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Undesirable nicknames

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96 replies
4 watchers
Saw a van today with Mike Hunt in big, bold letters painted onto the side. Made me chuckle a little, I mean a lot lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Can't see the point in restricting names at all. I've got a crude one but I ain't changing it.

Tune essence crude?? Is there something i cannot see here??. confused It looks fine to me
I'm confused too. redface
I feel sure I even read a thread about it a while ago. Read it at least three times and still didn't get it. :?
Talking of funny nicks
How about
Seymour Butz
I P Freely
Hugh Jass
Willie Stroker
I think of watched too many episodes of the simpsons!
Quote by novice1
Can't see the point in restricting names at all. I've got a crude one but I ain't changing it.

Tune essence crude?? Is there something i cannot see here??. confused It looks fine to me
I'm confused too. redface
I feel sure I even read a thread about it a while ago. Read it at least three times and still didn't get it. :?
I am glad it's not just me then. I have tried thinking of what it could be. I have tried it in various sentences, used it as a noun, a verb, but still nothing. I am really baffled. I hope it doesn't keep me awake all night biggrin
Come on westerross, put us out of our misery.
Odd isnt it, that a thread about rude nicks, should be brought to a grinding halt by, what appears to be a clean one lol.
Quote by sartois
Talking of funny nicks
How about
Seymour Butz
I P Freely
Hugh Jass
Willie Stroker
I think of watched too many episodes of the simpsons!

Amanda Hugenkiss
Jock Strap
Guy Incognito
Joey Joe Joe Junior (not rude but funny in the show)
You cannot watch too many Simpsons - it is sheer class
Of course we can't forget the porn movie producer Ben Dover!
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Quote by MQ
Of course we can't forget the porn movie producer Ben Dover!

and his partner Phil McCavity lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Of course we can't forget the porn movie producer Ben Dover!

and his partner Phil McCavity lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
starring Eileen Dover?
In my opinion as a member of the site, and not as a Mod, I think the name you choose says a lot about you. I reckon it is possible to predict how long a person will remain active on the site by the name they choose.
It is no coincidence that the "Regulars" and those that have been here for more than 12 months all have perfectly normal and aceptable names. There isn't a "Fuckmenow" or "Twat-teaser" amongst them.
As a Mod I am wary of anyone that has a Silly name and tend to keep an eye on them more than others. There is probably no logical reason for this but it is just human nature. Perhaps it is just that in the back of my mind I think that anyone that doesn't give much thought to their Username won't give much though to what they are posting. :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :? :? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
In reply to the Sarges post I must say that in my defence of having no imagination at all (or none to speak of) , my choice of nickname was determined by the row of computer software that sits on the shelf near my right shoulder.
Whilst I was trying to think of a suitable name, gazing around for inspiration as you do, my eyes fell upon the various options displayed so invitingly.
After looking at the various titles on display my choice was made. But I changed that from Grand Theft Auto In London (too long I thought) and settled upon Nomad Soul.
Quote by Nomad_Soul
Can't see the point in restricting names at all. I've got a crude one but I ain't changing it.

Tune essence crude?? Is there something i cannot see here??. confused It looks fine to me
I t looks fine to me to :?
So come on then enlighten us all and put us out of our misery.
Quote by sexyscotcarol
Can't see the point in restricting names at all. I've got a crude one but I ain't changing it.

Tune essence crude?? Is there something i cannot see here??. confused It looks fine to me
I t looks fine to me to :?
So come on then enlighten us all and put us out of our misery.
Lets all pm him until he tells us lol
What kind of rugs do you make Carol, we could make a couple whilst we await an answer biggrin
Quote by Mark
Could be wrong, but I always thought it was a play on the sound of his username - tumescence .

Shite, boss! You know that's the truth. Anyone who doesn't, isn't worth the pulse. rolleyes
Well I've been around long enough to remember Tune explaining his nic....but of course, I'd know anyway. rolleyes
Any 'Carry On' film or panto will give you tastefully used names and words to describe a wide range of fairly indecent acts.
Always loved that great Kenny Everett character "Cupid Stunt" but wouldn't use it as a nick name as it could offend.
Quote by Mark
Could be wrong, but I always thought it was a play on the sound of his username - tumescence .

