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Typing cock-ups

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How many of you have ever made a typing cock-up - things like having several message boxes open and sending the wrong message to the wrong person confused
I sent a message saying.... wouldn't it be great if sperm tasted like chocolate! lol
The problem was I accidently sent it to the Director of Finance :shock:
I upset my ex one time by texting 'r u coming to the pub?' and accidently sending it to him instead of my mate while he was at work lol. I got a very grumpy 'I'm WORKING!!!' as a response lol
OOps - have just been reading Helen's bondage thread and thought this said tying cocks up! Oh well life is full of disappointments rolleyes
Quote by PoloLady
How many of you have ever made a typing cock-up - things like having several message boxes open and sending the wrong message to the wrong person confused
I sent a message saying.... wouldn't it be great if sperm tasted like chocolate! lol
The problem was I accidently sent it to the Director of Finance :shock:

Did you get a pay rise though rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Mark cool
I keep having to double check emails at work ... having been off for 4 years and just being used to emailing friends I constantly sign off emails with my name and a x!!!!!!!!!
Can see the Manufacturing Director at work appreciating that :shock:
funniest email i recieved was when i head of finance and someone said "woulndt it be great if sperm tasted like chocolate " rolleyes
Quote by gentlemanfor2
funniest email i recieved was when i head of finance and someone said "woulndt it be great if sperm tasted like chocolate " rolleyes

rotflmao :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove:
We have nowt personal to add as we check, then check again , then AGAIN just to make sure we know WHERE its gong to, WHO its going to and that its is sent from the right "name" redface
However, this thread would be incomplete without the following thread which Im sure was the one which hooked us both.....hope he doesnt mind us doing this as he is not as abundant nowadays confused dunno
Foxys x
oh oh
did it once hit the replie to all on my contact list
after writeing a rather naughty email................... bolt
Quote by foxy30s_cpl
We have nowt personal to add as we check, then check again , then AGAIN just to make sure we know WHERE its gong to, WHO its going to and that its is sent from the right "name" redface
However, this thread would be incomplete without the following thread which Im sure was the one which hooked us both.....hope he doesnt mind us doing this as he is not as abundant nowadays confused dunno
Foxys x

Thanks for that great laugh at kinky's expense
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Two events happened at a company I used to work at. Firstly the warehouse was moved from Kent up to the Midlands.
My boss had to write a letter to 30,000 contacts to introduce the new Warehouse Manager. But we wrote it as wharehouse and used spell checker which changed it to Whorehouse.
So ladies and Gentlemen, please put your hands together for Mr...... the new Whorehouse Manager.
30,000 letters OMFG and he kept his job.
The second event was when they changed the mailing list. They just took the note books from the sales force and got some temps to key all the info into the computer.
So anyone who wrote "grumpy bastard" or "knows sweet FA" was then beginning to wish they hadnt as all these personal comments went out on the first mail shot.
And this company leads the market for what they do.
Mmmm. Typing cock ups (although every time I've seen this title I just see 'tying cockups')...
The most embarresing one I remember, in a previous programming job some 13 years back. I was typing up some code and my boss, being genuinely curious because she had some coding ability herself, was watching over my shoulder. (bear in mind that I kinda had the hots for her, even though she was married, she was very sexy!smile) I needed a variable to serve as a loop counter. I chose the very innocent and logical sounding 'count'. Of course, it's not quite so innocent when you genuinely absentmindedly miss out the o and don't notice, and it takes the person watching over youur shoulder to point out the flaw in what you've just typed :shock:
this is a constant problem on messenger....too many windows open, too many different typs of conversation...still..i havnt yet asked my sister if she wants "it" yet....god, im glad i dont drink... :shock:
Well I am always getting my mucking fords wuddled.
I phoned my ex's phone not knowing I had clicked to call the wrong number and asking if he was up for getting together for a little for old times sake shag ( I was desperate) and hey what d'you know it was my big brother.
I could have died
Quote by teppic
this is a constant problem on messenger....too many windows open, too many different typs of conversation...still..i havnt yet asked my sister if she wants "it" yet....god, im glad i dont drink... :shock:

Alcohol and non-blood related cute family members are dangerous combo! :shock: lol
Quote by gentlemanfor2
funniest email i recieved was when i head of finance and someone said "woulndt it be great if sperm tasted like chocolate " rolleyes

good one - rotflmao
At one company I worked for we had a new Director who restructured nearly every department and gave them all new fangled names..... he really did rename a department "Central Research and Planning Department" - How could anyone resist sending memos to the CRaP Dept.
I sent a rather rude text to my partner (or at least i thought i did)
I told him I was waiting in bed, playing with myself and my new rampent rabbit. I was gonna give him the shag of his life and take my time giving him a blow job, so hurry back.
I'd sent it to my young sons school bus driver redface surprisedops:
Quote by honeyriderx
I sent a rather rude text to my partner (or at least i thought i did)
I told him I was waiting in bed, playing with myself and my new rampent rabbit. I was gonna give him the shag of his life and take my time giving him a blow job, so hurry back.
I'd sent it to my young sons school bus driver redface surprisedops:

:oops: And now you all get free rides...yay :P