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Typing before thinking/FIMFEM and FIMMEN!!!!

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I seem to have this problem of saying something on here before ive actually thought it through confused
I seem to end up looking like im out for an argument and im really not!!
Do i have a serious case of foot in mouth??? :confused:
or should i just think a little more and be less hasty?
Sex God
Quote by Clare_Lincs
I seem to have this problem of saying something on here before ive actually thought it through confused
I seem to end up looking like im out for an argument and im really not!!
Do i have a serious case of foot in mouth??? :confused:
or should i just think a little more and be less hasty?

Who cares? You smell. :P
But I love you, regardless.
Charming sad
(ill remember that one saturday and keep well away then should i?)
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sex God
Quote by Clare_Lincs
Charming sad
(ill remember that one saturday and keep well away then should i?)

I also smell!
Quote by freckledbird
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Now your taking the piss out of me :cry: :cry:
And now im sounding like im fishing for sympathy,i can't do anything right at the mo FFS!!!
Quote by Vix
Charming sad
(ill remember that one saturday and keep well away then should i?)

I also smell!
That'll be us then in mingers corner rotflmao
well clare
i type faster than i think too, and the submit button's just sooo inviting isn't it? says "press me, press me", so i wouldn't worry too much.
in fact, i'd worry far more about the fact that you smell.
n x x x :P
Quote by neilinleeds
in fact, i'd worry far more about the fact that you smell.
n x x x :P

And i'd also worry about the fact that you belt may just go missing on saturday :lol2: :lol2:
*Clare goes off for a scrub*
lol i am not taking the piss, will join you in the mingers corner or you could always just smackbottom me :twisted:
Quote by freckledbird
lol i am not taking the piss, will join you in the mingers corner or you could always just smackbottom me :twisted:

Ah so you must smell aswell then bolt
Sex God
Sorry Clare... to be serious for a nanosecond, then...
I don't think you sound aggressive or 'up for a fight' (maybe up for a tussle, mind). If anyone takes what you say as such, then they do not know you and have not read enough of what goes on here.
I talk bollox and make flippant remarks to serious posts, so do most of the fellas here, but it seems this is not looked on too favourablt by the other girls, when a girl does it. I know this, as they have told me so (in not so many words), then said that they think I am OK (ish) now they have got to know me.
Should we change? Hell no! We'll be fine in mingers corner together, right?
I,ve done that too and end up sounding like i,m waffling ... lol i,ve even started to write a message and pressed send before i,ve finished what i,m writing :lol: :lol:
well i might do now, but i promise to have a good bath on saturday just seconds before i leave the house (will dry off in the car and scare the other drivers on the motorway lol)
Quote by Clare_Lincs

in fact, i'd worry far more about the fact that you smell.
n x x x :P

And i'd also worry about the fact that you belt may just go missing on saturday :lol2: :lol2:
*Clare goes off for a scrub*
oh yeah like now i'm worried. having me bollox out on display to the entire pub? why would that bother me. dunno
<<< makes mental note to find an altogether more secure belt this time . . . >>>
n x x x :P
having me bollox out on display to the entire pub

OMG u do that ????
(ps can i watch)
*clare makes note to herself to take along a very sharp pair of scissors and maybe even a mini saw*
Revenge is sweeet "in Dr Evil voice" MWAH HA HA HA HA HA
Clare, it's called thinking with your fingers. I do it in real life too. Thinking with my mouth. Hey sometimes we offend but a quite pm usually sorts it out. If it doesn't I don't fret it. The other person has probably got more going on in their lives and my comment may just be the convenient outlet for their frustrations. You are who you are who you are. So what?
i must admit im used to doing it everyday,my mouth just seems to go into over drive and i just cant stop it when it gets going lol
But my fingers are taking over,its baaaaad confused
Quote by freckledbird
having me bollox out on display to the entire pub

OMG u do that ????
(ps can i watch)
oi! smackbottom no you bloody can't watch! cos it won't be bloody happening thistime i can tell yer! ;)
((( unless calista and clare and dawn have their wicked way with me? dunno )))
n x x x x
Sex God
<volunteers to help pin Neil down> :twisted:
:sad: thats not very sporting of you Neil...i'm disappointed now
by the way clare, what exactly is it that you do with your fingers that's so bad??
Quote by xxdevil69
<volunteers to help pin Neil down> :twisted:

Could be an interesting night then :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Btw i am taking a camera Neil so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Quote by freckledbird
:sad: thats not very sporting of you Neil...i'm disappointed now
by the way clare, what exactly is it that you do with your fingers that's so bad??

Oh i can't say that in public,im innocent you know redface
ohhhhhh bugga thats it then if we both innocent we'd best take our books with us to read whilst we in the mingers corner, or maybe some knitting?
I think perhaps we should do a past time where our fingers arent in view perhaps? :lol2:
ooooooo i'm all giddy now...what we doing?
What is this "thinking" thing you're talking about?
Sex God
Neil? Sounds like you're gonna be playing at tea-bagging. Can I be your cuppa?
wtf is tea bagging?
god i really must be innocent :shock: