Talking of funny nicks
How about
Seymour Butz
I P Freely
Hugh Jass
Willie Stroker
I think of watched too many episodes of the simpsons!
Come on westerross, put us out of our misery.
Odd isnt it, that a thread about rude nicks, should be brought to a grinding halt by, what appears to be a clean one lol.
Of course we can't forget the porn movie producer Ben Dover!
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
In reply to the Sarges post I must say that in my defence of having no imagination at all (or none to speak of) , my choice of nickname was determined by the row of computer software that sits on the shelf near my right shoulder.
Whilst I was trying to think of a suitable name, gazing around for inspiration as you do, my eyes fell upon the various options displayed so invitingly.
After looking at the various titles on display my choice was made. But I changed that from Grand Theft Auto In London (too long I thought) and settled upon Nomad Soul.
Any 'Carry On' film or panto will give you tastefully used names and words to describe a wide range of fairly indecent acts.
Im gonna do this more often.
Thanks everyone who has given their opinions on this subject, it makes interesting reading.
Thank you too, to the ops and administrators who have given a good insight as to how the name installation is looked at when peeps register.
I hope the thread keeps going a bit longer.
Yes Shireen, the nick 'spunkshooter' really is not what could be considered either cheeky, or rude, its just....'yuk'
The idea that they will get naffed off by all the unwanted pm's is something i certainly agree with.
It will be interesting to see if anyone with such a nick, replies to the thread so we can get their perspective.
Keep it going peeps, its very much appreciated.
I hate all the "Horny" names. Like, you are a young lad and you're horny. Go figure.
The way I see it, if you don't like someone's nickname, then you're probably not on their wavelength, so the name has served a useful purpose in telling you this is not someone you're likely to get on with and you move on.