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Urrgrh I'm not shagging them...a strategy?

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We don't invite people to the house for 'fun' that we haven't met before but I can't wait to hear what some of the replies are going to be :lol2:
arrange a "no sex on first meet" that way no pressure and if your too embarressed to tell them face to face then a quick pm with "sorry not our type" usually polite and be honest..that tends to work...try and reverse the situation too....u may not be their type either....
my pennies worth...
Quote by thumper131
my pennies worth...

I first read that as "my penis worth" rotflmao
Sorry redface
Quote by Dawn_Mids
We don't invite people to the house for 'fun' that we haven't met before but I can't wait to hear what some of the replies are going to be :lol2:

It's true, always arrange to meet someone you don't know in a 'neutral environment' then, if the 'spark' isn't there you can just make your excuses and leave.
Quote by Dawn_Mids
my pennies worth...

I first read that as "my penis worth" rotflmao
Sorry redface
wouldnt be worth a lot if it was my penis worth ...besides a penny is bigger
interesting one this -
because aside from the how do you send them packing question (I cant answer this as I dont accomodate & only meet socially in a neutral place first anyway like others have said and would never give my home adrress to someone I didnt know well beforehand)
but , knowing that lots of us here have kids at home...... does anyone actually 'do' meets when the kids are at home/ in bed/ out but there's a possibility they couldcome back ?? for me that's a big No No hence I never accomodate full stop - but, not everyone has access to grandparents/ babysitters/ sleep-overs at friends/ seperated parent's turn to have them etc.....
Meet at a neutral place for a drink/coffee before even arranging a date to meet. I always do ( with the exception of one person but that turned out as good as I expected :twisted: ) but if you have to say no to them, don't be afraid to be honest without being brutal that is
Quote by Darkfire
interesting one this -
because aside from the how do you send them packing question (I cant answer this as I dont accomodate & only meet socially in a neutral place first anyway like others have said and would never give my home adrress to someone I didnt know well beforehand)
but , knowing that lots of us here have kids at home...... does anyone actually 'do' meets when the kids are at home/ in bed/ out but there's a possibility they could come back ?? for me that's a big No No hence I never accomodate full stop - but, not everyone has access to grandparents/ babysitters/ sleep-overs at friends/ seperated parent's turn to have them etc.....

That's got to be a total 'No', my kids are all grown up (and away) now but how on earth could you guarantee (unless you physically lock them in :shock: ) that they wouldn't just come wandering out of their room? :shock:
Agreed with everyone else... Meet in a neutral place and that way you can make a hasty retreat if they turn out that bad that you dont want it to go further.
In the case where you have met them at your house... You could always shout from the kitchen 'that bloody rat is back get the poison!!!' lol
Quote by Dawn_Mids
my pennies worth...

I first read that as "my penis worth" rotflmao
Sorry redface
here is some opitions
1 tell them its your time of the month
2just tell them to fuck of
3pretend a family member friend ect is in trouble and u have to go see them straight away
4just say thsnks but no thanks
some sugestions
Quote by Hillfolk
Agreed with everyone else... Meet in a neutral place and that way you can make a hasty retreat if they turn out that bad that you dont want it to go further.
In the case where you have met them at your house... You could always shout from the kitchen 'that bloody rat is back get the poison!!!' lol

ok ok we've agreed to avoid the situation. What I'm asking is what would you do if someone turned up and you did not like them?
Anyone heard of the alarm call strategy?
Ok, how about calling the home phone (from a mobile that you have placed somewhere carefully) and then make out that there is some emergency you have to deal with?
Alternatively, you could just be honest, say that you think they are really nice people and all that but just don't think you are compatible. Sometimes the most obvious thing is the easiest.
Quote by flidais-media
Ok, how about calling the home phone (from a mobile that you have placed somewhere carefully) and then make out that there is some emergency you have to deal with?
Alternatively, you could just be honest, say that you think they are really nice people and all that but just don't think you are compatible. Sometimes the most obvious thing is the easiest.

Thats always the best escape route in all cases :thumbup:
Quote by DeviousLiasons
Sit there and constantly scratch.... armpits, crotch, rear end....

..... or you've just started your period just before they turned up ...
Quote by DeviousLiasons
Sit there and constantly scratch.... armpits, crotch, rear end....

