 although the DNA tests reveal you are in fact the father of Dylan from the magic roundabout.
Watched it.....and laughed my socks off.
The female presenter was just as bad with leading questions and shocked faces (she should be drummed out of the acting union she belongs to for being sooooooo bad)
You could have got the same amount of information and plot lines by reading any book on the Egyptian era and Terry Pratchet's book "Pyramids".
Frankly it must have been a comedy programme because you couldn't take it seriously.
i think i heard something....
did you hear it????
it sounded like a scream................
or was it a moan????
I've said it before & I'll say it again.....
Why is there always:
A medieval lady.
a ww1 soldier.
a monk.
a nun.
a hooded lady dressed in rags etc etc.......
when have you ever heard someone say
"I've made contact with a young bloke, he's wearing a shell suit...and what appears to be a VW badge on a chain around his neck"