Sorry folks - I wasn't being coy - I just went to bed!! So - Stiff Prick it is (anyone who starts is dead!!).
Now I want to change my name FFS!!
Quote by freckledbird
I agree, there's one at the moment which I think is a bit OTT, 'Dirtyfuckers'. I'm not a prude but that one just seems, well, not nice at all confused

lol I helped this couple to register this nick and I have to say that I did wonder about it at the time..... I think they may well consider changing it when they get fed up of the constant unwanted PM's that they are bound to attract by having that nick...
Alot of people dont really think about the effect of their nick at the time they pick it..... :lol:
As OP's we do consider the suitablity of nicks at the time of reistration, and if we think they are not suitable will ask that they choose another one. The same goes for people that have registered without our help and enter the chatroom for the first time..... It's a difficult call and unless it breaches the AUP then we tend to leave them to it.
Another nick that makes me cringe at the minute is "spunkshooter" :?
Quote by little gem
The folk with crap nicks usually get ignorred or banned so fast they leave no impression on my life or my opinions of the boards. Nicks like "wannacumonURface" tells me a lot about a person before I have even been in touch with them. Just another restriction that is not needed really.
I think if someone has an nick with something illegal in it then that person would be banned before their foot was in the door. There is loads behind the scenes we don't see.
So in short, nah, as long as it doesn't break aup or the law, fine by me.

Couldnt have said it better myself!! Personally I like as much insight into a person as I can get, before I talk to them, and nicknames can say so much!!
However, I have no problem with the word cunt, it is after all only another way of expressing the female genitalia just the same as fanny or pussy. Cunt is a good old anglo saxon word that men managed to hi jack and make to sound derogatory, it isnt when used in the correct context. It sound positve and active far more so than the other two words previously mentioned.
Sorry i seem to have got waylaid, back to the original point no we dont need any more restrictions!!
Im gonna do this more often.
Thanks everyone who has given their opinions on this subject, it makes interesting reading.
Thank you too, to the ops and administrators who have given a good insight as to how the name installation is looked at when peeps register.
I hope the thread keeps going a bit longer.
Yes Shireen, the nick 'spunkshooter' really is not what could be considered either cheeky, or rude, its just....'yuk'
The idea that they will get naffed off by all the unwanted pm's is something i certainly agree with.
It will be interesting to see if anyone with such a nick, replies to the thread so we can get their perspective.
Keep it going peeps, its very much appreciated.
Just a quick 'sorry', for putting the title of this thread in caps.
I see its been changed to lower case on my behalf, didnt mean to shout,
biggrin :D :D
I hate all the "Horny" names. Like, you are a young lad and you're horny. Go figure.
Quote by Vix
I hate all the "Horny" names. Like, you are a young lad and you're horny. Go figure.

rotflmao :rotflmao: Lets face it, the majority of the forum and chatroom users are horny... That's why we are there..... Bit like stating the obvious isn't it??... lol
Having said that though, there are a few people who have several names registered in the chatroom to differentiate between when they are looking for a shag and when they are just chatting....
I would be interested why people pick their chat names and with regard to some why they think that it will offer them a better chance of a shag...
The way I see it, if you don't like someone's nickname, then you're probably not on their wavelength, so the name has served a useful purpose in telling you this is not someone you're likely to get on with and you move on.
Quote by Shireen_Mids
I would be interested why people pick their chat names and with regard to some why they think that it will offer them a better chance of a shag...

You mean all those Sexys and Hornys and Lovelys and Lusciouses and the twenty eight million really original people who have that strange number at the end of their name?
Maybe the number is some sort of Masonic type code so they can recognise each other? biggrin
I am soooooooo glad that when I picked a name out the ether, in my hurry to sign up, one of the aforementioned didn`t spring to mind! lol
I really need to do something about the crass picture comments on my website though. I only wanted to see if I could write and place captions into the script. I cringe so much when I read them redface
Glad I read this thread before changing my name to cum1cumallimbegginyapleeeeaaase redface
Ah. I've sussed it!
69 looks like the symbol for Pisces.
People with 69 at the end of their nick are Pisceans.
Yes? biggrin