That'd work ! Where's me coat ! bolt
Set off the fire alarm and get them out quick before they relise there is no fire lol :lol:
just drop your (fake) appointment card for the std clinic .......
tell them u have invited 10 single guys round to join them for a gang bang... "hope u dont mind!!!!"
bet they dont stay for a second glass of wine
(daft thing of the single guys would actualy turn up..but least they have gone by then lol!!)
Quote by redwine_lover
tell them u have invited 10 single guys round to join them for a gang bang... "hope u dont mind!!!!"
bet they dont stay for a second glass of wine
(daft thing of the single guys would actualy turn up..but least they have gone by then lol!!)

but what would happen if they did mind and wanted to stay? biggrin
Fart a lot and pick your nose, works every time :thumbup:
oh to be in spain :rose: :love: :inlove:
Quote by DeviousLiasons
tell them u have invited 10 single guys round to join them for a gang bang... "hope u dont mind!!!!"
bet they dont stay for a second glass of wine
(daft thing of the single guys would actualy turn up..but least they have gone by then lol!!)

but what would happen if they did mind and wanted to stay? biggrin
Then tell them one of the single guys is redwine_lover.... they will deffo go then! lol
We were invited to a house similar situation to what the question is but in reverse.
Never do we meet either at ours or theres but if theres ever a situation where we feel its not going to work even after a neutral meet Ju uses the 'iv'e just started and its heavy' line..... works without fail....... even for me lol.. I have used I'm sorry I am feeling very very ill (sick) can I use your/the bathroom. Then leave asap and then be as honest as possible by either the phone or mail within a day or so to stop anything like ever happening again..
Hope it helped.......

Mike and Julie xxx
I honestly don't know, but I think that's 'cos I wouldn't put myself in that situation. I live on my own so the idea of inviting someone to my house that I'd never met would give me the eebyjeebies.
I can usually tell if I'm attracted to someone in a very short space of time, estate agents say that a house will sell within the first 30 seconds of someone seeing it. I think, though, I'd like to think I'd be honest about it, I'd hope I would anyway.
Quote by flidais-media
interesting one this -
because aside from the how do you send them packing question (I cant answer this as I dont accomodate & only meet socially in a neutral place first anyway like others have said and would never give my home adrress to someone I didnt know well beforehand)
but , knowing that lots of us here have kids at home...... does anyone actually 'do' meets when the kids are at home/ in bed/ out but there's a possibility they could come back ?? for me that's a big No No hence I never accomodate full stop - but, not everyone has access to grandparents/ babysitters/ sleep-overs at friends/ seperated parent's turn to have them etc.....

That's got to be a total 'No', my kids are all grown up (and away) now but how on earth could you guarantee (unless you physically lock them in :shock: ) that they wouldn't just come wandering out of their room? :shock:
We can usually get rid of the kids to a grandparents or Aunts house, but just in case and this is for our own playing as much as anyone else, we still have the baby monitors on the landing and a lock on the lounge door!
We never usually invite "potential" playmates to play at the house though, we've had a couple of instances where the opportunity has arise but all precautions were in place and the people were aware of our situation, knew our family and we can trust them implicitly.
Otherwise, definitely meet on neutral ground first, even if you have to limit it to daytime or brief drinks.
two spoonfulls of Andrews liver salts straight out of the tin in your mouth, throw yourself on your back, have a bit of a froth and a gurgle, legs and arms straight up in the air, give a last gasp, jobs a good un.
Am I too honest? Tell them that you'd like to meet socially in a public place (such as the pub) first to see how everyone gets on. If you don't like the look of them, just say "sorry, but you're not quite what we're looking for". They shouldn't have been expecting sex on this no-sex first meet, so hopefully won't go away too disappointed.
For the ones that you do like, just tell them you can't wait for the second meet and want them NOW.
wouldn`t ever invite someone we had never met straight to ours
very rarely even give our phone no out
always like to meet socially first........and see what happens from there.......
it`s fun to tease and find out if people have a sense of humour etc.....if we`re playing pool i nearly alway win!!!!! dont know why biggrin
pre-arrange for a friend from work to phone you at a stated time then just put yr shoes on etc and say emergency at work.....
...get in round for 5 mins...watching said cpl/whatever disappear into the distance......DONT go straight back home but rather drive round for 10-15 mins then slowly drive back home taking extra care when in the immediate vicinity of your place.
should you be desperately unlucky and he/she/them are still outside (this bit is crucial) dont go into the house but go in the garage and come out carrying some tools/cable/copper tube etc etc shrug your shoulders as you walk past them again and repeat the process until you are in the clear.
it has never failed yet rolleyes and can also be used for those terribly embarrasing "when you wake up moments"
I often wondered why there were so many 'family emergencies' on a Sunday morning, thanks for the insider knowledge wink