I met Pandora in Asda's knicker isle last year - not sure about her acting ability as she was the same in real life as she is on tv

I like Being Human as well - another one filmed in Bristol so we can ogle Aidan Turner :inlove:
Quote by Kaznkev
Oh any opinion on tru bld brucie,lots of trailor park trash on their
Quote by brucie
this week sees the start of 3 new series of
mad men
a new series of californication and i would be in tv* heaven
*television not transvestites.
Quote by brucie
Shameless, you have to be to watch such tripe
mad men, never heard of it
skins, more rubbish
I can see where some of your ideas may come from
Quote by brucie
Oh any opinion on tru bld brucie,lots of trailor park trash on their
Quote by brucie
mad men is pure quality. check it out.
teh otehr 2, fair enough. just entertainment. although teh first 3 series of shameless were very good.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
the actor is too wet. needed someone with a darker side. imho.
Quote by Witchy
Bit disappointed with Shameless but it was only the 1st episode so I'll wait and see. Grey's Anatomy is still as ace as ever :thumbup:
Quote by Witchy
Bit disappointed with Shameless but it was only the 1st episode so I'll wait and see. Grey's Anatomy is still as ace as ever :thumbup:
Quote by brucie
this week sees the start of 3 new series of
mad men
a new series of californication and i would be in tv* heaven
*television not transvestites.
Quote by anais
I'm a fan of shameless and especially skins as its filmed near me and lots of local kids are in it as extras. Friend of mine did the street art in the club that will be part of Thursdays first episode (I think).
I met Pandora in Asda's knicker isle last year - not sure about her acting ability as she was the same in real life as she is on tv:?
I like Being Human as well - another one filmed in Bristol so we can ogle Aidan Turner :inlove:
Quote by brucie
ok watching Mad men now on catch up out of curiosity but only coz it 'contains scenes of a sexual nature' lol and because its so well rated here
shameless and being human are brill but otherwise nothing else appeals
i love all things vampire and eagerly awaiting series 2 of love bites and new series vampire diaries
Quote by tweeky
this week sees the start of 3 new series of
mad men
a new series of californication and i would be in tv* heaven
*television not transvestites.
Quote by anais
I'm a fan of shameless and especially skins as its filmed near me and lots of local kids are in it as extras. Friend of mine did the street art in the club that will be part of Thursdays first episode (I think).
I met Pandora in Asda's knicker isle last year - not sure about her acting ability as she was the same in real life as she is on tv:?
I like Being Human as well - another one filmed in Bristol so we can ogle Aidan Turner :inlove:
Quote by Tweeky
I'm a fan of shameless and especially skins as its filmed near me and lots of local kids are in it as extras. Friend of mine did the street art in the club that will be part of Thursdays first episode (I think).
I met Pandora in Asda's knicker isle last year - not sure about her acting ability as she was the same in real life as she is on tv:?
I like Being Human as well - another one filmed in Bristol so we can ogle Aidan Turner :inlove:
Quote by anais
I'm a fan of shameless and especially skins as its filmed near me and lots of local kids are in it as extras. Friend of mine did the street art in the club that will be part of Thursdays first episode (I think).
I met Pandora in Asda's knicker isle last year - not sure about her acting ability as she was the same in real life as she is on tv:?
I like Being Human as well - another one filmed in Bristol so we can ogle Aidan Turner :inlove: